i18n language generate script from aws

hunterlong 2020-09-09 14:11:32 -07:00
parent ec528befcf
commit 6ca458186d
30 changed files with 1049 additions and 544 deletions

View File

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ jobs:
COMMIT: ${{ github.sha }}
MJML_APP: ${{ secrets.MJML_APP }}
run: make clean generate compile
- name: Upload Compiled Frontend (rice-box.go)

View File

@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ jobs:
COMMIT: ${{ github.sha }}
MJML_APP: ${{ secrets.MJML_APP }}
run: make clean generate compile
- name: Upload Compiled Frontend (rice-box.go)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# 0.90.66 (09-08-2020)
- Added Import and Export views in Dashboard
- Modified services list sparkline to use start/end of day timestamp
- Modified i18n language files, added go generate script to automatically translate
# 0.90.65 (09-01-2020)
- Fixed issue with dashboard not logging in (notifier panic)

View File

@ -3,23 +3,23 @@
<div class="row stats_area mb-5">
<div class="col-4">
<span class="font-6 font-weight-bold d-block">{{$store.getters.services.length}}</span>
<span class="font-2">{{ $t('dashboard.total_services') }}</span>
<span class="font-2">{{ $t('total_services') }}</span>
<div class="col-4">
<span class="font-6 font-weight-bold d-block">{{failuresLast24Hours()}}</span>
<span class="font-2">{{ $t('dashboard.failures_24_hours') }}</span>
<span class="font-2">{{ $t('failures_24_hours') }}</span>
<div class="col-4">
<span class="font-6 font-weight-bold d-block">{{$store.getters.onlineServices(true).length}}</span>
<span class="font-2">{{ $t('dashboard.online_services') }}</span>
<span class="font-2">{{ $t('online_services') }}</span>
<div class="col-12" v-if="services.length === 0">
<div class="alert alert-dark d-block">
You currently don't have any services!
<router-link v-if="$store.state.admin" to="/dashboard/create_service" class="btn btn-sm btn-success float-right">
<font-awesome-icon icon="plus"/> Create
<font-awesome-icon icon="plus"/> {{ $t('create') }}

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
<div class="col-12">
<div class="card contain-card mb-4">
<div class="card-header">{{ $t('top_nav.services') }}
<div class="card-header">{{ $t('services') }}
<router-link v-if="$store.state.admin" to="/dashboard/create_service" class="btn btn-sm btn-success float-right">
<font-awesome-icon icon="plus"/> Create
<font-awesome-icon icon="plus"/> {{$t('create')}}
<div class="card-body pt-0">
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<div class="card contain-card mb-4">
<div class="card-header">{{ $t('top_nav.groups') }}</div>
<div class="card-header">{{ $t('groups') }}</div>
<div class="card-body pt-0">
<div v-if="groupsList.length === 0">
@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
<table v-else class="table">
<th scope="col">{{ $t('dashboard.name') }}</th>
<th scope="col" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">{{ $tc('dashboard.service', 2) }}</th>
<th scope="col">{{ $t('dashboard.visibility') }}</th>
<th scope="col">{{ $t('name') }}</th>
<th scope="col" class="d-none d-md-table-cell">{{ $tc('service', 2) }}</th>
<th scope="col">{{ $t('visibility') }}</th>
<th scope="col"></th>

View File

@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
<div class="row">
<h5 v-if="group.name && group_services" class="h5 col-12 mb-3 mt-2 text-dim">
<font-awesome-icon @click="toggle" :icon="expanded ? 'minus' : 'plus'" class="pointer mr-3"/> {{group.name}}
<span class="badge badge-success text-uppercase float-right ml-2">{{services_online.length}} online</span>
<span class="badge badge-success text-uppercase float-right ml-2">{{services_online.length}} {{$t('online')}}</span>
<span v-if="services_online.services_offline > 0" class="badge badge-danger text-uppercase float-right">
{{services_offline.length}} offline
{{services_offline.length}} {{$t('offline')}}
<div class="col-12 col-md-4" v-if="expanded" v-for="service in group_services">

View File

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
<span v-for="(failure, index) in failures" v-bind:key="index" class="alert alert-light">
Failed {{failure.created_at}}<br>
{{ $t('failed') }} {{failure.created_at}}<br>

View File

@ -9,29 +9,29 @@
<div class="navbar-collapse" :class="{collapse: !navopen}" id="navbarText">
<ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto">
<li @click="navopen = !navopen" class="nav-item navbar-item">
<router-link to="/dashboard" class="nav-link">{{ $t('top_nav.dashboard') }}</router-link>
<router-link to="/dashboard" class="nav-link">{{ $t('dashboard') }}</router-link>
<li @click="navopen = !navopen" class="nav-item navbar-item">
<router-link to="/dashboard/services" class="nav-link">{{ $t('top_nav.services') }}</router-link>
<router-link to="/dashboard/services" class="nav-link">{{ $t('services') }}</router-link>
<li v-if="admin" @click="navopen = !navopen" class="nav-item navbar-item">
<router-link to="/dashboard/users" class="nav-link">{{ $t('top_nav.users') }}</router-link>
<router-link to="/dashboard/users" class="nav-link">{{ $t('users') }}</router-link>
<li @click="navopen = !navopen" class="nav-item navbar-item">
<router-link to="/dashboard/messages" class="nav-link">{{ $t('top_nav.announcements') }}</router-link>
<router-link to="/dashboard/messages" class="nav-link">{{ $t('announcements') }}</router-link>
<li v-if="admin" @click="navopen = !navopen" class="nav-item navbar-item">
<router-link to="/dashboard/settings" class="nav-link">{{ $t('top_nav.settings') }}</router-link>
<router-link to="/dashboard/settings" class="nav-link">{{ $t('settings') }}</router-link>
<li v-if="admin" @click="navopen = !navopen" class="nav-item navbar-item">
<router-link to="/dashboard/logs" class="nav-link">{{ $t('top_nav.logs') }}</router-link>
<router-link to="/dashboard/logs" class="nav-link">{{ $t('logs') }}</router-link>
<li v-if="admin" @click="navopen = !navopen" class="nav-item navbar-item">
<router-link to="/dashboard/help" class="nav-link">{{ $t('top_nav.help') }}</router-link>
<router-link to="/dashboard/help" class="nav-link">{{ $t('help') }}</router-link>
<span class="navbar-text">
<a href="#" class="nav-link" @click.prevent="logout">{{ $t('top_nav.logout') }}</a>
<a href="#" class="nav-link" @click.prevent="logout">{{ $t('logout') }}</a>

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<div v-if="!core.footer" class="footer text-center mb-4 p-2">
<div class="d-block text-dim">
<div class="mb-3">
<router-link class="links" :to="admin ? '/dashboard' : '/login'">{{$t('top_nav.dashboard')}}</router-link>
<router-link class="links" :to="admin ? '/dashboard' : '/login'">{{$t('dashboard')}}</router-link>
<span class="font-1 mt-3">
<a href="https://github.com/statping/statping" class="statping" target="_blank">

View File

@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
<div class="row mt-2">
<div class="col-12 no-select">
<p class="divided">
<span class="font-2 text-muted">90 Days Ago</span>
<span class="font-2 text-muted">90 {{$t('days_ago')}}</span>
<span class="divider"></span>
<span class="text-center font-2" :class="{'text-muted': service.online, 'text-danger': !service.online}">{{service_txt}}</span>
<span class="divider"></span>
<span class="font-2 text-muted">Today</span>
<span class="font-2 text-muted">{{$t('today')}}</span>

