#!/bin/bash # Setting -x is absolutely forbidden as it could leak the GitHub token. set -uo pipefail # GITHUB_TOKEN required scope: repo.repo_public git_mail="prometheus-team@googlegroups.com" git_user="prombot" branch="makefile_common" commit_msg="makefile: update Makefile.common with newer version" pr_title="Synchronize Makefile.common from prometheus/prometheus" pr_msg="Propagating changes from master Makefile.common located in prometheus/prometheus." orgs="prometheus prometheus-community" GITHUB_TOKEN="${GITHUB_TOKEN:-}" if [ -z "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]; then echo -e "\e[31mGitHub token (GITHUB_TOKEN) not set. Terminating.\e[0m" exit 1 fi # Go to the root of the repo cd "$(git rev-parse --show-cdup)" source_makefile="$(pwd)/Makefile.common" source_checksum="$(sha256sum Makefile.common | cut -d' ' -f1)" tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d) trap "rm -rf ${tmp_dir}" EXIT for org in $orgs do # Iterate over all repositories in ${org}. The GitHub API can return 100 items # at most but it should be enough for us as there are less than 40 repositories # currently. curl --retry 5 --silent -u "${git_user}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}" https://api.github.com/users/${org}/repos?per_page=100 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.[] | select( .name != "prometheus" ) | .name' | while read -r; do repo="${REPLY}" echo -e "\e[32mAnalyzing '${repo}'\e[0m" target_makefile="$(curl -s --fail "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${org}/${repo}/master/Makefile.common")" if [ -z "${target_makefile}" ]; then echo "Makefile.common doesn't exist in ${repo}" continue fi target_checksum="$(echo ${target_makefile} | sha256sum | cut -d' ' -f1)" if [ "${source_checksum}" == "${target_checksum}" ]; then echo "Makefile.common is already in sync." continue fi # Clone target repo to temporary directory and checkout to new branch git clone --quiet "https://github.com/${org}/${repo}.git" "${tmp_dir}/${repo}" cd "${tmp_dir}/${repo}" git checkout -b "${branch}" # Replace Makefile.common in target repo by one from prometheus/prometheus cp -f "${source_makefile}" ./ if [ -n "$(git status --porcelain)" ]; then git config user.email "${git_mail}" git config user.name "${git_user}" git add . git commit -s -m "${commit_msg}" # stdout and stderr are redirected to /dev/null otherwise git-push could leak the token in the logs. if git push --quiet "https://${GITHUB_TOKEN}:@github.com/${org}/${repo}" --set-upstream "${branch}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then curl --show-error --silent \ -u "${git_user}:${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \ -X POST \ -d "{\"title\":\"${pr_title}\",\"base\":\"master\",\"head\":\"${branch}\",\"body\":\"${pr_msg}\"}" \ "https://api.github.com/repos/${org}/${repo}/pulls" fi fi done done