Merge pull request #1266 from prometheus/ruels

rules/ refactoring
Fabian Reinartz 2015-12-23 12:36:00 +01:00
commit 92c851f322
8 changed files with 436 additions and 354 deletions

View File

@ -155,7 +155,6 @@ func Main() int {
go ruleManager.Run()
defer ruleManager.Stop()
go notificationHandler.Run()

View File

@ -159,6 +159,11 @@ func (n *Handler) nextBatch() []*model.Alert {
// Run dispatches notifications continuously.
func (n *Handler) Run() {
// Just warn once in the beginning to prevent noisy logs.
if n.opts.AlertmanagerURL == "" {
log.Warnf("No AlertManager configured, not dispatching any alerts")
for {
select {
case <-n.ctx.Done():
@ -168,8 +173,10 @@ func (n *Handler) Run() {
alerts := n.nextBatch()
if len(alerts) == 0 {
if n.opts.AlertmanagerURL == "" {
log.Warn("No AlertManager configured, not dispatching %d alerts", len(alerts))

View File

@ -38,19 +38,6 @@ const (
// AlertState denotes the state of an active alert.
type AlertState int
func (s AlertState) String() string {
switch s {
case StateInactive:
return "inactive"
case StatePending:
return "pending"
case StateFiring:
return "firing"
const (
// StateInactive is the state of an alert that is either firing nor pending.
StateInactive AlertState = iota
@ -62,36 +49,27 @@ const (
// Alert is used to track active (pending/firing) alerts over time.
type Alert struct {
// The name of the alert.
Name string
// The vector element labelset triggering this alert.
Labels model.LabelSet
// The state of the alert (Pending or Firing).
State AlertState
// The time when the alert first transitioned into Pending state.
ActiveSince model.Time
// The value of the alert expression for this vector element.
Value model.SampleValue
func (s AlertState) String() string {
switch s {
case StateInactive:
return "inactive"
case StatePending:
return "pending"
case StateFiring:
return "firing"
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown alert state: %v", s))
// sample returns a Sample suitable for recording the alert.
func (a Alert) sample(timestamp model.Time, value model.SampleValue) *model.Sample {
recordedMetric := make(model.Metric, len(a.Labels)+3)
for label, value := range a.Labels {
recordedMetric[label] = value
recordedMetric[model.MetricNameLabel] = alertMetricName
recordedMetric[alertNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(a.Name)
recordedMetric[alertStateLabel] = model.LabelValue(a.State.String())
return &model.Sample{
Metric: recordedMetric,
Value: value,
Timestamp: timestamp,
// Alert is the user-level representation of a single instance of an alerting rule.
type Alert struct {
State AlertState
Labels model.LabelSet
// The value at the last evaluation of the alerting expression.
Value model.SampleValue
// The interval during which the condition of this alert held true.
// ResolvedAt will be 0 to indicate a still active alert.
ActiveAt, ResolvedAt model.Time
// An AlertingRule generates alerts from its vector expression.
@ -109,10 +87,10 @@ type AlertingRule struct {
annotations model.LabelSet
// Protects the below.
mutex sync.Mutex
mtx sync.Mutex
// A map of alerts which are currently active (Pending or Firing), keyed by
// the fingerprint of the labelset they correspond to.
activeAlerts map[model.Fingerprint]*Alert
active map[model.Fingerprint]*Alert
// NewAlertingRule constructs a new AlertingRule.
@ -123,8 +101,7 @@ func NewAlertingRule(name string, vec promql.Expr, hold time.Duration, lbls, ann
holdDuration: hold,
labels: lbls,
annotations: anns,
activeAlerts: map[model.Fingerprint]*Alert{},
active: map[model.Fingerprint]*Alert{},
@ -133,65 +110,145 @@ func (rule *AlertingRule) Name() string {
func (r *AlertingRule) sample(alert *Alert, ts model.Time, set bool) *model.Sample {
metric := model.Metric(r.labels.Clone())
for ln, lv := range alert.Labels {
metric[ln] = lv
metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = alertMetricName
metric[model.AlertNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(
metric[alertStateLabel] = model.LabelValue(alert.State.String())
s := &model.Sample{
Metric: metric,
Timestamp: ts,
Value: 0,
if set {
s.Value = 1
return s
// resolvedRetention is the duration for which a resolved alert instance
// is kept in memory state and consequentally repeatedly sent to the AlertManager.
const resolvedRetention = 15 * time.Minute
// eval evaluates the rule expression and then creates pending alerts and fires