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
<div class="col-md-2 col-6 float-right">
<button v-if="!expanded" @click="setService" class="btn btn-sm float-right dyn-dark text-white" :class="{'bg-success': service.online, 'bg-danger': !service.online}">

View File

@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
<div class="row stats_area mt-5 mb-4">
<div class="col-4">
<span class="font-5 d-block font-weight-bold">{{humanTime(service.avg_response)}}</span>
<span class="font-1 subtitle">{{$t('service.average')}}</span>
<span class="font-1 subtitle">{{$t('average_response')}}</span>
<div class="col-4">
<span class="font-5 d-block font-weight-bold">{{service.online_24_hours}} %</span>
<span class="font-1 subtitle">{{$t('service.last_uptime', [24, $tc('hour', 24)])}}</span>
<span class="font-1 subtitle">{{$t('last_uptime', [24, $tc('hour', 24)])}}</span>
<div class="col-4">
<span class="font-5 d-block font-weight-bold">{{service.online_7_days}} %</span>
<span class="font-1 subtitle">{{$t('service.last_uptime', [7, $tc('day', 7)])}}</span>
<span class="font-1 subtitle">{{$t('last_uptime', [7, $tc('day', 7)])}}</span>

View File

@ -16,10 +16,10 @@
<div class="form-group row">
<div class="col-sm-12">
<div v-if="error" class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">
<button @click.prevent="login" type="submit" class="btn btn-block btn-primary" :disabled="disabled || loading">
<font-awesome-icon v-if="loading" icon="circle-notch" class="mr-2" spin/>{{loading ? $t('dashboard.loading') : $t('dashboard.sign_in')}}
<font-awesome-icon v-if="loading" icon="circle-notch" class="mr-2" spin/>{{loading ? $t('loading') : $t('sign_in')}}

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
<form v-if="service.type" @submit.prevent="saveService">
<div class="card contain-card mb-4">
<div class="card-header">{{ $t('service.info') }}</div>
<div class="card-header">{{ $t('service_info') }}</div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="form-group row">
<label class="col-sm-4 col-form-label">{{ $t('service.name') }}</label>
<label class="col-sm-4 col-form-label">{{ $t('service_name') }}</label>
<div class="col-sm-8">
<input v-model="service.name" @input="updatePermalink" id="name" type="text" name="name" class="form-control" placeholder="Server Name" required spellcheck="false" autocorrect="off">
<small class="form-text text-muted">Give your service a name you can recognize</small>

View File

@ -9,17 +9,21 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="col-12 col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.language') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('language') }}</label>
<select @change="changeLanguages" v-model="setup.language" id="language" class="form-control">
<option value="en">English</option>
<option value="es">Spanish</option>
<option value="fr">French</option>
<option value="ru">Russian</option>
<option value="de">German</option>
<option value="ja">Japanese</option>
<option value="ko">Korean</option>
<option value="it">Italian</option>
<option value="zh">Chinese</option>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.connection') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('db_connection') }}</label>
<select @change="canSubmit" v-model="setup.db_connection" id="db_connection" class="form-control">
<option value="sqlite">SQLite</option>
<option value="postgres">Postgres</option>
@ -29,34 +33,34 @@
<div class="row">
<div class="col-7 col-md-6">
<div v-if="setup.db_connection !== 'sqlite'" class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.host') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('db_host') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.db_host" id="db_host" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="localhost">
<div class="col-5 col-md-6">
<div v-if="setup.db_connection !== 'sqlite'" class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('port') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('db_port') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.db_port" id="db_port" type="number" class="form-control" placeholder="5432">
<div v-if="setup.db_connection !== 'sqlite'" class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('username') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('db_username') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.db_user" id="db_user" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="root">
<div v-if="setup.db_connection !== 'sqlite'" class="form-group">
<label for="db_password" class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('password') }}</label>
<label for="db_password" class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('db_password') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.db_password" id="db_password" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="password123">
<div v-if="setup.db_connection !== 'sqlite'" class="form-group">
<label for="db_database" class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.database') }}</label>
<label for="db_database" class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('db_database') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.db_database" id="db_database" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Database name">
<div class="form-group mt-3">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-9">
<span class="text-left text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.send_reports') }}</span>
<span class="text-left text-capitalize">{{ $t('send_reports') }}</span>
<div class="col-3 text-right">
<span @click="setup.send_reports = !!setup.send_reports" class="switch">
@ -72,32 +76,32 @@
<div class="col-12 col-md-6">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.project_name') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('project_name') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.project" id="project" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Work Servers" required>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.project_description') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('description') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.description" id="description" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Monitors all of my work services">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize" for="domain">{{ $t('setup.domain') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize" for="domain">{{ $t('domain') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.domain" type="text" class="form-control" id="domain" required>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.username') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('username') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.username" id="username" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="admin" required>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.password') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('password') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.password" id="password" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="password" required>
<div class="form-group">
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.password_confirm') }}</label>
<label class="text-capitalize">{{ $t('confirm_password') }}</label>
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.confirm_password" id="password_confirm" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="password" required>
<span v-if="passnomatch" class="small text-danger">Both passwords should match</span>
@ -109,14 +113,14 @@
<input @keyup="canSubmit" v-model="setup.email" id="email" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="myemail@domain.com">
<div class="col-4 text-right">
<label class="d-none d-sm-block text-capitalize text-capitalize">{{ $t('setup.newsletter') }}</label>
<label class="d-none d-sm-block text-capitalize text-capitalize">{{ $t('newsletter') }}</label>
<span @click="setup.newsletter = !!setup.newsletter" class="switch">
<input v-model="setup.newsletter" type="checkbox" name="send_newsletter" class="switch" id="send_newsletter" :checked="setup.newsletter">
<label for="send_newsletter"></label>
<small>{{ $t('setup.newsletter_note') }}</small>
<small>{{ $t('newsletter_note') }}</small>
@ -126,7 +130,7 @@
<div class="col-12">
<button @click.prevent="saveSetup" v-bind:disabled="disabled || loading" type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" :class="{'btn-primary': !loading, 'btn-default': loading}">
<font-awesome-icon v-if="loading" icon="circle-notch" class="mr-2" spin/>{{loading ? "Loading..." : "Save Settings"}}
<font-awesome-icon v-if="loading" icon="circle-notch" class="mr-2" spin/>{{loading ? $t('loading') : $t('save_settings')}}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
const chinese = {
settings: "设置",
dashboard: "仪表板",
services: "服务",
service: "服务",
failures: "失败",
users: "用户",
login: "登录",
logout: "注销",
online: "在线",
offline: "离线",
username: "用户名",
password: "密码",
email: "电子邮件",
confirm_password: "确认密码",
uptime: "正常运行时间",
name: "名称",
copy: "复制",
secret: "秘密",
regen_api: "重新生成 API 密钥",
visibility: "可见性",
group: "小组",
groups: "组",
no_group: "无组",
public: "公共",
private: "私人",
announcements: "公告",
notifiers: "通告程序",
logs: "日志",
help: "帮助",
type: "类型",
edit: "编辑",
create: "创建",
view: "查看",
save: "保存",
status: "状态",
total_services: "服务总数",
online_services: "在线服务",
request_timeout: "请求超时",
service_never_online: "服务从未在线",
days_ago: "天前",
today: "今天",
failures_24_hours: "过去 24 小时失败",
no_services: "您目前没有任何服务!",
theme: "主题",
cache: "高速缓存",
authentication: "身份验证",
import: "导入",
main_settings: "主要设置",
variables: "变量",
docs: "文档",
links: "链接",
changelog: "更改日志",
repo: "存储库",
language: "语言",
db_connection: "数据库连接",
db_host: "数据库主机",
db_port: "数据库端口",
db_username: "数据库用户名",
db_password: "数据库口令",
db_database: "数据库名称",
send_reports: "发送错误报告",
project_name: "状态页面名称",
description: "说明",
domain: "域",
newsletter: "新闻通讯",
newsletter_note: "我们只会向您发送重大变更的电子邮件",
loading: "正在加载",
save_settings: "保存设置",
average_response: "平均响应",
last_uptime: "上次正常运行时间",
sign_in: "登录",
failed: "失败",
wrong_login: "用户名或密码不正确"
export default chinese

