2018-12-04 04:17:29 +00:00
{ { define "title" } } Statping | Settings { { end } }
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { define "content" } }
2018-06-24 11:51:07 +00:00
< div class = "container col-md-7 col-sm-12 mt-md-5 bg-light" >
2018-06-11 03:41:02 +00:00
{ { template "nav" } }
2018-06-30 22:22:56 +00:00
< div class = "col-12" >
< div class = "row" >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "col-md-3 col-sm-12 mb-4 mb-md-0" >
< div class = "nav flex-column nav-pills" id = "v-pills-tab" role = "tablist" aria - orientation = "vertical" >
2018-10-21 16:22:26 +00:00
< a class = "nav-link active" id = "v-pills-home-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#v-pills-home" role = "tab" aria - controls = "v-pills-home" aria - selected = "true" > < i class = "fa fa-cogs" > < / i > Settings < / a >
< a class = "nav-link" id = "v-pills-style-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#v-pills-style" role = "tab" aria - controls = "v-pills-style" aria - selected = "false" > < i class = "fa fa-image" > < / i > Theme Editor < / a >
2019-02-01 20:40:39 +00:00
< a class = "nav-link" id = "v-pills-cache-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#v-pills-cache" role = "tab" aria - controls = "v-pills-cache" aria - selected = "false" > < i class = "fa fa-paperclip" > < / i > Cache < / a >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { range . Notifications } }
2018-10-21 16:22:26 +00:00
< a class = "nav-link text-capitalize" id = "v-pills-{{underscore .Select.Method}}-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#v-pills-{{underscore .Select.Method}}" role = "tab" aria - controls = "v-pills-{{underscore .Select.Method}}" aria - selected = "false" > < i class = "{{.Select.Icon}}" > < / i > { { . Select . Method } } < / a >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { end } }
< a class = "nav-link d-none" id = "v-pills-backups-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#v-pills-backups" role = "tab" aria - controls = "v-pills-backups" aria - selected = "false" > Backups < / a >
{ { range . Plugins } }
< a class = "nav-link text-capitalize" id = "v-pills-{{underscore .Name}}-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#v-pills-{{underscore .Name}}" role = "tab" aria - controls = "v-pills-profile" aria - selected = "false" > { { . Name } } < / a >
{ { end } }
< / div >
2018-06-11 03:41:02 +00:00
< / div >
2018-11-06 07:15:55 +00:00
< div class = "col-md-9 col-sm-12" >
2018-09-15 05:07:17 +00:00
{ { if Error } }
< div class = "alert alert-danger" role = "alert" > { { Error } } < / div >
{ { end } }
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "tab-content" id = "v-pills-tabContent" >
< div class = "tab-pane fade show active" id = "v-pills-home" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "v-pills-home-tab" >
< h3 > Settings < / h3 >
2018-06-19 00:01:03 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< form method = "POST" action = "/settings" >
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "project" > Project Name < / label >
< input type = "text" name = "project" class = "form-control" value = "{{ .Name }}" id = "project" placeholder = "Great Uptime" >
< / div >
2018-06-19 00:01:03 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "description" > Project Description < / label >
< input type = "text" name = "description" class = "form-control" value = "{{ .Description }}" id = "description" placeholder = "Great Uptime" >
2018-07-07 05:02:47 +00:00
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
2019-10-04 12:22:20 +00:00
< div class = "form-group" >
< div class = "col-4 col-sm-4 mt-sm-1 mt-0" >
< label for = "update_notify" class = "d-inline d-sm-none" > Send Updates only < / label >
< label for = "update_notify" class = "d-none d-sm-block" > Send Updates only < / label >
< span class = "switch" >
< input type = "checkbox" name = "update_notify-option" class = "switch" id = "switch-update_notify" { { if UPDATENOTIFY } } checked { { end } } >
< label for = "switch-update_notify" class = "mt-2 mt-sm-0" > < / label >
< / span >
< input type = "hidden" name = "update_notify" id = "switch-update_notify-value" value = "{{if UPDATENOTIFY}}true{{else}}false{{end}}" >
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "form-group row" >
< div class = "col-8 col-sm-9" >
< label for = "domain" > Domain < / label >
2018-12-06 23:20:20 +00:00
< input type = "url" name = "domain" class = "form-control" value = "{{ .Domain }}" id = "domain" >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
< div class = "col-4 col-sm-3 mt-sm-1 mt-0" >