// or removes previously pending alerts accordingly.
func (rule *AlertingRule) eval(timestamp model.Time, engine *promql.Engine) (model.Vector, error) {
query, err := engine.NewInstantQuery(rule.vector.String(), timestamp)
func (r *AlertingRule) eval(ts model.Time, engine *promql.Engine) (model.Vector, error) {
query, err := engine.NewInstantQuery(r.vector.String(), ts)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
exprResult, err := query.Exec().Vector()
res, err := query.Exec().Vector()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rule.mutex.Unlock()
defer r.mtx.Unlock()
// Create pending alerts for any new vector elements in the alert expression
// or update the expression value for existing elements.
resultFPs := map[model.Fingerprint]struct{}{}
for _, sample := range exprResult {
fp := sample.Metric.Fingerprint()
for _, smpl := range res {
fp := smpl.Metric.Fingerprint()
resultFPs[fp] = struct{}{}
if alert, ok := rule.activeAlerts[fp]; !ok {
labels := model.LabelSet(sample.Metric.Clone())
labels = labels.Merge(rule.labels)
if _, ok := labels[model.MetricNameLabel]; ok {
delete(labels, model.MetricNameLabel)
rule.activeAlerts[fp] = &Alert{
Labels: labels,
State: StatePending,
ActiveSince: timestamp,
Value: sample.Value,
} else {
alert.Value = sample.Value
var vector model.Vector
// Check if any pending alerts should be removed or fire now. Write out alert timeseries.
for fp, activeAlert := range rule.activeAlerts {
if _, ok := resultFPs[fp]; !ok {
vector = append(vector, activeAlert.sample(timestamp, 0))
delete(rule.activeAlerts, fp)
if alert, ok :=[fp]; ok {
alert.Value = smpl.Value
if activeAlert.State == StatePending && timestamp.Sub(activeAlert.ActiveSince) >= rule.holdDuration {
vector = append(vector, activeAlert.sample(timestamp, 0))
activeAlert.State = StateFiring
delete(smpl.Metric, model.MetricNameLabel)
vector = append(vector, activeAlert.sample(timestamp, 1))[fp] = &Alert{
Labels: model.LabelSet(smpl.Metric),
ActiveAt: ts,
State: StatePending,
Value: smpl.Value,
return vector, nil
var vec model.Vector
// Check if any pending alerts should be removed or fire now. Write out alert timeseries.
for fp, a := range {
if _, ok := resultFPs[fp]; !ok {
if a.State != StateInactive {
vec = append(vec, r.sample(a, ts, false))
// If the alert was previously firing, keep it around for a given
// retention time so it is reported as resolved to the AlertManager.
if a.State == StatePending || (a.ResolvedAt != 0 && ts.Sub(a.ResolvedAt) > resolvedRetention) {
delete(, fp)
if a.State != StateInactive {
a.State = StateInactive
a.ResolvedAt = ts
if a.State == StatePending && ts.Sub(a.ActiveAt) >= r.holdDuration {
vec = append(vec, r.sample(a, ts, false))
a.State = StateFiring
vec = append(vec, r.sample(a, ts, true))
return vec, nil
// State returns the maximum state of alert instances for this rule.
// StateFiring > StatePending > StateInactive
func (r *AlertingRule) State() AlertState {
defer r.mtx.Unlock()
maxState := StateInactive
for _, a := range {
if a.State > maxState {
maxState = a.State
return maxState
// ActiveAlerts returns a slice of active alerts.
func (r *AlertingRule) ActiveAlerts() []*Alert {
var res []*Alert
for _, a := range r.currentAlerts() {
if a.ResolvedAt == 0 {
res = append(res, a)
return res
// currentAlerts returns all instances of alerts for this rule. This may include
// inactive alerts that were previously firing.
func (r *AlertingRule) currentAlerts() []*Alert {
defer r.mtx.Unlock()
alerts := make([]*Alert, 0, len(
for _, a := range {
labels := r.labels.Clone()
for ln, lv := range a.Labels {
labels[ln] = lv
anew := *a
anew.Labels = labels
alerts = append(alerts, &anew)
return alerts
func (rule *AlertingRule) String() string {
@ -230,29 +287,3 @@ func (rule *AlertingRule) HTMLSnippet(pathPrefix string) template.HTML {
return template.HTML(s)
// State returns the "maximum" state: firing > pending > inactive.
func (rule *AlertingRule) State() AlertState {
defer rule.mutex.Unlock()
maxState := StateInactive
for _, activeAlert := range rule.activeAlerts {
if activeAlert.State > maxState {
maxState = activeAlert.State
return maxState
// ActiveAlerts returns a slice of active alerts.
func (rule *AlertingRule) ActiveAlerts() []Alert {
defer rule.mutex.Unlock()
alerts := make([]Alert, 0, len(rule.activeAlerts))
for _, alert := range rule.activeAlerts {
alerts = append(alerts, *alert)
return alerts