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
confirm_password,Confirm Password
regen_api,Regenerate API Keys
no_group,No Group
total_services,Total Services
online_services,Online Services
request_timeout,Request Timeout
service_never_online,Service has never been online
days_ago,Days Ago
failures_24_hours,Failures last 24 hours
no_services,You currently don't have any services!
main_settings,Main Settings
changelog,Change Log
db_connection,Database Connection
db_host,Database Host
db_port,Database Port
db_username,Database Username
db_password,Database Password
db_database,Database Name
send_reports,Send Error Reports
project_name,Status Page Name
newsletter_note,We will only send you an email for major changes
save_settings,Save Settings
average_response,Average Response
last_uptime,Uptime last
sign_in,Sign In
wrong_login,Incorrect username or password
1 key en
2 settings Settings
3 dashboard Dashboard
4 services Services
5 service Service
6 failures Failures
7 users Users
8 login Login
9 logout Logout
10 online Online
11 offline Offline
12 username Username
13 password Password
14 email Email
15 confirm_password Confirm Password
16 uptime Uptime
17 name Name
18 copy Copy
19 secret Secret
20 regen_api Regenerate API Keys
21 visibility Visibility
22 group Group
23 groups Groups
24 no_group No Group
25 public Public
26 private Private
27 announcements Announcements
28 notifiers Notifiers
29 logs Logs
30 help Help
31 type Type
32 edit Edit
33 create Create
34 view View
35 save Save
36 status Status
37 total_services Total Services
38 online_services Online Services
39 request_timeout Request Timeout
40 service_never_online Service has never been online
41 days_ago Days Ago
42 today Today
43 failures_24_hours Failures last 24 hours
44 no_services You currently don't have any services!
45 theme Theme
46 cache Cache
47 authentication Authentication
48 import Import
49 main_settings Main Settings
50 variables Variables
51 docs Documentation
52 links Links
53 changelog Change Log
54 repo Repository
55 language Language
56 db_connection Database Connection
57 db_host Database Host
58 db_port Database Port
59 db_username Database Username
60 db_password Database Password
61 db_database Database Name
62 send_reports Send Error Reports
63 project_name Status Page Name
64 description Description
65 domain Domain
66 newsletter Newsletter
67 newsletter_note We will only send you an email for major changes
68 loading Loading
69 save_settings Save Settings
70 average_response Average Response
71 last_uptime Uptime last
72 sign_in Sign In
73 failed Failed
74 wrong_login Incorrect username or password

View File

@ -1,103 +1,77 @@
const english = {
top_nav: {
settings: "Settings",
dashboard: "Dashboard",
services: "Services",
service: "Service",
failures: "Failures",
users: "Users",
login: "Login",
logout: "Logout",
online: "Online",
offline: "Offline",
username: "Username",
password: "Password",
email: "Email",
confirm_password: "Confirm Password",
uptime: "Uptime",
name: "Name",
copy: "Copy",
secret: "Secret",
regen_api: "Regenerate API Keys",
visibility: "Visibility",
group: "Group",
groups: "Groups",
no_group: "No Group",
public: "Public",
private: "Private",
announcements: "Announcements",
settings: "Settings",
notifiers: "Notifiers",
logs: "Logs",
help: "Help",
logout: 'Logout',
setup: {
language: "Language",
connection: "Database Connection",
host: "Host",
database: "Database",
project_name: "Project Name",
project_description: "Project Description",
domain: "Domain URL",
username: "Admin Username",
password: "Admin Password",
password_confirm: "Confirm Admin Password",
newsletter: "Newsletter",
newsletter_note: "We will not share your email, emails are only for major updates.",
send_reports: "Send Error Reports to Statping"
dashboard: {
type: "Type",
edit: "Edit",
create: "Create",
view: "View",
save: "Save",
status: "Status",
total_services: "Total Services",
failures_24_hours: "Failures last 24 Hours",
online_services: "Online Services",
service: 'Service | Services',
group: 'Group',
title: 'Title',
begins: 'Begins',
name: 'Name',
loading: 'Loading',
login: 'Login',
sign_in: "Sign In",
visibility: 'Visibility',
wrong_login: 'Incorrect username or password'
settings: {
name: "Site Name",
description: "Site Description",
footer: "Custom Footer",
footer_notes: "HTML is allowed inside the footer",
error_reporting: "Enable Error Reporting",
error_reporting_notes: "Help the Statping project out by sending anonymous error logs back to our server.",
save: "Save Settings",
main: "Main Settings",
theme: "Theme Editor",
request_timeout: "Request Timeout",
service_never_online: "Service has never been online",
days_ago: "Days Ago",
today: "Today",
failures_24_hours: "Failures last 24 hours",
no_services: "You currently don't have any services!",
theme: "Theme",
cache: "Cache",
oauth: "OAuth",
import: "Import & Export",
export: "Export",
beta: "BETA",
changelog: "Changelog",
repo: "Statping Github Repo",
authentication: "Authentication",
import: "Import",
main_settings: "Main Settings",
variables: "Variables",
docs: "Documentation",
service: {
name: "Service Name",
type: "Service Type",
info: "Service Information",
view: "View Service",
average: "Average Response",
last_uptime: "Uptime last {0} {1}",
email: "Email Address",
port: "Database Port",
setting: "Settings",
username: "Username",
password: 'Password',
services: 'Services',
domain: 'Domain',
online: 'online',
public: 'Public',
private: 'Private',
admin: 'Admin',
offline: 'offline',
failure: 'failure | failures',
incident: 'incident | incidents',
checkin: 'checkin | checkins',
user: 'User | Users',
group: 'Group',
message: 'message',
edit: 'Edit',
type: 'Type',
sample_data: 'Sample Data',
today: 'Today',
last_login: 'Last Login',
uptime: '{0}% Uptime',
close: 'Close',
second: 'second | seconds',
minute: 'minute | minutes',
hour: 'hour | hours',
day: 'day | days',
week: 'week | weeks',
month: 'month | months',
links: "Links",
changelog: "Change Log",
repo: "Repository",
language: "Language",
db_connection: "Database Connection",
db_host: "Database Host",
db_port: "Database Port",
db_username: "Database Username",
db_password: "Database Password",
db_database: "Database Name",
send_reports: "Send Error Reports",
project_name: "Status Page Name",
description: "Description",
domain: "Domain",
newsletter: "Newsletter",
newsletter_note: "We will only send you an email for major changes",
loading: "Loading",
save_settings: "Save Settings",
average_response: "Average Response",
last_uptime: "Uptime last",
sign_in: "Sign In",
failed: "Failed",
wrong_login: "Incorrect username or password"
export default english
export default english