< label for = "enable_cdn" class = "d-inline d-sm-none" > Enable CDN < / label >
< label for = "enable_cdn" class = "d-none d-sm-block" > Enable CDN < / label >
< span class = "switch" >
2019-01-04 06:16:44 +00:00
< input type = "checkbox" name = "enable_cdn-option" class = "switch" id = "switch-normal" { { if USE_CDN } } checked { { end } } { { if . UsingAssets } } disabled { { end } } >
2018-12-06 23:20:20 +00:00
< label for = "switch-normal" class = "mt-2 mt-sm-0" > < / label >
< / span >
2019-01-04 06:16:44 +00:00
< input type = "hidden" name = "enable_cdn" id = "switch-normal-value" value = "{{if USE_CDN}}true{{else}}false{{end}}" >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
< / div >
2018-06-30 03:40:00 +00:00
2018-12-06 23:20:20 +00:00
{ { if not . Domain } }
< div class = "alert alert-danger" role = "alert" >
2019-05-14 19:44:38 +00:00
Your Statping server does not have a dedicated URL !
2018-12-06 23:20:20 +00:00
< / div >
{ { end } }
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "footer" > Custom Footer < / label >
2018-11-07 05:06:44 +00:00
< textarea rows = "4" name = "footer" class = "form-control" id = "footer" > { { . Footer . String } } < / textarea >
2018-12-12 17:52:20 +00:00
< small class = "form-text text-muted" > HTML is allowed inside the footer < / small >
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
< / div >
2018-06-19 00:01:03 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "form-group" >
< label for = "timezone" > Timezone < / label > < span class = "mt-1 small float-right" > Current : { { . CurrentTime } } < / span >
< select class = "form-control" name = "timezone" id = "timezone" >
2018-11-29 09:10:33 +00:00
< option value = "-12.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-12.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 12 : 00 ) Eniwetok , Kwajalein < / option >
< option value = "-11.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-11.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 11 : 00 ) Midway Island , Samoa < / option >
< option value = "-10.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-10.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 10 : 00 ) Hawaii < / option >
< option value = "-9.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-9.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 9 : 00 ) Alaska < / option >
< option value = "-8.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-8.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 8 : 00 ) Pacific Time ( US & amp ; Canada ) < / option >
< option value = "-7.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-7.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 7 : 00 ) Mountain Time ( US & amp ; Canada ) < / option >
< option value = "-6.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-6.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 6 : 00 ) Central Time ( US & amp ; Canada ) , Mexico City < / option >
< option value = "-5.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-5.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 5 : 00 ) Eastern Time ( US & amp ; Canada ) , Bogota , Lima < / option >
< option value = "-4.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-4.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 4 : 00 ) Atlantic Time ( Canada ) , Caracas , La Paz < / option >
< option value = "-3.5" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-3.500000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 3 : 30 ) Newfoundland < / option >
< option value = "-3.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-3.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 3 : 00 ) Brazil , Buenos Aires , Georgetown < / option >
< option value = "-2.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-2.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 2 : 00 ) Mid - Atlantic < / option >
< option value = "-1.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "-1.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT - 1 : 00 hour ) Azores , Cape Verde Islands < / option >
< option value = "0.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "0.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT ) Western Europe Time , London , Lisbon , Casablanca < / option >
< option value = "1.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "1.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 1 : 00 hour ) Brussels , Copenhagen , Madrid , Paris < / option >
< option value = "2.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "2.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 2 : 00 ) Kaliningrad , South Africa < / option >
