# Numeric literals 0.123e3 ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Double-quoted string literal "test string" ==> PromQL(StringLiteral) # Single-quoted string literal 'test string' ==> PromQL(StringLiteral) # Backtick-quoted string literal `test string` ==> PromQL(StringLiteral) # Backtick-quoted multi-line string literal `test string` ==> PromQL(StringLiteral) # Addition 1 + 2 ==> PromQL(BinaryExpr(NumberDurationLiteral, Add, NumberDurationLiteral)) # Complex expression sum by(job, mode) (rate(node_cpu_seconds_total[1m])) / on(job) group_left sum by(job)(rate(node_cpu_seconds_total[1m])) ==> PromQL( BinaryExpr( AggregateExpr( AggregateOp(Sum), AggregateModifier( By, GroupingLabels( LabelName, LabelName ) ), FunctionCallBody( FunctionCall( FunctionIdentifier(Rate), FunctionCallBody( MatrixSelector( VectorSelector( Identifier ), NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext ) ) ) ) ), Div, MatchingModifierClause( On, GroupingLabels( LabelName ) GroupLeft ), AggregateExpr( AggregateOp(Sum), AggregateModifier( By, GroupingLabels( LabelName ) ), FunctionCallBody( FunctionCall( FunctionIdentifier(Rate), FunctionCallBody( MatrixSelector( VectorSelector( Identifier ), NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext ) ) ) ) ) ) ) # Quoted label name in grouping labels sum by("job", mode) (test_metric) / on("job") group_left sum by("job")(test_metric) ==> PromQL( BinaryExpr( AggregateExpr( AggregateOp(Sum), AggregateModifier( By, GroupingLabels( QuotedLabelName(StringLiteral), LabelName ) ), FunctionCallBody( VectorSelector( Identifier ) ) ), Div, MatchingModifierClause( On, GroupingLabels( QuotedLabelName(StringLiteral) ) GroupLeft ), AggregateExpr( AggregateOp(Sum), AggregateModifier( By, GroupingLabels( QuotedLabelName(StringLiteral) ) ), FunctionCallBody( VectorSelector( Identifier ) ) ) ) ) # Case insensitivity for aggregations and binop modifiers. SuM BY(testlabel1) (testmetric1) / IGNOring(testlabel2) AVG withOUT(testlabel3) (testmetric2) ==> PromQL( BinaryExpr( AggregateExpr( AggregateOp(Sum), AggregateModifier( By, GroupingLabels( LabelName ) ), FunctionCallBody( VectorSelector( Identifier ) ) ), Div, MatchingModifierClause( Ignoring, GroupingLabels( LabelName ) ), AggregateExpr( AggregateOp(Avg), AggregateModifier( Without, GroupingLabels( LabelName ) ), FunctionCallBody( VectorSelector( Identifier ) ) ) ) ) # Case insensitivity for set operators metric1 and metric2 AND metric3 unless metric4 UNLESS metric5 or metric6 OR metric7 ==> PromQL( BinaryExpr( BinaryExpr( BinaryExpr( BinaryExpr( BinaryExpr( BinaryExpr( VectorSelector(Identifier), And, VectorSelector(Identifier) ), And, VectorSelector(Identifier) ), Unless, VectorSelector(Identifier) ), Unless, VectorSelector(Identifier) ), Or, VectorSelector(Identifier) ), Or, VectorSelector(Identifier) ) ) # NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext units foo[1y2w3d4h5m6s7ms] ==> PromQL(MatrixSelector(VectorSelector(Identifier),NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext)) # Incorrectly ordered NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext units foo[1m2h] ==> PromQL(MatrixSelector(VectorSelector(Identifier),NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext,⚠)) # Using a function name as a metric name rate ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(Identifier)) # Match operators metric_name{a="1",b!="2",c=~"3",d!~"4"} ==> PromQL( VectorSelector( Identifier, LabelMatchers( UnquotedLabelMatcher( LabelName, MatchOp(EqlSingle), StringLiteral ), UnquotedLabelMatcher( LabelName, MatchOp(Neq), StringLiteral ), UnquotedLabelMatcher( LabelName, MatchOp(EqlRegex), StringLiteral ), UnquotedLabelMatcher( LabelName, MatchOp(NeqRegex), StringLiteral ) ) ) ) # Binary expression with bool modifier metric_name > bool 1 ==> PromQL( BinaryExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), Gtr, BoolModifier(Bool), NumberDurationLiteral ) ) # Binary expression with group_x() labels. metric1 + on(foo) group_left(bar, baz) metric2 ==> PromQL( BinaryExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), Add, MatchingModifierClause( On, GroupingLabels( LabelName ) GroupLeft, GroupingLabels( LabelName, LabelName ) ), VectorSelector( Identifier ) ) ) # Function last_over_time last_over_time(data[1m]) ==> PromQL( FunctionCall( FunctionIdentifier(LastOverTime), FunctionCallBody( MatrixSelector( VectorSelector( Identifier ), NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext ) ) ) ) # Function sgn sgn(data) ==> PromQL( FunctionCall( FunctionIdentifier(Sgn), FunctionCallBody( VectorSelector( Identifier ) ) ) ) # Function clamp clamp(data,0,1) ==> PromQL( FunctionCall( FunctionIdentifier(Clamp), FunctionCallBody( VectorSelector(Identifier), NumberDurationLiteral, NumberDurationLiteral ) ) ) # Metric start start ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(Identifier)) # Metric end end ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(Identifier)) # Simple At start foo @ start() ==> PromQL( StepInvariantExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), At, AtModifierPreprocessors(Start), ) ) # Simple At end foo @ end() ==> PromQL( StepInvariantExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), At, AtModifierPreprocessors(End), ) ) # Simple At number foo @ 1234 ==> PromQL( StepInvariantExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), At, NumberDurationLiteral ) ) # At Modifier with space between bracket foo @ start( ) ==> PromQL( StepInvariantExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), At, AtModifierPreprocessors(Start), ) ) # Complex test with At modifier rate(process_cpu_seconds_total[1m]) and topk(7, rate(process_cpu_seconds_total[1h] @ 1234)) ==> PromQL( BinaryExpr( FunctionCall( FunctionIdentifier(Rate), FunctionCallBody( MatrixSelector( VectorSelector(Identifier), NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext ) ) ), And, AggregateExpr( AggregateOp(Topk), FunctionCallBody( NumberDurationLiteral, FunctionCall( FunctionIdentifier(Rate), FunctionCallBody( StepInvariantExpr( MatrixSelector(VectorSelector(Identifier), NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext), At, NumberDurationLiteral ) ) ) ) ) ) ) # At modifier with negative number foo @ - 1234 ==> PromQL( StepInvariantExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), At, NumberDurationLiteral ) ) # At modifier with explicit positive number foo @ + 1234 ==> PromQL( StepInvariantExpr( VectorSelector( Identifier ), At, NumberDurationLiteral ) ) # Metric prefixed by Inf infra ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(Identifier)) # Metric prefixed by Nan nananere ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(Identifier)) # Mixed-case NaN. NaN ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Lower-cased NaN. nan ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Inf. Inf ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Negative Inf. -Inf ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Positive Inf. +Inf ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Lower-cased Inf. inf ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Upper-cased Inf. INF ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Negative number literal. -42 ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Explicitly positive number literal. +42 ==> PromQL(NumberDurationLiteral) # Trying to illegally use NaN as a metric name. NaN{foo="bar"} ==> PromQL(BinaryExpr(NumberDurationLiteral,⚠,VectorSelector(LabelMatchers(UnquotedLabelMatcher(LabelName,MatchOp(EqlSingle),StringLiteral))))) # Trying to illegally use Inf as a metric name. Inf{foo="bar"} ==> PromQL(BinaryExpr(NumberDurationLiteral,⚠,VectorSelector(LabelMatchers(UnquotedLabelMatcher(LabelName,MatchOp(EqlSingle),StringLiteral))))) # Negative offset foo offset -5d ==> PromQL(OffsetExpr(VectorSelector(Identifier), Offset, NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext)) # Negative offset with space foo offset - 5d ==> PromQL(OffsetExpr(VectorSelector(Identifier), Offset, NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext)) # Positive offset foo offset 5d ==> PromQL(OffsetExpr(VectorSelector(Identifier), Offset, NumberDurationLiteralInDurationContext)) # Parsing only metric names with alternative @top { "top": "MetricName" } sum:my_metric_name:rate5m ==> MetricName(Identifier) # Testing Atan2 inherited precedence level 1 + foo atan2 bar ==> PromQL(BinaryExpr(NumberDurationLiteral,Add,BinaryExpr(VectorSelector(Identifier),Atan2,VectorSelector(Identifier)))) # Testing quoted metric name {"metric_name"} ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(LabelMatchers(QuotedLabelName(StringLiteral)))) # Testing quoted label name {"foo"="bar"} ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(LabelMatchers(QuotedLabelMatcher(QuotedLabelName(StringLiteral), MatchOp(EqlSingle), StringLiteral)))) # Testing quoted metric name and label name {"metric_name", "foo"="bar"} ==> PromQL(VectorSelector(LabelMatchers(QuotedLabelName(StringLiteral), QuotedLabelMatcher(QuotedLabelName(StringLiteral), MatchOp(EqlSingle), StringLiteral))))