// Statup // Copyright (C) 2018. Hunter Long and the project contributors // Written by Hunter Long and the project contributors // // https://github.com/hunterlong/statup // // The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed // to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast, // the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to // share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free // software for all its users. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . package core import ( "fmt" "github.com/go-yaml/yaml" "github.com/hunterlong/statup/source" "github.com/hunterlong/statup/types" "github.com/hunterlong/statup/utils" "os" "strings" "time" "upper.io/db.v3" "upper.io/db.v3/lib/sqlbuilder" "upper.io/db.v3/mysql" "upper.io/db.v3/postgresql" "upper.io/db.v3/sqlite" ) var ( sqliteSettings sqlite.ConnectionURL postgresSettings postgresql.ConnectionURL mysqlSettings mysql.ConnectionURL DbSession sqlbuilder.Database currentMigration int64 ) type DbConfig types.DbConfig func DbConnection(dbType string, retry bool, location string) error { var err error if dbType == "sqlite" { sqliteSettings = sqlite.ConnectionURL{ Database: location + "/statup.db", } DbSession, err = sqlite.Open(sqliteSettings) if err != nil { return err } } else if dbType == "mysql" { if Configs.Port == "" { Configs.Port = "3306" } host := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", Configs.Host, Configs.Port) mysqlSettings = mysql.ConnectionURL{ Database: Configs.Database, Host: host, User: Configs.User, Password: Configs.Password, Options: map[string]string{"parseTime": "true", "charset": "utf8"}, } DbSession, err = mysql.Open(mysqlSettings) if err != nil { if retry { utils.Log(1, fmt.Sprintf("Database connection to '%v' is not available, trying again in 5 seconds...", host)) return waitForDb(dbType) } else { return err } } } else { if Configs.Port == "" { Configs.Port = "5432" } host := fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", Configs.Host, Configs.Port) postgresSettings = postgresql.ConnectionURL{ Database: Configs.Database, Host: host, User: Configs.User, Password: Configs.Password, } DbSession, err = postgresql.Open(postgresSettings) if err != nil { if retry { utils.Log(1, fmt.Sprintf("Database connection to '%v' is not available, trying again in 5 seconds...", host)) return waitForDb(dbType) } else { return err } } } err = DbSession.Ping() if err == nil { utils.Log(1, fmt.Sprintf("Database connection to '%v' was successful.", DbSession.Name())) } return err } func waitForDb(dbType string) error { time.Sleep(5 * time.Second) return DbConnection(dbType, true, ".") } func DatabaseMaintence() { defer DatabaseMaintence() utils.Log(1, "Checking for database records older than 7 days...") since := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -7) DeleteAllSince("failures", since) DeleteAllSince("hits", since) time.Sleep(60 * time.Minute) } func DeleteAllSince(table string, date time.Time) { sql := fmt.Sprintf("DELETE FROM %v WHERE created_at < '%v';", table, date.Format("2006-01-02")) _, err := DbSession.Exec(db.Raw(sql)) if err != nil { utils.Log(2, err) } } func (c *DbConfig) Save() error { var err error config, err := os.Create("config.yml") if err != nil { utils.Log(4, err) return err } data, err := yaml.Marshal(c) if err != nil { utils.Log(3, err) return err } config.WriteString(string(data)) config.Close() Configs, err = LoadConfig() if err != nil { utils.Log(3, err) return err } err = DbConnection(Configs.Connection, false, c.Location) if err != nil { utils.Log(4, err) return err } DropDatabase() CreateDatabase() newCore := &types.Core{ Name: c.Project, Description: c.Description, Config: "config.yml", ApiKey: utils.NewSHA1Hash(9), ApiSecret: utils.NewSHA1Hash(16), Domain: c.Domain, MigrationId: time.Now().Unix(), } col := DbSession.Collection("core") _, err = col.Insert(newCore) if err == nil { CoreApp = &Core{Core: newCore} } CoreApp, err = SelectCore() if err != nil { utils.Log(4, err) } CoreApp.DbConnection = c.DbConn return err } func versionHigher(migrate int64) bool { if CoreApp.MigrationId < migrate { return true } return false } func reverseSlice(s []string) []string { for i, j := 0, len(s)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } return s } func RunDatabaseUpgrades() error { var err error currentMigration, err = SelectLastMigration() if err != nil { return err } utils.Log(1, fmt.Sprintf("Checking for Database Upgrades since #%v", currentMigration)) upgrade, _ := source.SqlBox.String(CoreApp.DbConnection + "_upgrade.sql") // parse db version and upgrade file ups := strings.Split(upgrade, "=========================================== ") ups = reverseSlice(ups) var ran int var lastMigration int64 for _, v := range ups { if len(v) == 0 { continue } vers := strings.Split(v, "\n") lastMigration = utils.StringInt(vers[0]) data := vers[1:] //fmt.Printf("Checking Migration from v%v to v%v - %v\n", CoreApp.Version, version, versionHigher(version)) if currentMigration >= lastMigration { continue } utils.Log(1, fmt.Sprintf("Migrating Database from #%v to #%v", currentMigration, lastMigration)) for _, m := range data { if m == "" { continue } utils.Log(1, fmt.Sprintf("Running Query: %v", m)) _, err := DbSession.Exec(db.Raw(m + ";")) ran++ if err != nil { utils.Log(2, err) continue } } currentMigration = lastMigration } if ran > 0 { utils.Log(1, fmt.Sprintf("Database Upgraded %v queries ran, current #%v", ran, currentMigration)) CoreApp, err = SelectCore() if err != nil { panic(err) } CoreApp.MigrationId = currentMigration UpdateCore(CoreApp) } return err } func DropDatabase() error { utils.Log(1, "Dropping Database Tables...") down, err := source.SqlBox.String("down.sql") if err != nil { return err } requests := strings.Split(down, ";") for _, request := range requests { _, err := DbSession.Exec(request) if err != nil { utils.Log(2, err) } } return err } func CreateDatabase() error { utils.Log(1, "Creating Database Tables...") sql := "postgres_up.sql" if CoreApp.DbConnection == "mysql" { sql = "mysql_up.sql" } else if CoreApp.DbConnection == "sqlite" { sql = "sqlite_up.sql" } up, err := source.SqlBox.String(sql) requests := strings.Split(up, ";") for _, request := range requests { _, err := DbSession.Exec(request) if err != nil { utils.Log(2, err) } } //secret := NewSHA1Hash() //db.QueryRow("INSERT INTO core (secret, version) VALUES ($1, $2);", secret, VERSION).Scan() utils.Log(1, "Database Created") //SampleData() return err } func (c *DbConfig) Clean() *DbConfig { if os.Getenv("DB_PORT") != "" { if c.DbConn == "postgres" { c.DbHost = c.DbHost + ":" + os.Getenv("DB_PORT") } } return c }