@ -13,13 +13,12 @@ Maintainers for specific parts of the codebase:
* `k8s`: Frederic Branczyk (<fbranczyk@gmail.com> / @brancz)
* `documentation`
* `prometheus-mixin`: Matthias Loibl (<mail@matthiasloibl.com> / @metalmatze)
* `model/histogram` and other code related to native histograms: Björn Rabenstein (<beorn@grafana.com> / @beorn7),
* `model/histogram` and other code related to native histograms: Björn Rabenstein (<beorn@grafana.com> / @beorn7),
George Krajcsovits (<gyorgy.krajcsovits@grafana.com> / @krajorama)
* `storage`
* `remote`: Callum Styan (<callumstyan@gmail.com> / @cstyan), Bartłomiej Płotka (<bwplotka@gmail.com> / @bwplotka), Tom Wilkie (tom.wilkie@gmail.com / @tomwilkie), Nicolás Pazos ( <npazosmendez@gmail.com> / @npazosmendez), Alex Greenbank ( <alex.greenbank@grafana.com> / @alexgreenbank)
* `otlptranslator`: Arve Knudsen (<arve.knudsen@gmail.com> / @aknuds1), Jesús Vázquez (<jesus.vazquez@grafana.com> / @jesusvazquez)
* `tsdb`: Ganesh Vernekar (<ganesh@grafana.com> / @codesome), Bartłomiej Płotka (<bwplotka@gmail.com> / @bwplotka), Jesús Vázquez (<jesus.vazquez@grafana.com> / @jesusvazquez)
* `agent`: Robert Fratto (<robert.fratto@grafana.com> / @rfratto)
* `web`
* `ui`: Julius Volz (<julius.volz@gmail.com> / @juliusv)
* `module`: Augustin Husson (<husson.augustin@gmail.com> @nexucis)