View File

@ -39,16 +39,14 @@ import (
const (
namespace = "prometheus"
ruleTypeLabel = "rule_type"
ruleTypeAlerting = "alerting"
ruleTypeRecording = "recording"
ruleTypeLabel = "rule_type"
var (
evalDuration = prometheus.NewSummaryVec(
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "rule_evaluation_duration_milliseconds",
Name: "rule_evaluation_duration_seconds",
Help: "The duration for a rule to execute.",
@ -60,9 +58,16 @@ var (
Help: "The total number of rule evaluation failures.",
evalTotal = prometheus.NewCounter(
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "rule_evaluations_total",
Help: "The total number of rule evaluations.",
iterationDuration = prometheus.NewSummary(prometheus.SummaryOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Name: "evaluator_duration_milliseconds",
Name: "evaluator_duration_seconds",
Help: "The duration for all evaluations to execute.",
Objectives: map[float64]float64{0.01: 0.001, 0.05: 0.005, 0.5: 0.05, 0.90: 0.01, 0.99: 0.001},
@ -74,12 +79,18 @@ func init() {
type ruleType string
const (
ruleTypeAlert = "alerting"
ruleTypeRecording = "recording"
// A Rule encapsulates a vector expression which is evaluated at a specified
// interval and acted upon (currently either recorded or used for alerting).
type Rule interface {
// Name returns the name of the rule.
Name() string
// Eval evaluates the rule, including any associated recording or alerting actions.
// eval evaluates the rule, including any associated recording or alerting actions.
eval(model.Time, *promql.Engine) (model.Vector, error)
// String returns a human-readable string representation of the rule.
String() string
@ -88,306 +99,382 @@ type Rule interface {
HTMLSnippet(pathPrefix string) html_template.HTML
// The Manager manages recording and alerting rules.
type Manager struct {
// Protects the rules list.
rules []Rule
// Group is a set of rules that have a logical relation.
type Group struct {
name string
interval time.Duration
rules []Rule
opts *ManagerOptions
done chan bool
interval time.Duration
queryEngine *promql.Engine
sampleAppender storage.SampleAppender
notificationHandler *notification.Handler
externalURL *url.URL
done chan struct{}
terminated chan struct{}
// ManagerOptions bundles options for the Manager.
type ManagerOptions struct {
EvaluationInterval time.Duration
QueryEngine *promql.Engine
NotificationHandler *notification.Handler
SampleAppender storage.SampleAppender
ExternalURL *url.URL
// NewManager returns an implementation of Manager, ready to be started
// by calling the Run method.
func NewManager(o *ManagerOptions) *Manager {
manager := &Manager{
rules: []Rule{},
done: make(chan bool),
interval: o.EvaluationInterval,
sampleAppender: o.SampleAppender,
queryEngine: o.QueryEngine,
notificationHandler: o.NotificationHandler,
externalURL: o.ExternalURL,
func newGroup(name string, opts *ManagerOptions) *Group {
return &Group{
name: name,
opts: opts,
done: make(chan struct{}),
terminated: make(chan struct{}),
return manager
// Run the rule manager's periodic rule evaluation.
func (m *Manager) Run() {
defer log.Info("Rule manager stopped.")
func (g *Group) run() {
defer close(g.terminated)
lastInterval := m.interval
// Wait an initial amount to have consistently slotted intervals.
ticker := time.NewTicker(lastInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
iter := func() {
start := time.Now()
iterationDuration.Observe(float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Millisecond))
tick := time.NewTicker(g.interval)
defer tick.Stop()
for {
// The outer select clause makes sure that m.done is looked at
// first. Otherwise, if m.runIteration takes longer than
// m.interval, there is only a 50% chance that m.done will be
// looked at before the next m.runIteration call happens.
select {
case <-m.done:
case <-g.done:
select {
case <-ticker.C:
start := time.Now()
iterationDuration.Observe(float64(time.Since(start) / time.Millisecond))
if lastInterval != m.interval {
ticker = time.NewTicker(m.interval)
lastInterval = m.interval
case <-m.done:
case <-g.done:
case <-tick.C:
// Stop the rule manager's rule evaluation cycles.
func (m *Manager) Stop() {
log.Info("Stopping rule manager...")
m.done <- true
func (g *Group) stop() {
func (m *Manager) sendAlertNotifications(rule *AlertingRule, timestamp model.Time) {
activeAlerts := rule.ActiveAlerts()
if len(activeAlerts) == 0 {
func (g *Group) fingerprint() model.Fingerprint {
l := model.LabelSet{"name": model.LabelValue(}
return l.Fingerprint()
// offset returns until the next consistently slotted evaluation interval.
func (g *Group) offset() time.Duration {
now := time.Now().UnixNano()
var (
base = now - (now % int64(g.interval))
offset = uint64(g.fingerprint()) % uint64(g.interval)
next = base + int64(offset)
if next < now {