View File

@ -1,101 +1,77 @@
const french = {
top_nav: {
dashboard: "Dashboard",
settings: "Paramètres",
dashboard: "Tableau de bord",
services: "Services",
users: "Users",
groups: "Groups",
announcements: "Announcements",
settings: "Settings",
logs: "Logs",
help: "Help",
logout: 'Logout',
setup: {
language: "Language",
connection: "Database Connection",
host: "Host",
database: "Database",
project_name: "Project Name",
project_description: "Project Description",
domain: "Domain URL",
username: "Admin Username",
password: "Admin Password",
password_confirm: "Confirm Admin Password",
newsletter: "Newsletter",
newsletter_note: "We will not share your email, emails are only for major updates.",
send_reports: "Send Error Reports to Statping"
dashboard: {
total_services: "Total Services",
failures_24_hours: "Failures last 24 Hours",
online_services: "Online Services",
service: 'Service | Services',
group: 'Group',
title: 'Title',
begins: 'Begins',
name: 'Name',
loading: 'Loading',
login: 'Login',
sign_in: "Sign In",
visibility: 'Visibility',
wrong_login: 'Incorrect username or password'
settings: {
name: "Project Name",
description: "Project Name",
footer: "Custom Footer",
footer_notes: "HTML is allowed inside the footer",
error_reporting: "Enable Error Reporting",
error_reporting_notes: "Help the Statping project out by sending anonymous error logs back to our server.",
save: "Save Settings",
main: "Main Settings",
theme: "Theme Editor",
service: "Service",
failures: "Échecs",
users: "Utilisateurs",
login: "Identifiant",
logout: "Déconnexion",
online: "En ligne",
offline: "Offline",
username: "Nom d'utilisateur",
password: "mot de passe",
email: "Email",
confirm_password: "Confirmer le",
uptime: "Temps de disponibilité",
name: "Nom",
copy: "Copie",
secret: "Secret",
regen_api: "Régénérer les clés d'API",
visibility: "Visibilité",
group: "Groupe",
groups: "Groupes",
no_group: "Pas de groupe",
public: "Publique",
private: "Privé",
announcements: "Annonces",
notifiers: "Notifiants",
logs: "Journaux",
help: "Aider",
type: "Type",
edit: "Éditer",
create: "Créer",
view: "Voir",
save: "Sauvegarder",
status: "Statut",
total_services: "Total des services",
online_services: "Services en ligne",
request_timeout: "Délai d'attente de",
service_never_online: "Le service n'a jamais été en ligne",
days_ago: "Il y a jours",
today: "Aujourd'hui",
failures_24_hours: "Les échecs durent 24 heures",
no_services: "Vous n'avez actuellement aucun service !",
theme: "Thème",
cache: "Cache",
oauth: "OAuth",
beta: "BETA",
changelog: "Changelog",
repo: "Statping Github Repo",
authentication: "Authentification",
import: "Importer",
main_settings: "Paramètres principaux",
variables: "Variables",
docs: "Documentation",
service: {
name: "Service Name",
type: "Service Type",
info: "Service Information",
view: "View Service",
average: "Average Response",
last_uptime: "Uptime last {0} {1}",
email: "Email Address",
port: "Database Port",
setting: "Settings",
username: "Username",
password: 'Password',
services: 'Services',
domain: 'Domain',
online: 'online',
public: 'Public',
private: 'Private',
admin: 'Admin',
offline: 'offline',
failure: 'failure | failures',
incident: 'incident | incidents',
checkin: 'checkin | checkins',
user: 'User | Users',
group: 'Group',
message: 'message',
edit: 'Edit',
type: 'Type',
sample_data: 'Sample Data',
today: 'Today',
last_login: 'Last Login',
uptime: '{0}% Uptime',
close: 'Close',
second: 'second | seconds',
minute: 'minute | minutes',
hour: 'hour | hours',
day: 'day | days',
week: 'week | weeks',
month: 'month | months',
links: "Links",
changelog: "Journal des modifications",
repo: "Référentiel",
language: "Langue",
db_connection: "Connexion à la base",
db_host: "Hôte de base",
db_port: "Port base de données",
db_username: "Nom utilisateur de base",
db_password: "Mot de passe",
db_database: "Nom de la base",
send_reports: "Envoyer des rapports d'erreurs",
project_name: "Nom de la page d'état",
description: "Description",
domain: "Domaine",
newsletter: "Bulletin",
newsletter_note: "Nous ne vous enverrons qu'un e-mail pour les modifications majeures",
loading: "Chargement",
save_settings: "Enregistrer les paramètres",
average_response: "Réponse moyenne",
last_uptime: "Temps de disponibilité dernier",
sign_in: "Se connecter",
failed: "Échec",
wrong_login: "Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe"
export default french
export default french

View File

@ -1,101 +1,77 @@
const german = {
top_nav: {
dashboard: "Dashboard",
services: "Services",
users: "Users",
groups: "Groups",
announcements: "Announcements",
settings: "Settings",
logs: "Logs",
help: "Help",
logout: 'Logout',
setup: {
language: "Language",
connection: "Database Connection",
host: "Host",
database: "Database",
project_name: "Project Name",
project_description: "Project Description",
domain: "Domain URL",
username: "Admin Username",
password: "Admin Password",
password_confirm: "Confirm Admin Password",
newsletter: "Newsletter",
newsletter_note: "We will not share your email, emails are only for major updates.",
send_reports: "Send Error Reports to Statping"
dashboard: {
total_services: "Total Services",
failures_24_hours: "Failures last 24 Hours",
online_services: "Online Services",
service: 'Service | Services',
group: 'Group',
title: 'Title',
begins: 'Begins',
name: 'Name',
loading: 'Loading',
login: 'Login',
sign_in: "Sign In",
visibility: 'Visibility',
wrong_login: 'Incorrect username or password'
settings: {
name: "Project Name",
description: "Project Name",
footer: "Custom Footer",
footer_notes: "HTML is allowed inside the footer",
error_reporting: "Enable Error Reporting",
error_reporting_notes: "Help the Statping project out by sending anonymous error logs back to our server.",
save: "Save Settings",
main: "Main Settings",
theme: "Theme Editor",
settings: "Einstellungen",
dashboard: "Armaturenbrett",
services: "Dienstleistungen",
service: "Service",
failures: "Ausfälle",
users: "Benutzer",
login: "Login",
logout: "Abmelden",
online: "Online",
offline: "Offline",
username: "Benutzername",
password: "Kennwort",
email: "Mail",
confirm_password: "Passwort bestätigen",
uptime: "Betriebszeit",
name: "Name",
copy: "Kopie",
secret: "Geheimnis",
regen_api: "API-Schlüssel neu generieren",
visibility: "Sichtbarkeit",
group: "Gruppe",
groups: "Gruppen",
no_group: "Keine Gruppe",
public: "Öffentlichkeit",
private: "Privat",
announcements: "Ankündigungen",
notifiers: "Notifizierer",
logs: "Protokolle",
help: "Helfen",
type: "Typ",
edit: "Bearbeiten",
create: "Schaffen",
view: "Ansicht",
save: "sparen",
status: "Status",
total_services: "Dienstleistungen insgesamt",
online_services: "Online-Dienste",
request_timeout: "Zeitüberschreitung anfordern",
service_never_online: "Service war noch nie online",
days_ago: "Vor Tagen",
today: "Heute",
failures_24_hours: "Ausfälle dauern 24 Stunden",
no_services: "Sie haben derzeit keine Dienste!",
theme: "Thema",
cache: "Cache",
oauth: "OAuth",
beta: "BETA",
changelog: "Changelog",
repo: "Statping Github Repo",
docs: "Documentation",
service: {
name: "Service Name",
type: "Service Type",
info: "Service Information",
view: "View Service",
average: "Average Response",
last_uptime: "Uptime last {0} {1}",
email: "Email Address",
port: "Database Port",
setting: "Settings",
username: "Username",
password: 'Password',
services: 'Services',
domain: 'Domain',
online: 'online',
public: 'Public',
private: 'Private',
admin: 'Admin',
offline: 'offline',
failure: 'failure | failures',
incident: 'incident | incidents',
checkin: 'checkin | checkins',
user: 'User | Users',
group: 'Group',
message: 'message',
edit: 'Edit',
type: 'Type',
sample_data: 'Sample Data',
today: 'Today',
last_login: 'Last Login',
uptime: '{0}% Uptime',
close: 'Close',
second: 'second | seconds',
minute: 'minute | minutes',
hour: 'hour | hours',
day: 'day | days',
week: 'week | weeks',
month: 'month | months',
authentication: "Authentifikation",
import: "Importieren",
main_settings: "Haupteinstellungen",
variables: "Variablen",
docs: "Dokumentation",
links: "Links",
changelog: "Protokoll ändern",
repo: "Depot",
language: "Sprache",
db_connection: "Datenbankverbindung",
db_host: "Datenbank-Host",
db_port: "Datenbank-Port",
db_username: "Datenbank-Benutzername",
db_password: "Datenbank-Kennwort",
db_database: "Name der Datenbank",
send_reports: "Fehlerberichte senden",
project_name: "Name der Seite „Status“",
description: "Beschreibung",
domain: "Domäne",
newsletter: "Newsletter",
newsletter_note: "Wir senden Ihnen nur eine E-Mail für größere Änderungen",
loading: "Laden",
save_settings: "Einstellungen speichern",
average_response: "Durchschnittliche Antwort",
last_uptime: "Betriebszeit zuletzt",
sign_in: "Anmelden",
failed: "Fehlgeschlagen",
wrong_login: "Falscher Benutzername oder Passwort"
export default german
export default german

