Merge pull request #12711 from fatsheep9146/floathistogram-addsub-enhance

enhance float histogram add and sub method
Björn Rabenstein 2023-08-24 13:14:10 +02:00 committed by GitHub
commit 798c5737a0
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1 changed files with 150 additions and 131 deletions

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@ -218,23 +218,17 @@ func (h *FloatHistogram) Add(other *FloatHistogram) *FloatHistogram {
h.Count += other.Count
h.Sum += other.Sum
// TODO(beorn7): If needed, this can be optimized by inspecting the
// spans in other and create missing buckets in h in batches.
var iInSpan, index int32
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
otherPositiveSpans := other.PositiveSpans
otherPositiveBuckets := other.PositiveBuckets
otherNegativeSpans := other.NegativeSpans
otherNegativeBuckets := other.NegativeBuckets
if other.Schema != h.Schema {
otherPositiveSpans, otherPositiveBuckets = mergeToSchema(other.PositiveSpans, other.PositiveBuckets, other.Schema, h.Schema)
otherNegativeSpans, otherNegativeBuckets = mergeToSchema(other.NegativeSpans, other.NegativeBuckets, other.Schema, h.Schema)
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, false, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, otherPositiveSpans, otherPositiveBuckets)
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, false, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, otherNegativeSpans, otherNegativeBuckets)
return h
@ -245,25 +239,17 @@ func (h *FloatHistogram) Sub(other *FloatHistogram) *FloatHistogram {
h.Count -= other.Count
h.Sum -= other.Sum
// TODO(beorn7): If needed, this can be optimized by inspecting the
// spans in other and create missing buckets in h in batches.
var iInSpan, index int32
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(true, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
b.Count *= -1
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
for iSpan, iBucket, it := -1, -1, other.floatBucketIterator(false, h.ZeroThreshold, h.Schema); it.Next(); {
b := it.At()
b.Count *= -1
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = addBucket(
b, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan, index,
index = b.Index
otherPositiveSpans := other.PositiveSpans
otherPositiveBuckets := other.PositiveBuckets
otherNegativeSpans := other.NegativeSpans
otherNegativeBuckets := other.NegativeBuckets
if other.Schema != h.Schema {
otherPositiveSpans, otherPositiveBuckets = mergeToSchema(other.PositiveSpans, other.PositiveBuckets, other.Schema, h.Schema)
otherNegativeSpans, otherNegativeBuckets = mergeToSchema(other.NegativeSpans, other.NegativeBuckets, other.Schema, h.Schema)
h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, true, h.PositiveSpans, h.PositiveBuckets, otherPositiveSpans, otherPositiveBuckets)
h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets = addBuckets(h.Schema, h.ZeroThreshold, true, h.NegativeSpans, h.NegativeBuckets, otherNegativeSpans, otherNegativeBuckets)
return h
@ -298,103 +284,6 @@ func (h *FloatHistogram) Equals(h2 *FloatHistogram) bool {
return true
// addBucket takes the "coordinates" of the last bucket that was handled and
// adds the provided bucket after it. If a corresponding bucket exists, the
// count is added. If not, the bucket is inserted. The updated slices and the
// coordinates of the inserted or added-to bucket are returned.
func addBucket(
b Bucket[float64],
spans []Span, buckets []float64,
iSpan, iBucket int,
iInSpan, index int32,
) (
newSpans []Span, newBuckets []float64,
newISpan, newIBucket int, newIInSpan int32,
) {
if iSpan == -1 {
// First add, check if it is before all spans.
if len(spans) == 0 || spans[0].Offset > b.Index {
// Add bucket before all others.
buckets = append(buckets, 0)
copy(buckets[1:], buckets)
buckets[0] = b.Count
if len(spans) > 0 && spans[0].Offset == b.Index+1 {
return spans, buckets, 0, 0, 0
spans = append(spans, Span{})
copy(spans[1:], spans)
spans[0] = Span{Offset: b.Index, Length: 1}
if len(spans) > 1 {
// Convert the absolute offset in the formerly
// first span to a relative offset.
spans[1].Offset -= b.Index + 1
return spans, buckets, 0, 0, 0
if spans[0].Offset == b.Index {
// Just add to first bucket.
buckets[0] += b.Count
return spans, buckets, 0, 0, 0
// We are behind the first bucket, so set everything to the
// first bucket and continue normally.
iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = 0, 0, 0
index = spans[0].Offset
deltaIndex := b.Index - index
for {
remainingInSpan := int32(spans[iSpan].Length) - iInSpan
if deltaIndex < remainingInSpan {
// Bucket is in current span.
iBucket += int(deltaIndex)
iInSpan += deltaIndex
buckets[iBucket] += b.Count
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
deltaIndex -= remainingInSpan
iBucket += int(remainingInSpan)
if iSpan == len(spans) || deltaIndex < spans[iSpan].Offset {
// Bucket is in gap behind previous span (or there are no further spans).
buckets = append(buckets, 0)
copy(buckets[iBucket+1:], buckets[iBucket:])
buckets[iBucket] = b.Count
if deltaIndex == 0 {
// Directly after previous span, extend previous span.
if iSpan < len(spans) {
iInSpan = int32(spans[iSpan].Length)
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
if iSpan < len(spans) && deltaIndex == spans[iSpan].Offset-1 {
// Directly before next span, extend next span.
iInSpan = 0
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
// No next span, or next span is not directly adjacent to new bucket.