next += int64(g.interval)
return time.Duration(next - now)
alerts := make(model.Alerts, 0, len(activeAlerts))
for _, aa := range activeAlerts {
if aa.State != StateFiring {
// BUG: In the future, make AlertManager support pending alerts?
// copyState copies the alerting rule state from the given group.
func (g *Group) copyState(from *Group) {
for _, fromRule := range from.rules {
far, ok := fromRule.(*AlertingRule)
if !ok {
// Provide the alert information to the template.
l := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range aa.Labels {
l[string(k)] = string(v)
tmplData := struct {
Labels map[string]string
Value float64
Labels: l,
Value: float64(aa.Value),
// Inject some convenience variables that are easier to remember for users
// who are not used to Go's templating system.
defs := "{{$labels := .Labels}}{{$value := .Value}}"
expand := func(text model.LabelValue) model.LabelValue {
tmpl := template.NewTemplateExpander(defs+string(text), "__alert_"+rule.Name(), tmplData, timestamp, m.queryEngine, m.externalURL.Path)
result, err := tmpl.Expand()
if err != nil {
result = err.Error()
log.Warnf("Error expanding alert template %v with data '%v': %v", rule.Name(), tmplData, err)
for _, rule := range g.rules {
ar, ok := rule.(*AlertingRule)
if !ok {
if far.Name() == ar.Name() { =
return model.LabelValue(result)
labels := aa.Labels.Clone()
labels[model.AlertNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(rule.Name())
annotations := rule.annotations.Clone()
for an, av := range rule.annotations {
annotations[an] = expand(av)
alerts = append(alerts, &model.Alert{
StartsAt: aa.ActiveSince.Time(),
Labels: labels,
Annotations: annotations,
GeneratorURL: m.externalURL.String() + strutil.GraphLinkForExpression(rule.vector.String()),
func (m *Manager) runIteration() {
now := model.Now()
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
// eval runs a single evaluation cycle in which all rules are evaluated in parallel.
// In the future a single group will be evaluated sequentially to properly handle
// rule dependency.
func (g *Group) eval() {
var (
now = model.Now()
wg sync.WaitGroup
rulesSnapshot := make([]Rule, len(m.rules))
copy(rulesSnapshot, m.rules)
for _, rule := range rulesSnapshot {
for _, rule := range g.rules {
// BUG(julius): Look at fixing thundering herd.
go func(rule Rule) {
defer wg.Done()
start := time.Now()
vector, err := rule.eval(now, m.queryEngine)
duration := time.Since(start)
vector, err := rule.eval(now, g.opts.QueryEngine)
if err != nil {
log.Warnf("Error while evaluating rule %q: %s", rule, err)
var rtyp ruleType
switch r := rule.(type) {
case *AlertingRule:
m.sendAlertNotifications(r, now)
float64(duration / time.Millisecond),
rtyp = ruleTypeRecording
g.sendAlerts(r, now)
case *RecordingRule:
float64(duration / time.Millisecond),
rtyp = ruleTypeAlert
panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown rule type: %T", rule))
float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Second),
for _, s := range vector {
// transferAlertState makes a copy of the state of alerting rules and returns a function
// that restores them in the current state.
func (m *Manager) transferAlertState() func() {
// sendAlerts sends alert notifications for the given rule.
func (g *Group) sendAlerts(rule *AlertingRule, timestamp model.Time) error {
var alerts model.Alerts
alertingRules := map[string]*AlertingRule{}
for _, r := range m.rules {
if ar, ok := r.(*AlertingRule); ok {
alertingRules[] = ar
for _, alert := range rule.currentAlerts() {
// Only send actually firing alerts.
if alert.State == StatePending {
// Provide the alert information to the template.
l := make(map[string]string, len(alert.Labels))
for k, v := range alert.Labels {
l[string(k)] = string(v)
tmplData := struct {
Labels map[string]string
Value float64
Labels: l,
Value: float64(alert.Value),
// Inject some convenience variables that are easier to remember for users
// who are not used to Go's templating system.
defs := "{{$labels := .Labels}}{{$value := .Value}}"
expand := func(text model.LabelValue) model.LabelValue {
tmpl := template.NewTemplateExpander(
result, err := tmpl.Expand()
if err != nil {
result = fmt.Sprintf("<error expanding template: %s>", err)
log.Warnf("Error expanding alert template %v with data '%v': %s", rule.Name(), tmplData, err)
return model.LabelValue(result)
labels := make(model.LabelSet, len(alert.Labels)+1)
for ln, lv := range alert.Labels {
labels[ln] = expand(lv)
labels[model.AlertNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(rule.Name())
annotations := make(model.LabelSet, len(rule.annotations))
for an, av := range rule.annotations {
annotations[an] = expand(av)
a := &model.Alert{
StartsAt: alert.ActiveAt.Add(rule.holdDuration).Time(),
Labels: labels,
Annotations: annotations,