< option value = "3.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "3.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 3 : 00 ) Baghdad , Riyadh , Moscow , St . Petersburg < / option >
< option value = "3.5" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "3.500000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 3 : 30 ) Tehran < / option >
< option value = "4.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "4.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 4 : 00 ) Abu Dhabi , Muscat , Baku , Tbilisi < / option >
< option value = "4.5" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "4.500000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 4 : 30 ) Kabul < / option >
< option value = "5.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "5.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 5 : 00 ) Ekaterinburg , Islamabad , Karachi , Tashkent < / option >
< option value = "5.5" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "5.500000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 5 : 30 ) Bombay , Calcutta , Madras , New Delhi < / option >
< option value = "5.75" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "5.750000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 5 : 45 ) Kathmandu < / option >
< option value = "6.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "6.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 6 : 00 ) Almaty , Dhaka , Colombo < / option >
< option value = "7.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "7.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 7 : 00 ) Bangkok , Hanoi , Jakarta < / option >
< option value = "8.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "8.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 8 : 00 ) Beijing , Perth , Singapore , Hong Kong < / option >
< option value = "9.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "9.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 9 : 00 ) Tokyo , Seoul , Osaka , Sapporo , Yakutsk < / option >
< option value = "9.5" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "9.500000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 9 : 30 ) Adelaide , Darwin < / option >
< option value = "10.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "10.500000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 10 : 00 ) Eastern Australia , Guam , Vladivostok < / option >
< option value = "11.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "11.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 11 : 00 ) Magadan , Solomon Islands , New Caledonia < / option >
< option value = "12.0" { { if eq ( ToString . Timezone ) "12.000000" } } selected { { end } } > ( GMT + 12 : 00 ) Auckland , Wellington , Fiji , Kamchatka < / option >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / select >
2018-06-28 07:28:07 +00:00
< / div >
2018-09-26 15:26:16 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< button type = "submit" class = "btn btn-primary btn-block" > Save Settings < / button >
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "form-group row mt-3" >
< label for = "api_key" class = "col-sm-3 col-form-label" > API Key < / label >
< div class = "col-sm-9" >
< input type = "text" class = "form-control select-input" value = "{{ .ApiKey }}" id = "api_key" readonly >
2018-12-14 09:19:55 +00:00
< small class = "form-text text-muted" > API Key can be used for read only routes < / small >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
2018-09-15 05:07:17 +00:00
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "form-group row" >
< label for = "api_secret" class = "col-sm-3 col-form-label" > API Secret < / label >
< div class = "col-sm-9" >
< input type = "text" class = "form-control select-input" value = "{{ .ApiSecret }}" id = "api_secret" readonly >
2018-12-14 09:19:55 +00:00
< small class = "form-text text-muted" > API Secret is used for read , create , update and delete routes < / small >
2018-12-13 02:35:09 +00:00
< small class = "form-text text-muted" > You can < a class = "confirm_btn" data - msg = "Are you sure you want to reset the API keys?" href = "/api/renew" > Regenerate API Keys < / a > if you need to . < / small >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
2018-09-15 05:07:17 +00:00
< / div >
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
2018-12-13 02:35:09 +00:00
< / form >
2018-11-06 07:15:55 +00:00
2019-05-14 19:44:38 +00:00
< h3 class = "mt-4" > Bulk Import Services < / h3 >
You can import multiple services based on a CSV file with the format shown on the < a href = "https://github.com/hunterlong/statping/wiki/Bulk-Import-Services" target = "_blank" > Bulk Import Wiki < / a > .