View File

@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ import spanish from "./spanish"
import german from "./german"
import russian from "./russian";
import french from "./french";
import japanese from "./japanese";
import chinese from "./chinese";
import korean from "./korean";
import italian from "./italian";
const language = {
en: english,
@ -10,6 +14,10 @@ const language = {
de: german,
ru: russian,
fr: french,
ja: japanese,
zh: chinese,
ko: korean,
it: italian,
export default language

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
const italian = {
settings: "Impostazioni",
dashboard: "cruscotto",
services: "Servizi",
service: "Servizio",
failures: "Fallimenti",
users: "Utenti",
login: "Login",
logout: "Disconnetti",
online: "Online",
offline: "Offline",
username: "Nome utente",
password: "Password",
email: "E-mail",
confirm_password: "Conferma password",
uptime: "Tempi di attività",
name: "Nome",
copy: "Copia",
secret: "Segreto",
regen_api: "Rigenera chiavi API",
visibility: "Visibilità",
group: "Gruppo",
groups: "Gruppi",
no_group: "Nessun gruppo",
public: "Pubblico",
private: "Privato",
announcements: "Comunicazioni",
notifiers: "Notificatori",
logs: "Log",
help: "Guida",
type: "Tipo",
edit: "Modifica",
create: "Crea",
view: "Visualizza",
save: "Salvare",
status: "Stato",
total_services: "Totale servizi",
online_services: "Servizi online",
request_timeout: "Timeout richiesta",
service_never_online: "Il servizio non è mai stato online",
days_ago: "Giorni fa",
today: "Oggi",
failures_24_hours: "Errori nelle ultime 24 ore",
no_services: "Al momento non hai alcun servizio!",
theme: "Tema",
cache: "Cache",
authentication: "autenticazione",
import: "Importa",
main_settings: "Impostazioni principali",
variables: "Variabili",
docs: "Documentazione",
links: "Collegamenti",
changelog: "Registro delle modifiche",
repo: "repository",
language: "Lingua",
db_connection: "Connessione al database",
db_host: "Host del database",
db_port: "Porta del database",
db_username: "Nome utente del database",
db_password: "Password del database",
db_database: "Nome database",
send_reports: "Invia segnalazioni errori",
project_name: "Nome pagina di stato",
description: "Descrizione",
domain: "Dominio",
newsletter: "Bollettino",
newsletter_note: "Ti invieremo solo una e-mail per le modifiche più importanti",
loading: "Caricamento",
save_settings: "Salva impostazioni",
average_response: "Risposta media",
last_uptime: "Ultimo tempo di attività",
sign_in: "Accedi",
failed: "Non riuscito",
wrong_login: "Nome utente o password non corretti"
export default italian

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
const japanese = {
settings: "設定",
dashboard: "ダッシュボード",
services: "サービス",
service: "サービス",
failures: "障害",
users: "ユーザー",
login: "ログイン",
logout: "ログアウト",
online: "オンライン",
offline: "オフライン",
username: "ユーザ名",
password: "パスワード",
email: "Eメール",
confirm_password: "パスワードの確認",
uptime: "稼働時間",
name: "氏名",
copy: "コピー",
secret: "秘密",
regen_api: "API キーの再生成",
visibility: "可視性",
group: "グループ",
groups: "グループ",
no_group: "グループなし",
public: "パブリック",
private: "私立",
announcements: "アナウンス",
notifiers: "通知者",
logs: "ログ",
help: "ヘルプ",
type: "タイプ",
edit: "編集",
create: "作成",
view: "ビュー",
save: "保存する",
status: "ステータス",
total_services: "トータルサービス",
online_services: "オンラインサービス",
request_timeout: "リクエストのタイムアウト",
service_never_online: "サービスがオンラインになったことがない",
days_ago: "日前",
today: "今日",
failures_24_hours: "過去 24 時間の障害",
no_services: "現在、サービスをお持ちになりません。",
theme: "テーマ",
cache: "キャッシュ",
authentication: "認証",
import: "インポート",
main_settings: "メイン設定",
variables: "変数",
docs: "ドキュメント",
links: "リンク",
changelog: "変更ログ",
repo: "リポジトリ",
language: "言語",
db_connection: "データベース接続",
db_host: "データベース・ホスト",
db_port: "データベースポート",
db_username: "データベースのユーザー名",
db_password: "データベースパスワード",
db_database: "データベース名",
send_reports: "エラーレポートを送信",
project_name: "ステータスページ名",
description: "説明",
domain: "ドメイン",
newsletter: "ニュースレター",
newsletter_note: "大きな変更についてのみメールをお送りします",
loading: "ロード中",
save_settings: "設定を保存",
average_response: "平均応答",
last_uptime: "稼働時間最後",
sign_in: "サインイン",
failed: "失敗しました",
wrong_login: "ユーザー名またはパスワードが正しくありません"
export default japanese

