@ -6363,6 +6363,166 @@ func TestHeadAppender_AppendCTZeroSample(t *testing.T) {
func TestHeadAppender_AppendHistogramCTZeroSample(t *testing.T) {
testHistogram := tsdbutil.GenerateTestHistogram(1)
testFloatHistogram := tsdbutil.GenerateTestFloatHistogram(1)
lbls := labels.FromStrings("foo", "bar")
type appendableHistograms struct {
ts int64
h *histogram.Histogram
fh *histogram.FloatHistogram
ct int64
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
appendableHistograms []appendableHistograms
expectedHistograms []chunks.Sample
name: "In order ct+normal sample/histogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, h: testHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 101, h: testHistogram, ct: 1},
expectedHistograms: func() []chunks.Sample {
hNoCounterReset := *testHistogram
hNoCounterReset.CounterResetHint = histogram.NotCounterReset
return []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, h: &histogram.Histogram{}},
sample{t: 100, h: testHistogram},
sample{t: 101, h: &hNoCounterReset},
name: "In order ct+normal sample/floathistogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 101, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 1},
expectedHistograms: func() []chunks.Sample {
fhNoCounterReset := *testFloatHistogram
fhNoCounterReset.CounterResetHint = histogram.NotCounterReset
return []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, fh: &histogram.FloatHistogram{}},
sample{t: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram},
sample{t: 101, fh: &fhNoCounterReset},
name: "Consecutive appends with same ct ignore ct/histogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, h: testHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 101, h: testHistogram, ct: 1},
expectedHistograms: func() []chunks.Sample {
hNoCounterReset := *testHistogram
hNoCounterReset.CounterResetHint = histogram.NotCounterReset
return []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, h: &histogram.Histogram{}},
sample{t: 100, h: testHistogram},
sample{t: 101, h: &hNoCounterReset},
name: "Consecutive appends with same ct ignore ct/floathistogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 101, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 1},
expectedHistograms: func() []chunks.Sample {
fhNoCounterReset := *testFloatHistogram
fhNoCounterReset.CounterResetHint = histogram.NotCounterReset
return []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, fh: &histogram.FloatHistogram{}},
sample{t: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram},
sample{t: 101, fh: &fhNoCounterReset},
name: "Consecutive appends with newer ct do not ignore ct/histogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, h: testHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 102, h: testHistogram, ct: 101},
expectedHistograms: []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, h: &histogram.Histogram{}},
sample{t: 100, h: testHistogram},
sample{t: 101, h: &histogram.Histogram{CounterResetHint: histogram.CounterReset}},
sample{t: 102, h: testHistogram},
name: "Consecutive appends with newer ct do not ignore ct/floathistogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 102, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 101},
expectedHistograms: []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, fh: &histogram.FloatHistogram{}},
sample{t: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram},
sample{t: 101, fh: &histogram.FloatHistogram{CounterResetHint: histogram.CounterReset}},
sample{t: 102, fh: testFloatHistogram},
name: "CT equals to previous sample timestamp is ignored/histogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, h: testHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 101, h: testHistogram, ct: 100},
expectedHistograms: func() []chunks.Sample {
hNoCounterReset := *testHistogram
hNoCounterReset.CounterResetHint = histogram.NotCounterReset
return []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, h: &histogram.Histogram{}},
sample{t: 100, h: testHistogram},
sample{t: 101, h: &hNoCounterReset},
name: "CT equals to previous sample timestamp is ignored/floathistogram",
appendableHistograms: []appendableHistograms{
{ts: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 1},
{ts: 101, fh: testFloatHistogram, ct: 100},
expectedHistograms: func() []chunks.Sample {
fhNoCounterReset := *testFloatHistogram
fhNoCounterReset.CounterResetHint = histogram.NotCounterReset
return []chunks.Sample{
sample{t: 1, fh: &histogram.FloatHistogram{}},
sample{t: 100, fh: testFloatHistogram},
sample{t: 101, fh: &fhNoCounterReset},
} {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
head, _ := newTestHead(t, DefaultBlockDuration, wlog.CompressionNone, false)
defer func() {
require.NoError(t, head.Close())
appender := head.Appender(context.Background())
for _, sample := range tc.appendableHistograms {
ref, err := appender.AppendHistogramCTZeroSample(0, lbls, sample.ts, sample.ct, sample.h, sample.fh)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = appender.AppendHistogram(ref, lbls, sample.ts, sample.h, sample.fh)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, appender.Commit())
q, err := NewBlockQuerier(head, math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64)
require.NoError(t, err)
result := query(t, q, labels.MustNewMatcher(labels.MatchEqual, "foo", "bar"))
require.Equal(t, tc.expectedHistograms, result[`{foo="bar"}`])
func TestHeadCompactableDoesNotCompactEmptyHead(t *testing.T) {
func TestHeadCompactableDoesNotCompactEmptyHead(t *testing.T) {
// Use a chunk range of 1 here so that if we attempted to determine if the head
// Use a chunk range of 1 here so that if we attempted to determine if the head
// was compactable using default values for min and max times, `Head.compactable()`
// was compactable using default values for min and max times, `Head.compactable()`