GeneratorURL: g.opts.ExternalURL.String() + strutil.GraphLinkForExpression(rule.vector.String()),
if alert.ResolvedAt != 0 {
a.EndsAt = alert.ResolvedAt.Time()
alerts = append(alerts, a)
return func() {
// Restore alerting rule state.
for _, r := range m.rules {
ar, ok := r.(*AlertingRule)
if !ok {
if old, ok := alertingRules[]; ok {
ar.activeAlerts = old.activeAlerts
if len(alerts) > 0 {
return nil
// The Manager manages recording and alerting rules.
type Manager struct {
opts *ManagerOptions
groups map[string]*Group
mtx sync.RWMutex
// ManagerOptions bundles options for the Manager.
type ManagerOptions struct {
ExternalURL *url.URL
QueryEngine *promql.Engine
NotificationHandler *notification.Handler
SampleAppender storage.SampleAppender
// NewManager returns an implementation of Manager, ready to be started
// by calling the Run method.
func NewManager(o *ManagerOptions) *Manager {
manager := &Manager{
groups: map[string]*Group{},
opts: o,
return manager
// Stop the rule manager's rule evaluation cycles.
func (m *Manager) Stop() {
log.Info("Stopping rule manager...")
for _, eg := range m.groups {
log.Info("Rule manager stopped.")
// ApplyConfig updates the rule manager's state as the config requires. If
// loading the new rules failed the old rule set is restored. Returns true on success.
func (m *Manager) ApplyConfig(conf *config.Config) bool {
defer m.Unlock()
defer m.transferAlertState()()
success := true
m.interval = time.Duration(conf.GlobalConfig.EvaluationInterval)
rulesSnapshot := make([]Rule, len(m.rules))
copy(rulesSnapshot, m.rules)
m.rules = m.rules[:0]
defer m.mtx.Unlock()
// Get all rule files and load the groups they define.
var files []string
for _, pat := range conf.RuleFiles {
fs, err := filepath.Glob(pat)
if err != nil {
// The only error can be a bad pattern.
log.Errorf("Error retrieving rule files for %s: %s", pat, err)
success = false
return false
files = append(files, fs...)
if err := m.loadRuleFiles(files...); err != nil {
// If loading the new rules failed, restore the old rule set.
m.rules = rulesSnapshot
groups, err := m.loadGroups(files...)
if err != nil {
log.Errorf("Error loading rules, previous rule set restored: %s", err)
success = false
return false
return success
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, newg := range groups {
// To be replaced with a configurable per-group interval.
newg.interval = time.Duration(conf.GlobalConfig.EvaluationInterval)
// If there is an old group with the same identifier, stop it and wait for
// it to finish the current iteration. Then copy its into the new group.
oldg, ok := m.groups[]
go func(newg *Group) {
if ok {
// Stop remaining old groups.
for _, oldg := range m.groups {
m.groups = groups
return true
// loadRuleFiles loads alerting and recording rules from the given files.
func (m *Manager) loadRuleFiles(filenames ...string) error {
// loadGroups reads groups from a list of files.
// As there's currently no group syntax a single group named "default" containing
// all rules will be returned.
func (m *Manager) loadGroups(filenames ...string) (map[string]*Group, error) {
groups := map[string]*Group{}
// Currently there is no group syntax implemented. Thus all rules
// are read into a single default group.
g := newGroup("default", m.opts)
groups[] = g
for _, fn := range filenames {
content, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fn)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil, err
stmts, err := promql.ParseStmts(string(content))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s: %s", fn, err)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing %s: %s", fn, err)
for _, stmt := range stmts {
var rule Rule
switch r := stmt.(type) {
case *promql.AlertStmt:
rule := NewAlertingRule(r.Name, r.Expr, r.Duration, r.Labels, r.Annotations)
m.rules = append(m.rules, rule)
rule = NewAlertingRule(r.Name, r.Expr, r.Duration, r.Labels, r.Annotations)
case *promql.RecordStmt:
rule := NewRecordingRule(r.Name, r.Expr, r.Labels)
m.rules = append(m.rules, rule)
rule = NewRecordingRule(r.Name, r.Expr, r.Labels)
panic("retrieval.Manager.LoadRuleFiles: unknown statement type")
g.rules = append(g.rules, rule)
return nil
return groups, nil
// Rules returns the list of the manager's rules.
func (m *Manager) Rules() []Rule {
defer m.Unlock()
defer m.mtx.RUnlock()
var rules []Rule
for _, g := range m.groups {
rules = append(rules, g.rules...)
rules := make([]Rule, len(m.rules))
copy(rules, m.rules)
return rules
// AlertingRules returns the list of the manager's alerting rules.
func (m *Manager) AlertingRules() []*AlertingRule {
defer m.Unlock()
defer m.mtx.RUnlock()
alerts := []*AlertingRule{}
for _, rule := range m.rules {
for _, rule := range m.Rules() {
if alertingRule, ok := rule.(*AlertingRule); ok {
alerts = append(alerts, alertingRule)

