mirror of https://github.com/portainer/portainer
102 lines
3.5 KiB
102 lines
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import { DefaultBodyType, HttpResponse } from 'msw';
import { waitFor } from '@testing-library/react';
import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { http, server } from '@/setup-tests/server';
import selectEvent from '@/react/test-utils/react-select';
import { mockCodeMirror, renderCreateForm } from './utils.test';
// keep mockTemplateId and mockTemplateType in module scope
let mockTemplateId: number;
let mockTemplateType: string;
// browser address
// /edge/stacks/new?templateId=54&templateType=app
vi.mock('@uirouter/react', async (importOriginal: () => Promise<object>) => ({
...(await importOriginal()),
useCurrentStateAndParams: vi.fn(() => ({
params: { templateId: mockTemplateId, templateType: mockTemplateType },
// expected form values
const expectedAppTemplatePayload = {
deploymentType: 0,
edgeGroups: [1],
name: 'my-stack',
envVars: [{ name: 'LICENSE_KEY', value: 'license-123' }],
prePullImage: false,
registries: [],
retryDeploy: false,
staggerConfig: {
StaggerOption: 1,
StaggerParallelOption: 1,
DeviceNumber: 1,
DeviceNumberStartFrom: 0,
DeviceNumberIncrementBy: 2,
Timeout: '',
UpdateDelay: '',
UpdateFailureAction: 1,
useManifestNamespaces: false,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
'version: "3.7"\nservices:\n tosibox-lock-for-container:\n container_name: tosibox-lock-for-container\n image: tosibox/lock-for-container:latest\n hostname: tb-lfc\n restart: unless-stopped\n cap_add:\n - NET_ADMIN\n - SYS_TIME\n - SYS_PTRACE\n ports:\n - 80\n networks:\n - tbnet\n volumes:\n - tosibox-lfc:/etc/tosibox/docker_volume\n environment:\n - LICENSE_KEY=${LICENSE_KEY}\nvolumes:\n tosibox-lfc:\n name: tosibox-lfc\nnetworks:\n tbnet:\n name: tbnet\n ipam:\n config:\n - subnet:\n',
test('The web editor should be visible for app templates', async () => {
setMockCreateStackUrlParams(54, 'app');
const { getByRole, getByLabelText } = renderCreateForm();
// Wait for the form to be rendered
await waitFor(() => {
// the web editor should be visible
expect(getByLabelText('Web editor')).toBeVisible();
test('The form should submit the correct request body for a given app template', async () => {
setMockCreateStackUrlParams(54, 'app');
let requestBody: DefaultBodyType;
http.post('/api/edge_stacks/create/string', async ({ request }) => {
requestBody = await request.json();
return HttpResponse.json({});
const { getByRole, getByLabelText } = renderCreateForm();
await waitFor(() => {
// fill in the name and select the docker edge group
const user = userEvent.setup();
await user.type(getByRole('textbox', { name: 'Name *' }), 'my-stack');
await user.type(
getByRole('textbox', { name: 'License key *' }),
const selectElement = getByLabelText('Edge groups');
await selectEvent.select(selectElement, 'docker');
// submit the form
await user.click(getByRole('button', { name: /Deploy the stack/i }));
// verify the request body
await waitFor(() => {
function setMockCreateStackUrlParams(templateId: number, templateType: string) {
mockTemplateId = templateId;
mockTemplateType = templateType;