// Add new span.
iInSpan = 0
if iSpan < len(spans) {
spans[iSpan].Offset -= deltaIndex + 1
spans = append(spans, Span{})
copy(spans[iSpan+1:], spans[iSpan:])
spans[iSpan] = Span{Length: 1, Offset: deltaIndex}
return spans, buckets, iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan
// Try start of next span.
deltaIndex -= spans[iSpan].Offset
iInSpan = 0
// Compact eliminates empty buckets at the beginning and end of each span, then
// merges spans that are consecutive or at most maxEmptyBuckets apart, and
// finally splits spans that contain more consecutive empty buckets than
@ -1033,3 +922,133 @@ func mergeToSchema(originSpans []Span, originBuckets []float64, originSchema, ta
return targetSpans, targetBuckets
// addBuckets adds the buckets described by spansB/bucketsB to the buckets described by spansA/bucketsA,
// creating missing buckets in spansA/bucketsA as needed.
// It returns the resulting spans/buckets (which must be used instead of the original spansA/bucketsA,
// although spansA/bucketsA might get modified by this function).
// All buckets must use the same provided schema.
// Buckets in spansB/bucketsB with an absolute upper limit ≤ threshold are ignored.
// If negative is true, the buckets in spansB/bucketsB are subtracted rather than added.
func addBuckets(
schema int32, threshold float64, negative bool,
spansA []Span, bucketsA []float64,
spansB []Span, bucketsB []float64,
) ([]Span, []float64) {
var (
iSpan int = -1
iBucket int = -1
iInSpan int32
indexA int32
indexB int32
bIdxB int
bucketB float64
deltaIndex int32
lowerThanThreshold = true
for _, spanB := range spansB {
indexB += spanB.Offset
for j := 0; j < int(spanB.Length); j++ {
if lowerThanThreshold && getBound(indexB, schema) <= threshold {
goto nextLoop
lowerThanThreshold = false
bucketB = bucketsB[bIdxB]
if negative {
bucketB *= -1
if iSpan == -1 {
if len(spansA) == 0 || spansA[0].Offset > indexB {
// Add bucket before all others.
bucketsA = append(bucketsA, 0)
copy(bucketsA[1:], bucketsA)
bucketsA[0] = bucketB
if len(spansA) > 0 && spansA[0].Offset == indexB+1 {
goto nextLoop
} else {
spansA = append(spansA, Span{})
copy(spansA[1:], spansA)
spansA[0] = Span{Offset: indexB, Length: 1}
if len(spansA) > 1 {
// Convert the absolute offset in the formerly
// first span to a relative offset.
spansA[1].Offset -= indexB + 1
goto nextLoop
} else if spansA[0].Offset == indexB {
// Just add to first bucket.
bucketsA[0] += bucketB
goto nextLoop
iSpan, iBucket, iInSpan = 0, 0, 0
indexA = spansA[0].Offset
deltaIndex = indexB - indexA
for {
remainingInSpan := int32(spansA[iSpan].Length) - iInSpan
if deltaIndex < remainingInSpan {
// Bucket is in current span.
iBucket += int(deltaIndex)
iInSpan += deltaIndex
bucketsA[iBucket] += bucketB
} else {
deltaIndex -= remainingInSpan
iBucket += int(remainingInSpan)
if iSpan == len(spansA) || deltaIndex < spansA[iSpan].Offset {
// Bucket is in gap behind previous span (or there are no further spans).
bucketsA = append(bucketsA, 0)
copy(bucketsA[iBucket+1:], bucketsA[iBucket:])
bucketsA[iBucket] = bucketB
switch {
case deltaIndex == 0:
// Directly after previous span, extend previous span.
if iSpan < len(spansA) {
iInSpan = int32(spansA[iSpan].Length)
goto nextLoop
case iSpan < len(spansA) && deltaIndex == spansA[iSpan].Offset-1:
// Directly before next span, extend next span.
iInSpan = 0
goto nextLoop
// No next span, or next span is not directly adjacent to new bucket.
// Add new span.
iInSpan = 0
if iSpan < len(spansA) {
spansA[iSpan].Offset -= deltaIndex + 1
spansA = append(spansA, Span{})
copy(spansA[iSpan+1:], spansA[iSpan:])
spansA[iSpan] = Span{Length: 1, Offset: deltaIndex}
goto nextLoop
} else {
// Try start of next span.
deltaIndex -= spansA[iSpan].Offset
iInSpan = 0
indexA = indexB
return spansA, bucketsA