View File

@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ package rules
import (
@ -138,46 +137,3 @@ func annotateWithTime(lines []string, timestamp model.Time) []string {
return annotatedLines
func TestTransferAlertState(t *testing.T) {
m := NewManager(&ManagerOptions{})
alert := &Alert{
Name: "testalert",
State: StateFiring,
arule := AlertingRule{
name: "test",
activeAlerts: map[model.Fingerprint]*Alert{},
aruleCopy := arule
m.rules = append(m.rules, &arule)
// Set an alert.
arule.activeAlerts[0] = alert
// Save state and get the restore function.
restore := m.transferAlertState()
// Remove arule from the rule list and add an unrelated rule and the
// stateless copy of arule.
m.rules = []Rule{
name: "test_other",
activeAlerts: map[model.Fingerprint]*Alert{},
// Apply the restore function.
if ar := m.rules[0].(*AlertingRule); len(ar.activeAlerts) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("unexpected alert for unrelated alerting rule")
if ar := m.rules[1].(*AlertingRule); !reflect.DeepEqual(ar.activeAlerts[0], alert) {
t.Fatalf("alert state was not restored")

View File

@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ func NewRecordingRule(name string, vector promql.Expr, labels model.LabelSet) *R
// Name returns the rule name.
func (rule RecordingRule) Name() string { return }
func (rule RecordingRule) Name() string {
// eval evaluates the rule and then overrides the metric names and labels accordingly.
func (rule RecordingRule) eval(timestamp model.Time, engine *promql.Engine) (model.Vector, error) {

