@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ func TestDB_reloadOrder(t *testing.T) {
createBlock(t, db.Dir(), genSeries(1, 1, m.MinTime, m.MaxTime))
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload())
testutil.Ok(t, db.reloadBlocks())
blocks := db.Blocks()
testutil.Equals(t, 3, len(blocks))
testutil.Equals(t, metas[1].MinTime, blocks[0].Meta().MinTime)
@ -1195,11 +1195,11 @@ func TestTimeRetention(t *testing.T) {
createBlock(t, db.Dir(), genSeries(10, 10, m.MinTime, m.MaxTime))
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload()) // Reload the db to register the new blocks.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reloadBlocks()) // Reload the db to register the new blocks.
testutil.Equals(t, len(blocks), len(db.Blocks())) // Ensure all blocks are registered.
db.opts.RetentionDuration = blocks[2].MaxTime - blocks[1].MinTime
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload())
testutil.Ok(t, db.reloadBlocks())
expBlocks := blocks[1:]
actBlocks := db.Blocks()
@ -1249,7 +1249,7 @@ func TestSizeRetention(t *testing.T) {
testutil.Ok(t, headApp.Commit())
// Test that registered size matches the actual disk size.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload()) // Reload the db to register the new db size.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reloadBlocks()) // Reload the db to register the new db size.
testutil.Equals(t, len(blocks), len(db.Blocks())) // Ensure all blocks are registered.
blockSize := int64(prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.metrics.blocksBytes)) // Use the actual internal metrics.
walSize, err := db.Head().wal.Size()
@ -1277,8 +1277,8 @@ func TestSizeRetention(t *testing.T) {
// Check total size, total count and check that the oldest block was deleted.
firstBlockSize := db.Blocks()[0].Size()
sizeLimit := actSize - firstBlockSize
db.opts.MaxBytes = sizeLimit // Set the new db size limit one block smaller that the actual size.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload()) // Reload the db to register the new db size.
db.opts.MaxBytes = sizeLimit // Set the new db size limit one block smaller that the actual size.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reloadBlocks()) // Reload the db to register the new db size.
expBlocks := blocks[1:]
actBlocks := db.Blocks()
@ -1811,7 +1811,7 @@ func TestNoEmptyBlocks(t *testing.T) {
oldBlocks := db.Blocks()
testutil.Ok(t, db.reload()) // Reload the db to register the new blocks.
testutil.Ok(t, db.reloadBlocks()) // Reload the db to register the new blocks.
testutil.Equals(t, len(blocks)+len(oldBlocks), len(db.Blocks())) // Ensure all blocks are registered.
testutil.Ok(t, db.Delete(math.MinInt64, math.MaxInt64, defaultMatcher))
testutil.Ok(t, db.Compact())
@ -2838,3 +2838,124 @@ func TestOpen_VariousBlockStates(t *testing.T) {
testutil.Equals(t, len(expectedIgnoredDirs), ignored)
func TestOneCheckpointPerCompactCall(t *testing.T) {
blockRange := int64(1000)
tsdbCfg := &Options{
RetentionDuration: blockRange * 1000,
NoLockfile: true,
MinBlockDuration: blockRange,
MaxBlockDuration: blockRange,
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "test")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
testutil.Ok(t, os.RemoveAll(tmpDir))
db, err := Open(tmpDir, log.NewNopLogger(), prometheus.NewRegistry(), tsdbCfg)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
t.Cleanup(func() {
testutil.Ok(t, db.Close())
// Case 1: Lot's of uncompacted data in Head.
lbls := labels.Labels{labels.Label{Name: "foo_d", Value: "choco_bar"}}
// Append samples spanning 59 block ranges.
app := db.Appender(context.Background())
for i := int64(0); i < 60; i++ {
_, err := app.Add(lbls, blockRange*i, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
_, err = app.Add(lbls, (blockRange*i)+blockRange/2, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
// Rotate the WAL file so that there is >3 files for checkpoint to happen.
testutil.Ok(t, db.head.wal.NextSegment())
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
// Check the existing WAL files.
first, last, err := wal.Segments(db.head.wal.Dir())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, 0, first)
testutil.Equals(t, 60, last)
testutil.Equals(t, 0.0, prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.head.metrics.checkpointCreationTotal))
testutil.Ok(t, db.Compact())
testutil.Equals(t, 1.0, prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.head.metrics.checkpointCreationTotal))
// As the data spans for 59 blocks, 58 go to disk and 1 remains in Head.
testutil.Equals(t, 58, len(db.Blocks()))
// Though WAL was truncated only once, head should be truncated after each compaction.
testutil.Equals(t, 58.0, prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.head.metrics.headTruncateTotal))
// The compaction should have only truncated first 2/3 of WAL (while also rotating the files).
first, last, err = wal.Segments(db.head.wal.Dir())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, 40, first)
testutil.Equals(t, 61, last)
// The first checkpoint would be for first 2/3rd of WAL, hence till 39.
// That should be the last checkpoint.
_, cno, err := wal.LastCheckpoint(db.head.wal.Dir())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, 39, cno)
// Case 2: Old blocks on disk.
// The above blocks will act as old blocks.
// Creating a block to cover the data in the Head so that
// Head will skip the data during replay and start fresh.
blocks := db.Blocks()
newBlockMint := blocks[len(blocks)-1].Meta().MaxTime
newBlockMaxt := db.Head().MaxTime() + 1
testutil.Ok(t, db.Close())
createBlock(t, db.dir, genSeries(1, 1, newBlockMint, newBlockMaxt))
db, err = Open(db.dir, log.NewNopLogger(), prometheus.NewRegistry(), tsdbCfg)
testutil.Ok(t, err)
// 1 block more.
testutil.Equals(t, 59, len(db.Blocks()))
// No series in Head because of this new block.
testutil.Equals(t, 0, int(db.head.NumSeries()))
// Adding sample way into the future.
app = db.Appender(context.Background())
_, err = app.Add(lbls, blockRange*120, rand.Float64())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Ok(t, app.Commit())
// The mint of head is the last block maxt, that means the gap between mint and maxt
// of Head is too large. This will trigger many compactions.
testutil.Equals(t, newBlockMaxt, db.head.MinTime())
// Another WAL file was rotated.
first, last, err = wal.Segments(db.head.wal.Dir())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, 40, first)
testutil.Equals(t, 62, last)
testutil.Equals(t, 0.0, prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.head.metrics.checkpointCreationTotal))
testutil.Ok(t, db.Compact())
testutil.Equals(t, 1.0, prom_testutil.ToFloat64(db.head.metrics.checkpointCreationTotal))
// No new blocks should be created as there was not data in between the new samples and the blocks.
testutil.Equals(t, 59, len(db.Blocks()))
// The compaction should have only truncated first 2/3 of WAL (while also rotating the files).
first, last, err = wal.Segments(db.head.wal.Dir())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, 55, first)
testutil.Equals(t, 63, last)
// The first checkpoint would be for first 2/3rd of WAL, hence till 54.
// That should be the last checkpoint.
_, cno, err = wal.LastCheckpoint(db.head.wal.Dir())
testutil.Ok(t, err)
testutil.Equals(t, 54, cno)