2019-11-06 03:35:01 +00:00
< div class = "card mt-2" >
2019-05-14 19:44:38 +00:00
< div class = "card-body" >
< form action = "/settings/bulk_import" method = "POST" enctype = "multipart/form-data" class = "form-inline" >
< div class = "form-group col-10" >
< input type = "file" name = "file" class = "form-control-file" accept = ".csv" >
< / div >
< div class = "form-group" >
< button type = "submit" class = "btn btn-outline-success right" > Import < / button >
< / div >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< h3 class = "mt-4" > Additional Settings < / h3 >
2018-12-13 02:35:09 +00:00
< div class = "row" >
2019-05-14 19:44:38 +00:00
< div class = "col-12" >
2018-12-13 02:35:09 +00:00
{ { if . Domain } }
2018-11-06 07:15:55 +00:00
< div class = "row align-content-center" >
2018-11-09 09:03:37 +00:00
< img class = "rounded text-center" width = "300" height = "300" src = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=500x500&cht=qr&chl={{ QrAuth }}" >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
2019-11-06 03:35:01 +00:00
2018-12-04 04:17:29 +00:00
< a class = "btn btn-sm btn-primary" href = { { safeURL QrAuth } } > Open in Statping App < / a >
2019-11-06 03:35:01 +00:00
< a href = "/settings/export" class = "btn btn-sm btn-secondary" > Export Settings < / a >
2018-12-13 02:35:09 +00:00
{ { end } }
2018-09-26 15:26:16 +00:00
2019-05-14 19:44:38 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-07-10 12:05:20 +00:00
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "v-pills-style" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "v-pills-style-tab" >
{ { if not . UsingAssets } }
2018-11-13 19:28:21 +00:00
< div class = "jumbotron jumbotron-fluid" >
< div class = "text-center col-12" >
< h1 class = "display-5" > Enable Local Assets < / h1 >
2018-12-13 02:35:09 +00:00
< span class = "lead" > Customize your status page design by enabling local assets . This will create a ' assets ' directory containing all CSS . < p > < a href = "/settings/build" class = "btn btn-primary mt-3" { { if USE_CDN } } disabled { { end } } > Enable Local Assets < / a > < / p > < / span >
2018-11-13 19:28:21 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { else } }
< form method = "POST" action = "/settings/css" >
< ul class = "nav nav-pills mb-3" id = "pills-tab" role = "tablist" >
< li class = "nav-item col text-center" >
< a class = "nav-link active" id = "pills-vars-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#pills-vars" role = "tab" aria - controls = "pills-vars" aria - selected = "true" > Variables < / a >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item col text-center" >
< a class = "nav-link" id = "pills-theme-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#pills-theme" role = "tab" aria - controls = "pills-theme" aria - selected = "false" > Base Theme < / a >
< / li >
< li class = "nav-item col text-center" >
< a class = "nav-link" id = "pills-mobile-tab" data - toggle = "pill" href = "#pills-mobile" role = "tab" aria - controls = "pills-mobile" aria - selected = "false" > Mobile < / a >
< / li >
< / ul >
< div class = "tab-content" id = "pills-tabContent" >
< div class = "tab-pane show active" id = "pills-vars" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "pills-vars-tab" >
< textarea name = "variables" id = "sass_vars" > { { . SassVars } } < / textarea >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "pills-theme" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "pills-theme-tab" >
< textarea name = "theme" id = "theme_css" > { { . BaseSASS } } < / textarea >
< / div >
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "pills-mobile" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "pills-mobile-tab" >
< textarea name = "mobile" id = "mobile_css" > { { . MobileSASS } } < / textarea >
< / div >
2018-09-26 15:26:16 +00:00
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< button type = "submit" class = "btn btn-primary btn-block mt-2" > Save Style < / button >
< a href = "/settings/delete_assets" class = "btn btn-danger btn-block confirm-btn" > Delete All Assets < / a >
< / form >
2018-09-15 05:07:17 +00:00
{ { end } }
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