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
const korean = {
settings: "설정",
dashboard: "대시보드",
services: "서비스",
service: "서비스",
failures: "장애",
users: "사용자",
login: "로그인",
logout: "로그아웃",
online: "온라인",
offline: "오프라인",
username: "사용자 이름",
password: "비밀번호",
email: "이메일",
confirm_password: "비밀번호 확인",
uptime: "가동 시간",
name: "이름",
copy: "복사",
secret: "비밀",
regen_api: "API 키 재생성",
visibility: "가시성",
group: "그룹",
groups: "그룹",
no_group: "그룹 없음",
public: "공공",
private: "비공개",
announcements: "공지사항",
notifiers: "통지자",
logs: "로그",
help: "도움말",
type: "유형",
edit: "편집",
create: "만들기",
view: "보기",
save: "저장",
status: "상태",
total_services: "총 서비스",
online_services: "온라인 서비스",
request_timeout: "요청 시간 초과",
service_never_online: "서비스는 온라인 적이 없습니다",
days_ago: "일 전",
today: "오늘",
failures_24_hours: "지난 24시간 동안 장애 발생",
no_services: "현재 서비스가 없습니다!",
theme: "테마",
cache: "캐시",
authentication: "인증",
import: "가져오기",
main_settings: "주 설정",
variables: "변수",
docs: "설명서",
links: "링크",
changelog: "변경 로그",
repo: "저장소",
language: "언어",
db_connection: "데이터베이스 연결",
db_host: "데이터베이스 호스트",
db_port: "데이터베이스 포트",
db_username: "데이터베이스 사용자 이름",
db_password: "데이터베이스 암호",
db_database: "데이터베이스 이름",
send_reports: "오류 보고서 보내기",
project_name: "상태 페이지 이름",
description: "설명",
domain: "도메인",
newsletter: "신제품",
newsletter_note: "주요 변경 사항에 대한 이메일만 보내드립니다.",
loading: "로드 중",
save_settings: "설정 저장",
average_response: "평균 응답",
last_uptime: "마지막 가동 시간",
sign_in: "로그인",
failed: "실패",
wrong_login: "잘못된 사용자 이름 또는 암호"
export default korean

View File

@ -1,101 +1,77 @@
const russian = {
top_nav: {
dashboard: "Dashboard",
services: "Services",
users: "Users",
groups: "Groups",
announcements: "Announcements",
settings: "Settings",
logs: "Logs",
help: "Help",
logout: 'Logout',
setup: {
language: "Language",
connection: "Database Connection",
host: "Host",
database: "Database",
project_name: "Project Name",
project_description: "Project Description",
domain: "Domain URL",
username: "Admin Username",
password: "Admin Password",
password_confirm: "Confirm Admin Password",
newsletter: "Newsletter",
newsletter_note: "We will not share your email, emails are only for major updates.",
send_reports: "Send Error Reports to Statping"
dashboard: {
total_services: "Total Services",
failures_24_hours: "Failures last 24 Hours",
online_services: "Online Services",
service: 'Service | Services',
group: 'Group',
title: 'Title',
begins: 'Begins',
name: 'Name',
loading: 'Loading',
login: 'Login',
sign_in: "Sign In",
visibility: 'Visibility',
wrong_login: 'Incorrect username or password'
settings: {
name: "Project Name",
description: "Project Name",
footer: "Custom Footer",
footer_notes: "HTML is allowed inside the footer",
error_reporting: "Enable Error Reporting",
error_reporting_notes: "Help the Statping project out by sending anonymous error logs back to our server.",
save: "Save Settings",
main: "Main Settings",
theme: "Theme Editor",
cache: "Cache",
oauth: "OAuth",
beta: "BETA",
changelog: "Changelog",
repo: "Statping Github Repo",
docs: "Documentation",
service: {
name: "Service Name",
type: "Service Type",
info: "Service Information",
view: "View Service",
average: "Average Response",
last_uptime: "Uptime last {0} {1}",
email: "Email Address",
port: "Database Port",
setting: "Settings",
username: "Username",
password: 'Password',
services: 'Services',
domain: 'Domain',
online: 'онлайн',
public: 'Public',
private: 'Private',
admin: 'Admin',
offline: 'не в сети',
failure: 'failure | failures',
incident: 'incident | incidents',
checkin: 'checkin | checkins',
user: 'User | Users',
group: 'Group',
message: 'message',
edit: 'Edit',
type: 'Type',
sample_data: 'Sample Data',
today: 'Today',
last_login: 'Last Login',
uptime: '{0}% Uptime',
close: 'близко',
second: 'второй | секунд',
minute: 'минут | минут',
hour: 'час | часов',
day: 'день | дней',
week: 'неделя | недель',
month: 'месяц | месяцы',
settings: "Настройки",
dashboard: "Панель управления",
services: "служб",
service: "обслуживания",
failures: "Сбои",
users: "Пользователи",
login: "Войти",
logout: "Выход из системы",
online: "Онлайн",
offline: "Оффлайн",
username: "Имя пользователя",
password: "Пароль",
email: "Электронная почта",
confirm_password: "Подтвердить пароль",
uptime: "Время бесперебойной работы",
name: "Имя",
copy: "Копия",
secret: "Секрет",
regen_api: "Регенерация ключей API",
visibility: "Видимость",
group: "Группы",
groups: "Группы",
no_group: "Нет группы",
public: "Общественный",
private: "Частные",
announcements: "Объявления",
notifiers: "Уведомлятели",
logs: "Журналы",
help: "Помогите",
type: "Тип",
edit: "Редактировать",
create: "Создайте",
view: "Посмотреть",
save: "Сохранить",
status: "положению",
total_services: "Всего услуг",
online_services: "Онлайн-сервисы",
request_timeout: "Тайм-аут запроса",
service_never_online: "Сервис никогда не был в сети",
days_ago: "Дней назад",
today: "Сегодня",
failures_24_hours: "Сбои за 24 часа",
no_services: "В настоящее время у вас нет услуг!",
theme: "Тема",
cache: "Кэш",
authentication: "Проверка подлинности",
import: "Импорт",
main_settings: "Основные настройки",
variables: "Переменные",
docs: "Документация",
links: "Ссылки",
changelog: "Журнал изменений",
repo: "Репозиторий",
language: "Язык",
db_connection: "Подключение к базе данных",
db_host: "Узел базы данных",
db_port: "Порт базы данных",
db_username: "Имя пользователя базы данных",
db_password: "Пароль базы данных",
db_database: "Имя базы данных",
send_reports: "Отправка отчетов об ошибках",
project_name: "Имя страницы состояния",
description: "Описание",
domain: "Домен",
newsletter: "Информационный бюллетень",
newsletter_note: "Мы отправим вам только сообщение по электронной почте для серьезных изменений",
loading: "Загрузка",
save_settings: "Сохранить настройки",
average_response: "Средний ответ",
last_uptime: "Время безотказной работы",
sign_in: "Войти",
failed: "Не удалось",
wrong_login: "Неверное имя пользователя или пароль"
export default russian
export default russian

