#!/bin/bash # Statping installation script for Linux, Mac, and maybe Windows. # # This installation script is a modification of Yarn's installation set -e reset="\033[0m" red="\033[31m" green="\033[32m" yellow="\033[33m" cyan="\033[36m" white="\033[37m" gpg_key=64B9C6AAE2D55278 gpgurl=https://statping.com/statping.gpg repo=https://github.com/statping/statping statping_get_tarball() { fext='tar.gz' if [ ${OS} == 'windows' ]; then fext='zip' ARCH='x64' fi url="$repo/releases/latest/download/statping-$1-$2.$fext" printf "$cyan> Downloading latest version for $OS $ARCH...\n$url $reset\n" # Get both the tarball and its GPG signature tarball_tmp=`mktemp -t statping.tar.gz.XXXXXXXXXX` if curl --fail -L -o "$tarball_tmp" "$url"; then # All this dance is because `tar --strip=1` does not work everywhere temp=$(mktemp -d statping.XXXXXXXXXX) if [ ${OS} == 'windows' ]; then unzip $tarball_tmp -d "$temp" else tar xzf $tarball_tmp -C "$temp" fi printf "$green> Installing to $DEST/statping\n" mv "$temp"/statping "$DEST" newversion=`$DEST/statping version` rm -rf "$temp" rm $tarball_tmp* printf "$cyan> Statping is now installed! $reset\n" printf "$white> Version: $newversion $reset\n" printf "$white> Repo: $repo $reset\n" printf "$white> Wiki: $repo/wiki $reset\n" printf "$white> Issues: $repo/issues $reset\n" printf "$cyan> Try to run \"statping help\" $reset\n" else printf "$red> Failed to download $url.$reset\n" exit 1; fi } statping_reset() { unset -f statping_install statping_reset statping_get_tarball statping_verify_or_quit statping_brew_install getOS getArch } statping_brew_install() { if [[ -z "$(command -v brew --version)" ]]; then printf "${white}Using Brew to install!$reset\n" printf "${yellow}---> brew tap statping/statping$reset\n" brew tap statping/statping printf "${yellow}---> brew install statping$reset\n" brew install statping printf "${green}Brew installation is complete!$reset\n" printf "${yellow}You can use 'brew upgrade' to upgrade Statping next time.$reset\n" else statping_get_tarball $OS $ARCH fi } statping_install() { printf "${white}Installing Statping!$reset\n" getOS getArch if [ "$OS" == "darwin" ]; then statping_brew_install else statping_get_tarball $OS $ARCH fi statping_reset } statping_verify_or_quit() { read -p "$1 [y/N] " -n 1 -r echo if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then printf "$red> Aborting$reset\n" exit 1 fi } # get the users operating system getOS() { OS="`uname`" case $OS in 'Linux') OS='linux' DEST=/usr/local/bin alias ls='ls --color=auto' ;; 'FreeBSD') OS='freebsd' DEST=/usr/local/bin alias ls='ls -G' ;; 'OpenBSD') OS='openbsd' DEST=/usr/local/bin alias ls='ls -G' ;; 'WindowsNT') OS='windows' DEST=/usr/local/bin ;; 'MINGW*') OS='windows' DEST=/usr/local/bin ;; 'CYGWIN*') OS='windows' DEST=/usr/local/bin ;; 'Darwin') OS='darwin' DEST=/usr/local/bin ;; 'SunOS') OS='linux' DEST=/usr/local/bin ;; 'AIX') ;; *) ;; esac } # get 64x or 32 machine arch getArch() { MACHINE_TYPE=`uname -m` if [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'x86_64' ]; then ARCH="amd64" elif [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'arm' ]; then ARCH="arm" elif [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'arm64' ] || [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'aarch64' ] || [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'armv8b' ] || [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'armv8l' ] || [ ${MACHINE_TYPE} == 'aarch64_be' ]; then ARCH="arm64" else ARCH="386" fi } cd ~ statping_install $1 $2