

Installing the Portainer extension


Docker desktop with extension support

First you must install a version of docker desktop with extension support (4.8.0 or later)

Docker extension CLI plugin

Next you must install the CLI plugin to enable extension development. Please follow Dockers official documentation as it will be the most up to date

Tip: make sure you have started Docker Desktop for the first time before installing the CLI extension to prevent errors.

Build from local changes

  1. Run yarn to install the project dependencies
  2. Run yarn dev:extension to install the extension
  3. Make your code changes
  4. Re-run yarn dev:extension to rebuild and re-install with your latest changes

Accessing the Portainer extension

Going to your Docker Desktop dashboard, you should see Portainer listed in the Extension menu on the left and can access Portainer directly by clicking it.

Improvements & suggestions

If you have an idea of how to improve this process or any of the code related to it, feel free to open an issue & pull request.