View File

@ -1,101 +1,77 @@
const spanish = {
top_nav: {
dashboard: "Dashboard",
services: "Services",
users: "Users",
groups: "Groups",
announcements: "Announcements",
settings: "Settings",
logs: "Logs",
help: "Help",
logout: 'Logout',
setup: {
language: "Language",
connection: "Database Connection",
host: "Host",
database: "Database",
project_name: "Project Name",
project_description: "Project Description",
domain: "Domain URL",
username: "Admin Username",
password: "Admin Password",
password_confirm: "Confirm Admin Password",
settings: "Configuración",
dashboard: "Salpicadero",
services: "Servicios",
service: "Servicio",
failures: "Fallos",
users: "Usuarios",
login: "Iniciar sesión",
logout: "Cerrar sesión",
online: "En línea",
offline: "Offline",
username: "Nombre de usuario",
password: "Contraseña",
email: "Correo",
confirm_password: "Confirmar contraseña",
uptime: "Tiempo de actividad",
name: "Nombre",
copy: "Copia",
secret: "Secreto",
regen_api: "Regenerar claves de API",
visibility: "Visibilidad",
group: "Grupo",
groups: "Grupos",
no_group: "Ningún grupo",
public: "Público",
private: "Privado",
announcements: "Anuncios",
notifiers: "Notificadores",
logs: "Registros",
help: "Ayudar",
type: "Tipo",
edit: "Editar",
create: "Crear",
view: "Ver",
save: "Guardar",
status: "Estado",
total_services: "Total de servicios",
online_services: "Servicios en línea",
request_timeout: "Tiempo de espera de solicitud",
service_never_online: "El servicio nunca ha estado en línea",
days_ago: "Hace días",
today: "Hoy",
failures_24_hours: "Fallos de las últimas 24 horas",
no_services: "¡Actualmente no tienes ningún servicio!",
theme: "Tema",
cache: "Caché",
authentication: "Autentificación",
import: "Importación",
main_settings: "Configuración principal",
variables: "Variables",
docs: "Documentación",
links: "Enlaces",
changelog: "Registro de cambios",
repo: "Repositorio",
language: "Idioma",
db_connection: "Conexión a la base",
db_host: "Host de base",
db_port: "Puerto base de datos",
db_username: "Nombre de usuario de",
db_password: "Contraseña",
db_database: "Nombre de la base",
send_reports: "Enviar informes de errores",
project_name: "Nombre de página de estado",
description: "Descripción",
domain: "Dominio",
newsletter: "Newsletter",
newsletter_note: "We will not share your email, emails are only for major updates.",
send_reports: "Send Error Reports to Statping"
dashboard: {
total_services: "Total Services",
failures_24_hours: "Failures last 24 Hours",
online_services: "Online Services",
service: 'Service | Services',
group: 'Group',
title: 'Title',
begins: 'Begins',
name: 'Name',
loading: 'Loading',
login: 'Login',
sign_in: "Sign In",
visibility: 'Visibility',
wrong_login: 'Incorrect username or password'
settings: {
name: "Project Name",
description: "Project Name",
footer: "Custom Footer",
footer_notes: "HTML is allowed inside the footer",
error_reporting: "Enable Error Reporting",
error_reporting_notes: "Help the Statping project out by sending anonymous error logs back to our server.",
save: "Save Settings",
main: "Main Settings",
theme: "Theme Editor",
cache: "Cache",
oauth: "OAuth",
beta: "BETA",
changelog: "Changelog",
repo: "Statping Github Repo",
docs: "Documentation",
service: {
name: "Service Name",
type: "Service Type",
info: "Service Information",
view: "View Service",
average: "Average Response",
last_uptime: "Uptime last {0} {1}",
email: "Email Address",
port: "Database Port",
setting: "Settings",
username: "Username",
password: 'Password',
services: 'Services',
domain: 'Domain',
online: 'online',
public: 'Public',
private: 'Private',
admin: 'Admin',
offline: 'offline',
failure: 'failure | failures',
incident: 'incident | incidents',
checkin: 'checkin | checkins',
user: 'User | Users',
group: 'Group',
message: 'message',
edit: 'Edit',
type: 'Type',
sample_data: 'Sample Data',
today: 'Today',
last_login: 'Last Login',
uptime: '{0}% Uptime',
close: 'Close',
second: 'second | seconds',
minute: 'minute | minutes',
hour: 'hour | hours',
day: 'day | days',
week: 'week | weeks',
month: 'month | months',
newsletter_note: "Sólo le enviaremos un correo electrónico para cambios importantes",
loading: "Cargando",
save_settings: "Guardar configuración",
average_response: "Respuesta media",
last_uptime: "Tiempo de actividad último",
sign_in: "Iniciar sesión",
failed: "Falló",
wrong_login: "Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectos"
export default spanish
export default spanish

View File

@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ export default Vue.mixin({
return `Offline, last error: ${last} ${this.ago(last.created_at)}`
if (this.isZero(s.last_success)) {
return `Service has never been online`
return this.$t('service_never_online')
return `Service has been offline for ${this.ago(s.last_success)}`

