You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package tsdb
import (
const sep = '\xff'
// SeriesShard handles reads and writes of time series falling into
// a hashed shard of a series.
type SeriesShard struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
blocks *Block
head *HeadBlock
// NewSeriesShard returns a new SeriesShard.
func NewSeriesShard() *SeriesShard {
return &SeriesShard{
// TODO(fabxc): restore from checkpoint.
head: &HeadBlock{
index: newMemIndex(),
descs: map[uint64][]*chunkDesc{},
values: map[string][]string{},
forward: map[uint32]*chunkDesc{},
// TODO(fabxc): provide access to persisted blocks.
// HeadBlock handles reads and writes of time series data within a time window.
type HeadBlock struct {
mtx sync.RWMutex
descs map[uint64][]*chunkDesc // labels hash to possible chunks descs
forward map[uint32]*chunkDesc // chunk ID to chunk desc
values map[string][]string // label names to possible values
index *memIndex // inverted index for label pairs
samples uint64
// Block handles reads against a completed block of time series data within a time window.
type Block struct {
// WriteTo serializes the current head block contents into w.
func (h *HeadBlock) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) {
defer h.mtx.RUnlock()
return 0, fmt.Errorf("not implemented")
// get retrieves the chunk with the hash and label set and creates
// a new one if it doesn't exist yet.
func (h *HeadBlock) get(hash uint64, lset Labels) (*chunkDesc, bool) {
cds := h.descs[hash]
for _, cd := range cds {
if cd.lset.Equals(lset) {
return cd, false
// None of the given chunks was for the series, create a new one.
cd := &chunkDesc{
lset: lset,
chunk: chunks.NewXORChunk(int(math.MaxInt64)),
h.descs[hash] = append(cds, cd)
return cd, true
// append adds the sample to the headblock. If the series is seen
// for the first time it creates a chunk and index entries for it.
// TODO(fabxc): switch to single writer and append queue with optimistic concurrency?
func (h *HeadBlock) append(hash uint64, lset Labels, ts int64, v float64) error {
chkd, created := h.get(hash, lset)
if created {
// Add each label pair as a term to the inverted index.
terms := make([]string, 0, len(lset))
b := make([]byte, 0, 64)
for _, l := range lset {
b = append(b, l.Name...)
b = append(b, sep)
b = append(b, l.Value...)
terms = append(terms, string(b))
b = b[:0]
id := h.index.add(terms...)
// Store forward index for the returned ID.
h.forward[id] = chkd
if err := chkd.append(ts, v); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// chunkDesc wraps a plain data chunk and provides cached meta data about it.
type chunkDesc struct {
lset Labels
chunk chunks.Chunk
// Caching fields.
lastTimestamp int64
lastValue float64
app chunks.Appender // Current appender for the chunks.
func (cd *chunkDesc) append(ts int64, v float64) (err error) {
if == nil {, err = cd.chunk.Appender()
if err != nil {
return err
cd.lastTimestamp = ts
cd.lastValue = v
return, v)