View File

@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ func webUiTemplates_baseHtml() (*asset, error) {
return a, nil
var _webUiTemplatesAlertsHtml = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x09\x6e\x88\x00\xff\x8c\x54\x4d\x8f\x9b\x30\x10\xbd\xef\xaf\xb0\xd0\x1e\x5a\xa9\x80\xd4\x63\x45\x90\x56\x7b\xe9\x61\x5b\x55\x9b\x74\xaf\x91\xb1\x27\x8b\xb7\x8e\x41\xb6\x93\x4d\xe4\xf2\xdf\x3b\xb6\x21\x4b\x08\x48\xbd\x24\x78\x66\xde\xf3\xf3\x7c\x39\xc7\x61\x27\x14\x90\xa4\x06\xca\x93\xae\xbb\x23\xa4\x90\x42\xfd\x21\xf6\xdc\xc2\x2a\xb1\x70\xb2\x39\x33\x26\x21\x1a\xe4\x2a\x31\xf6\x2c\xc1\xd4\x00\x36\x21\xb5\x86\xdd\x2a\x71\x8e\xb4\xd4\xd6\xbf\xf0\x20\x4e\xa4\xeb\x72\x63\xa9\x15\xcc\x63\x72\x2a\x41\x5b\x93\x79\x78\xe9\x79\x0d\xd3\xa2\xb5\xc4\x68\xb6\x8c\x7b\xbb\xc0\xde\x10\x55\xe4\x11\x53\xde\x39\x07\x8a\xa3\xbc\xbb\x0f\xc5\xac\x51\x16\x94\xf5\xa2\x0b\x2e\x8e\x84\x49\x6a\xcc\x2a\x98\x29\x06\xe8\x74\x27\x0f\x82\xc7\xab\xeb\xaf\xe5\x43\xa0\x2d\x72\xfc\xf4\x16\x4b\x2b\x09\x03\x26\x1e\xc2\x6f\x5a\x35\x9a\x83\x06\xde\x1f\x59\x23\x25\x6d\x0d\x44\x22\x0f\xac\x1a\x7e\x8e\xdf\xce\xdd\x07\xb1\x6b\xd4\x0e\x9b\xe6\xb9\x79\x7f\xf4\x7c\xe4\xdb\x8a\x64\x0f\x33\x8e\x90\x5e\x0f\xd3\x54\xbd\x42\x1f\x23\xd4\xeb\xf3\x01\xb3\xda\x3b\x23\x2b\xb3\xe2\x08\x51\x71\x64\x1b\x19\x2e\x81\x85\xd5\xc3\x03\x9c\x13\x8a\xc3\x89\xcc\xeb\xc9\x82\xa1\xeb\x48\xf0\x6e\x7d\xa9\x41\xf7\xef\x89\x44\xbc\x2c\xc4\xc0\x25\x30\x83\x29\xab\xe1\xa8\xf1\x9f\x37\xef\xca\xd7\x41\x94\xa4\xa8\x4a\xe7\xb2\x9f\x74\x8f\x4c\x45\x5e\x95\xe4\x93\x73\x12\x14\xb9\x52\xeb\x2f\x09\xc7\xcf\x45\x8e\xac\x83\xd2\xdc\xea\xf2\x56\x75\x94\xc3\x01\xeb\x25\xcd\x44\xcf\xe5\x80\x47\xac\xee\xf8\x8c\x96\x56\x43\x59\xb0\x86\x83\x97\xf4\x7d\xf3\xe3\x69\xad\x44\xdb\x82\x1d\x35\x95\x17\x19\x22\x8a\xdc\x47\x8f\xf9\xf2\x09\x21\x66\x6f\x37\x7d\xc6\x38\xfe\x7f\x7b\xa5\x6e\x8e\xa0\x2f\x7d\x83\x05\x51\xd8\x37\x7d\xd2\x41\xc2\x1e\xbb\xd5\x6c\x83\x3b\x99\xbc\xe7\x23\x27\x13\x8f\xf7\xd5\xe5\x13\xad\x40\x62\xef\xe2\xe7\x8c\x37\x54\x77\xc9\x19\x3b\x87\xac\x85\x62\x8b\x31\x2f\x54\x1e\x16\x9d\x6b\x81\x45\x9e\xc3\x8e\x8b\x3a\xe4\x31\x36\xf6\x72\x2a\xc3\x53\x6f\x6f\xe1\x53\xd3\x88\x4b\xfa\xb7\x7f\x21\xf7\x47\x2f\x32\x0c\x43\xcc\xc6\x84\xb7\xa7\x32\x2d\x55\x43\x2a\x03\x92\x84\xdf\xb4\xd5\x62\x4f\xf5\x39\xc1\x7e\x89\x8c\x5d\xe7\xa7\x26\xb2\x76\x5d\x82\x9b\x06\x91\x73\x32\xe2\xde\x99\x5c\x93\xdf\x4a\x0e\x43\x34\xbe\x3e\xd4\x3d\x56\x3f\xc5\x75\x17\x87\x90\xfc\x25\xe3\x11\x8d\xf3\x89\x43\xe3\xd7\x1f\x6c\x71\x88\x05\xa3\xb6\xc1\x26\xc2\xc5\x9b\x1e\xb0\xa5\x35\xa3\x06\xbc\xec\x61\x88\x7b\xa5\x4b\x12\x30\x30\x96\x3c\x54\x3c\xdb\x88\x3d\x64\xbf\x37\x8f\x1e\xb7\x08\x78\x89\x49\xb8\x8d\x98\x2b\xf1\x34\x1f\x18\xe3\x3b\xfa\x7a\x9e\xae\x83\xe6\x57\xc1\x38\x0a\xad\xc3\x5a\xbd\xf0\xf5\x63\x3a\x84\xfd\x0b\x00\x00\xff\xff\xdb\x8e\x0c\x63\xab\x06\x00\x00")
