# Deploy Portainer demo (demo.portainer.io) in a play-with-docker playground # # - Go to http://play-with-docker.com/?stack=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/portainer/portainer-demo/master/play-with-docker/docker-stack.yml # - Login and/or Start. # - Wait until 'Your session is ready!' and 'Close' modal. # - Refresh (if a shell is not shown). # - Wait until a link with text '80' is shown. It is the link to the demo. # - Visit https://github.com/portainer/portainer to check default credentials. # version: '3' services: trigger: image: franela/dind command: sh -c "git clone https://github.com/portainer/portainer-demo/ && ./portainer-demo/portainer-demo.sh && tail -f /dev/null" volumes: [ '/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock' ]