rekoe 2016-05-08 07:21:06 +08:00
parent 0e780b5dcb
commit f78a08e84c
1 changed files with 1 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -28,20 +28,7 @@
ok.看到登录页面了吧接下来输入用户名admin 密码123 点击登录,被问我怎么知道的,在代码中有,不信自己去看。
alter table pj_gr add constraint FK_Relationship_2 foreign key (pj) references pj (pj) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_gr_auth add constraint FK_Reference_6 foreign key (pj, gr) references pj_gr (pj, gr) on delete >restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_gr_usr add constraint FK_Reference_10 foreign key (pj, gr) references pj_gr (pj, gr) on delete >restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_gr_usr add constraint FK_Reference_9 foreign key (usr) references usr (usr) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_usr add constraint FK_Reference_5 foreign key (pj) references pj (pj) on delete restrict on >update restrict;
alter table pj_usr add constraint FK_Reference_7 foreign key (usr) references usr (usr) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_usr_auth add constraint FK_Reference_11 foreign key (pj) references pj (pj) on delete restrict on update restrict;
alter table pj_usr_auth add constraint FK_Reference_8 foreign key (usr) references usr (usr) on delete restrict on update restrict;
登陆后台后 在 [项目管理]-[基本设置]