2018-09-15 05:07:17 +00:00
2019-02-01 20:40:39 +00:00
< div class = "tab-pane" id = "v-pills-cache" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "v-pills-cache-tab" >
< h3 > Cache < / h3 >
< table class = "table" >
< thead >
< tr >
< th scope = "col" > URL < / th >
< th scope = "col" > Size < / th >
< th scope = "col" > Expiration < / th >
< / tr >
< / thead >
< tbody >
{ { range $ key , $ value := Cache . List } }
< tr >
< td > { { $ key } } < / td >
< td > { { len $ value . Content } } < / td >
< td > { { UnixTime $ value . Expiration true } } < / td >
< / tr >
{ { end } }
< / tbody >
< / table >
< a href = "/api/clear_cache" class = "btn btn-danger btn-block" > Clear Cache < / a >
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { range . Notifications } }
{ { $ n := . Select } }
2018-10-21 19:36:11 +00:00
< div class = "tab-pane fade" id = "v-pills-{{underscore $n.Method}}" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "v-pills-{{underscore $n.Method }}-tab" >
2018-09-15 05:07:17 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { template "form_notifier" . } }
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { if $ n . Logs } }
Sent { { $ n . SentLastHour } } in the last hour < br >
2018-09-10 09:01:04 +00:00
{ { range $ n . Logs } }
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
< div class = "card mt-1" >
< div class = "card-body" >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { . Message } }
< p class = "card-text" > < small class = "text-muted" > Sent { { . Time . Ago } } < / small > < / p >
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
{ { end } }
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { end } }
< / div >
2018-07-17 09:18:20 +00:00
{ { end } }
2018-07-10 12:05:20 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "tab-pane fade" id = "v-pills-browse" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "v-pills-browse-tab" >
{ { range . Repos } }
2018-06-12 07:21:16 +00:00
< div class = "card col-6" style = "width: 18rem;" >
< div class = "card-body" >
< h5 class = "card-title" > { { . Name } } < / h5 >
< p class = "card-text" > { { . Description } } < / p >
< a href = "/plugins/download/{{ .Name }}" class = "card-link" > Add < / a >
< / div >
< / div >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { end } }
< / div >
2018-06-11 09:58:41 +00:00
2018-07-20 05:26:41 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< div class = "tab-pane fade" id = "v-pills-backups" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "v-pills-backups-tab" >
< a href = "/backups/create" class = "btn btn-primary btn-block" > Backup Database < / a >
< / div >
2018-07-20 05:26:41 +00:00
2018-06-12 05:23:30 +00:00
{ { range . Plugins } }
2018-06-14 06:38:15 +00:00
2018-06-19 06:00:56 +00:00
< div class = "tab-pane fade" id = "v-pills-{{underscore .Name}}" role = "tabpanel" aria - labelledby = "v-pills-{{underscore .Name}}-tab" >
2018-06-14 01:19:00 +00:00
< h4 class = "text-capitalize" > { { . Name } } < / h4 >
< span class = "text-muted" > { { . Description } } < / span >
2018-06-19 06:17:43 +00:00
< div class = "mt-1" >
2018-06-19 06:00:56 +00:00
{ { safe . Form } }
2018-06-19 06:17:43 +00:00
< / div >
2018-06-19 06:00:56 +00:00
2018-06-12 05:23:30 +00:00
< / div >
{ { end } }
2018-06-11 09:58:41 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
2018-06-11 03:41:02 +00:00
< / div >
2018-06-10 01:31:13 +00:00
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
< / div >
2018-06-10 01:31:13 +00:00
< / div >
< / div >
2018-07-07 05:02:47 +00:00
{ { end } }
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { define "extra_css" } }
2018-12-18 17:49:02 +00:00
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://assets.statping.com/codemirror.css" >
< link rel = "stylesheet" href = "https://assets.statping.com/codemirror-colorpicker.css" / >
2018-10-02 06:21:14 +00:00
{ { end } }
{ { define "extra_scripts" } }
2018-12-18 17:49:02 +00:00
< script src = "https://assets.statping.com/codemirror.js" > < / script >
< script src = "https://assets.statping.com/css.js" > < / script >
< script src = "https://assets.statping.com/codemirror-colorpicker.min.js" > < / script >
2018-07-07 05:02:47 +00:00
{ { end } }