var _webUiTemplatesAlertsHtml = []byte("\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x09\x6e\x88\x00\xff\x8c\x54\x4d\x8f\x9b\x30\x10\xbd\xef\xaf\xb0\xd0\x1e\x5a\xa9\x80\xd4\x63\x45\x90\x56\x7b\xe9\x61\x5b\x55\x9b\x74\xaf\x91\xb1\x27\x8b\xb7\x8e\x41\xb6\x93\x4d\xe4\xf2\xdf\x3b\xb6\x21\x4b\x08\x48\xbd\x24\x78\xe6\xcd\xf3\xf3\x7c\x39\xc7\x61\x27\x14\x90\xa4\x06\xca\x93\xae\xbb\x23\xa4\x90\x42\xfd\x21\xf6\xdc\xc2\x2a\xb1\x70\xb2\x39\x33\x26\x21\x1a\xe4\x2a\x31\xf6\x2c\xc1\xd4\x00\x36\x21\xb5\x86\xdd\x2a\x71\x8e\xb4\xd4\xd6\xbf\xf0\x20\x4e\xa4\xeb\x72\x63\xa9\x15\xcc\xc7\xe4\x54\x82\xb6\x26\xf3\xe1\xa5\xe7\x35\x4c\x8b\xd6\x12\xa3\xd9\x72\xdc\xdb\x25\xec\x0d\xa3\x8a\x3c\xc6\x94\x77\xce\x81\xe2\x28\xef\xee\x43\x31\x6b\x94\x05\x65\xbd\xe8\x82\x8b\x23\x61\x92\x1a\xb3\x0a\x66\x8a\x00\x9d\xee\xe4\x41\xf0\x78\x75\xfd\xb5\x7c\x08\xb4\x45\x8e\x9f\xde\x62\x69\x25\x61\x88\x89\x87\xf0\x9b\x56\x8d\xe6\xa0\x81\xf7\x47\xd6\x48\x49\x5b\x03\x91\xc8\x07\x56\x0d\x3f\xc7\x6f\xe7\xee\x83\xd8\x35\x6a\x87\x4d\xf3\xdc\xbc\x3f\x7a\x3e\xf2\x6d\x45\xb2\x87\x19\x47\x48\xaf\x0f\xd3\x54\xbd\x42\x8f\x11\xea\xf5\xf9\x80\x59\xed\x9d\x91\x95\x59\x71\x84\xa8\x38\xb2\x8d\x0c\x17\x60\x61\xf5\xf0\x00\xe7\x84\xe2\x70\x22\xf3\x7a\xb2\x60\xe8\x3a\x12\xbc\x5b\x5f\x6a\xd0\xfd\x7b\x22\x11\x2f\x0b\x31\x70\x09\xcc\x60\xca\x6a\x38\x6a\xfc\xe7\xcd\xbb\xf2\x75\x10\x25\x29\xaa\xd2\xb9\xec\x27\xdd\x23\x53\x91\x57\x25\xf9\xe4\x9c\x04\x45\xae\xd4\xfa\x4b\xc2\xf1\x73\x91\x23\xeb\xa0\x34\xb7\xba\xbc\x55\x1d\xe5\x70\xc0\x7a\x49\x33\xd1\x73\x39\xe0\x11\xab\x3b\x3e\xa3\xa5\xd5\x50\x16\xac\xe1\xe0\x25\x7d\xdf\xfc\x78\x5a\x2b\xd1\xb6\x60\x47\x4d\xe5\x45\x06\x44\x91\x7b\xf4\x98\x2f\x9f\x10\x62\xf6\x76\xd3\x67\x8c\xf1\xff\xdb\x2b\x75\x73\x04\x7d\xe9\x1b\x2c\x88\xc2\xbe\xe9\x93\x0e\x12\xf6\xd8\xad\x66\x1b\xdc\xc9\xe4\x3d\x1f\x39\x99\x78\xbc\xaf\x2e\x9f\x68\x05\x12\x7b\x17\x3f\x67\xbc\xa1\xba\x4b\xce\xd8\x39\x64\x2d\x14\x5b\xc4\xbc\x50\x79\x58\x74\xae\x05\x16\x79\x2e\x76\x5c\xd4\x21\x8f\xb1\xb1\x97\x53\x19\x9e\x7a\x7b\x0b\x9f\x9a\x46\x5c\xd2\xbf\xfd\x0b\xb9\x3f\x7a\x91\x61\x18\x62\x36\x26\xbc\x3d\x95\x69\xa9\x1a\x52\x19\x22\x49\xf8\x4d\x5b\x2d\xf6\x54\x9f\x13\xec\x97\xc8\xd8\x75\x7e\x6a\x22\x6b\xd7\x25\xb8\x69\x30\x72\x4e\x46\xdc\x3b\x93\x6b\xf2\x5b\xc9\x61\x88\xc6\xd7\x87\xba\xc7\xea\xa7\xb8\xee\xe2\x10\x92\xbf\x64\x3c\xa2\x71\x3e\x71\x68\xfc\xfa\x83\x2d\x0e\xb1\x60\xd4\x36\xd8\x44\xb8\x78\xd3\x03\xb6\xb4\x66\xd4\x80\x97\x3d\x0c\x71\xaf\x74\x49\x02\x02\xfb\x65\x61\xb3\x8d\xd8\x43\xf6\x7b\xf3\xe8\x83\x16\xd1\x2f\x31\x03\xb7\x88\xb9\xfa\x4e\x93\x81\x18\xdf\xce\xd7\xc3\x74\x0d\x9a\xdf\x03\x63\x14\x5a\x87\x9d\x7a\xe1\xeb\x67\x74\x80\xfd\x0b\x00\x00\xff\xff\xb3\xf6\xaa\xca\xa8\x06\x00\x00")
func webUiTemplatesAlertsHtmlBytes() ([]byte, error) {
return bindataRead(
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ func webUiTemplatesAlertsHtml() (*asset, error) {
return nil, err
info := bindataFileInfo{name: "web/ui/templates/alerts.html", size: 1707, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1450269200, 0)}
info := bindataFileInfo{name: "web/ui/templates/alerts.html", size: 1704, mode: os.FileMode(420), modTime: time.Unix(1450348695, 0)}
a := &asset{bytes: bytes, info: info}
return a, nil

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<td><span class="alert alert-{{ .State | alertStateToClass }} state_indicator text-uppercase">{{.State}}</span></td>