View File

@ -10,25 +10,25 @@
<a href="https://github.com/statping/statping/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" class="btn btn-sm text-dim mt-2">Changelog</a>
<h6 class="text-muted">{{ $t('settings.main') }}</h6>
<h6 class="text-muted">{{ $t('main_settings') }}</h6>
<a @click.prevent="changeTab" class="nav-link" v-bind:class="{active: liClass('v-pills-home-tab')}" id="v-pills-home-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#v-pills-home" role="tab" aria-controls="v-pills-home" aria-selected="true">
<font-awesome-icon icon="cog" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('setting') }}
<font-awesome-icon icon="cog" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('settings') }}
<a @click.prevent="changeTab" class="nav-link" v-bind:class="{active: liClass('v-pills-style-tab')}" id="v-pills-style-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#v-pills-style" role="tab" aria-controls="v-pills-style" aria-selected="false">
<font-awesome-icon icon="image" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('settings.theme') }}
<font-awesome-icon icon="image" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('theme') }}
<a @click.prevent="changeTab" class="nav-link" v-bind:class="{active: liClass('v-pills-cache-tab')}" id="v-pills-cache-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#v-pills-cache" role="tab" aria-controls="v-pills-cache" aria-selected="false">
<font-awesome-icon icon="paperclip" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('settings.cache') }}
<font-awesome-icon icon="paperclip" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('cache') }}
<a @click.prevent="changeTab" class="nav-link" v-bind:class="{active: liClass('v-pills-oauth-tab')}" id="v-pills-oauth-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#v-pills-oauth" role="tab" aria-controls="v-pills-oauth" aria-selected="false">
<font-awesome-icon icon="key" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('settings.oauth') }}
<font-awesome-icon icon="key" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('authentication') }}
<a @click.prevent="changeTab" class="nav-link" v-bind:class="{active: liClass('v-pills-import-tab')}" id="v-pills-import-tab" data-toggle="pill" href="#v-pills-import" role="tab" aria-controls="v-pills-import" aria-selected="false">
<font-awesome-icon icon="cloud-download-alt" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('settings.import') }}
<font-awesome-icon icon="cloud-download-alt" class="mr-2"/> {{ $t('import') }}
<h6 class="mt-4 text-muted">Notifiers</h6>
<h6 class="mt-4 text-muted">{{$t('notifiers')}}</h6>
<div id="notifiers_tabs">
<a v-for="(notifier, index) in notifiers" v-bind:key="`${notifier.method}`" @click.prevent="changeTab" class="nav-link text-capitalize" v-bind:class="{active: liClass(`v-pills-${notifier.method.toLowerCase()}-tab`)}" v-bind:id="`v-pills-${notifier.method.toLowerCase()}-tab`" data-toggle="pill" v-bind:href="`#v-pills-${notifier.method.toLowerCase()}`" role="tab" v-bind:aria-controls="`v-pills-${notifier.method.toLowerCase()}`" aria-selected="false">
@ -36,26 +36,26 @@
<span v-if="notifier.enabled" class="badge badge-pill float-right mt-1" :class="{'badge-success': !liClass(`v-pills-${notifier.method.toLowerCase()}-tab`), 'badge-light': liClass(`v-pills-${notifier.method.toLowerCase()}-tab`), 'text-dark': liClass(`v-pills-${notifier.method.toLowerCase()}-tab`)}">ON</span>
<a @click.prevent="changeTab" class="nav-link text-capitalize" v-bind:class="{active: liClass(`v-pills-notifier-docs-tab`)}" v-bind:id="`v-pills-notifier-docs-tab`" data-toggle="pill" v-bind:href="`#v-pills-notifier-docs`" role="tab" v-bind:aria-controls="`v-pills-notifier-docs`" aria-selected="false">
<font-awesome-icon icon="question" class="mr-2"/> Variables
<font-awesome-icon icon="question" class="mr-2"/> {{$t('variables')}}
<h6 class="mt-4 mb-3 text-muted">Statping Links</h6>
<h6 class="mt-4 mb-3 text-muted">Statping {{$t('links')}}</h6>
<a href="https://github.com/statping/statping/wiki" class="mb-2 font-2 text-decoration-none text-muted">
<font-awesome-icon icon="question" class="mr-3"/> {{$t('settings.docs')}}
<font-awesome-icon icon="question" class="mr-3"/> {{$t('docs')}}
<a href="https://github.com/statping/statping/wiki/API" class="mb-2 font-2 text-decoration-none text-muted">
<font-awesome-icon icon="laptop" class="mr-2"/> API {{$t('settings.docs')}}
<font-awesome-icon icon="laptop" class="mr-2"/> API {{$t('docs')}}
<a href="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/statping/statping/master/CHANGELOG.md" class="mb-2 font-2 text-decoration-none text-muted">
<font-awesome-icon icon="book" class="mr-3"/> {{$t('settings.changelog')}}
<font-awesome-icon icon="book" class="mr-3"/> {{$t('changelog')}}
<a href="https://github.com/statping/statping" class="mb-2 font-2 text-decoration-none text-muted">
<font-awesome-icon icon="code-branch" class="mr-3"/> {{$t('settings.repo')}}
<font-awesome-icon icon="code-branch" class="mr-3"/> {{$t('repo')}}
<span class="small text-dim text-center mt-5">Statping v{{core.version}}<br>
@ -74,15 +74,15 @@
<div class="card mt-3">
<div class="card-header">API Settings</div>
<div class="card-header">API {{$t('settings')}}</div>
<div class="card-body">
<div class="form-group row">
<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label">API Secret</label>
<label class="col-sm-3 col-form-label">API {{$t('secret')}}</label>
<div class="col-sm-9">
<div class="input-group">
<input v-model="core.api_secret" @focus="$event.target.select()" type="text" class="form-control select-input" id="api_secret" readonly>
<div class="input-group-append copy-btn">
<button @click="copy(core.api_secret)" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="button">Copy</button>
<button @click="copy(core.api_secret)" class="btn btn-outline-secondary" type="button">{{$t('copy')}}</button>
<small class="form-text text-muted">API Secret is used for read, create, update and delete routes</small>
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
<div class="card-footer">
<button id="regenkeys" @click="renewApiKeys" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger float-right">Regenerate API Keys</button>
<button id="regenkeys" @click="renewApiKeys" class="btn btn-sm btn-danger float-right">{{$t('regen_api')}}</button>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
// +build ignore
package main
import (
var (
tr *translate.Translate
awsKey string
awsSecret string
type Text struct {
Key string
En string
Fr string
De string
Ru string
Sp string
Jp string
Cn string
Ko string
It string
func Translate(val, language string) string {
input := &translate.TextInput{
SourceLanguageCode: aws.String("en"),
TargetLanguageCode: aws.String(language),
Text: aws.String(val),
req, out := tr.TextRequest(input)
if err := req.Send(); err != nil {
return *out.TranslatedText
func TranslateAll(key, en string) *Text {
return &Text{
Key: key,
En: en,
Fr: Translate(en, "fr"),
De: Translate(en, "de"),
Ru: Translate(en, "ru"),
Sp: Translate(en, "es"),
Jp: Translate(en, "ja"),
Cn: Translate(en, "zh"),
Ko: Translate(en, "ko"),
It: Translate(en, "it"),
func main() {
fmt.Println("RUNNING: ./source/generate_languages.go")
awsKey = os.Getenv("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
awsSecret = os.Getenv("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")
if awsKey == "" || awsSecret == "" {
file, _ := os.Open("../frontend/src/languages/data.csv")
defer file.Close()
c := csv.NewReader(file)
var translations []*Text
line := 0
for {
// Read each record from csv
record, err := c.Read()
if err == io.EOF {
if line == 0 {
if err != nil {
key := record[0]
english := record[1]
translated := TranslateAll(key, english)
translations = append(translations, translated)
fmt.Printf("%s | English: %s | French: %s | German: %s | Russian: %s\n", translated.Key, translated.En, translated.Fr, translated.De, translated.Ru)
CreateJS("english", translations)
CreateJS("russian", translations)
CreateJS("french", translations)
CreateJS("german", translations)
CreateJS("spanish", translations)
CreateJS("japanese", translations)
CreateJS("chinese", translations)
CreateJS("italian", translations)
CreateJS("korean", translations)
func (t *Text) String(lang string) string {
switch lang {
case "english":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.En)
case "russian":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.Ru)
case "spanish":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.Sp)
case "german":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.De)
case "french":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.Fr)
case "japanese":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.Jp)
case "chinese":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.Cn)
case "korean":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.Ko)
case "italian":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.It)
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s: "%s"`, t.Key, t.En)
func GoLang(trs []*Text) string {
var allvars []string
languages := []string{"english", "russian"}
for _, language := range languages {
allvars = append(allvars, language+" := make(map[string]string)")
for _, t := range trs {
allvars = append(allvars, GoLine(language, t))
allvars = append(allvars, "\nLanguage[\""+language+"\"] = "+language)
return strings.Join(allvars, "\n")
func GoLine(lang string, t *Text) string {
switch lang {
case "english":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.En)
case "russian":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.Ru)
case "spanish":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.Sp)
case "german":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.De)
case "french":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.Fr)
case "japanese":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.Jp)
case "chinese":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.Cn)
case "korean":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.Ko)
case "italian":
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.It)
return fmt.Sprintf(` %s["%s"] = "%s"`, lang, t.Key, t.En)
func CreateGo(trs []*Text) {
data := `package utils
var Language map[string]map[string]string
func init() {
Language = make(map[string]map[string]string)
` + GoLang(trs) + `
ioutil.WriteFile("../utils/languages.go", []byte(data), os.ModePerm)
func CreateJS(name string, trs []*Text) {
data := "const " + name + " = {\n"
var allvars []string
for _, v := range trs {
allvars = append(allvars, v.String(name))
data += strings.Join(allvars, ",\n")
data += "\n}\n\nexport default " + name
ioutil.WriteFile("../frontend/src/languages/"+name+".js", []byte(data), os.ModePerm)
func InitAWS() {
creds := credentials.NewStaticCredentials(awsKey, awsSecret, "")
sess, err := session.NewSession(&aws.Config{
Region: aws.String("us-west-2"),
Credentials: creds,
if err != nil {
tr = translate.New(sess)

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package source
//go:generate go run generate_help.go
//go:generate go run generate_version.go
//go:generate go run generate_languages.go
import (