mirror of https://github.com/portainer/portainer
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346 lines
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package endpointedge
import (
portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"
httperror "github.com/portainer/portainer/pkg/libhttp/error"
type stackStatusResponse struct {
// EdgeStack Identifier
ID portainer.EdgeStackID `example:"1"`
// Version of this stack
Version int `example:"3"`
type edgeJobResponse struct {
// EdgeJob Identifier
ID portainer.EdgeJobID `json:"Id" example:"2"`
// Whether to collect logs
CollectLogs bool `json:"CollectLogs" example:"true"`
// A cron expression to schedule this job
CronExpression string `json:"CronExpression" example:"* * * * *"`
// Script to run
Script string `json:"Script" example:"echo hello"`
// Version of this EdgeJob
Version int `json:"Version" example:"2"`
type endpointEdgeStatusInspectResponse struct {
// Status represents the environment(endpoint) status
Status string `json:"status" example:"REQUIRED"`
// The tunnel port
Port int `json:"port" example:"8732"`
// List of requests for jobs to run on the environment(endpoint)
Schedules []edgeJobResponse `json:"schedules"`
// The current value of CheckinInterval
CheckinInterval int `json:"checkin" example:"5"`
Credentials string `json:"credentials"`
// List of stacks to be deployed on the environments(endpoints)
Stacks []stackStatusResponse `json:"stacks"`
// @id EndpointEdgeStatusInspect
// @summary Get environment(endpoint) status
// @description environment(endpoint) for edge agent to check status of environment(endpoint)
// @description **Access policy**: restricted only to Edge environments(endpoints)
// @tags endpoints
// @security ApiKeyAuth
// @security jwt
// @param id path int true "Environment(Endpoint) identifier"
// @success 200 {object} endpointEdgeStatusInspectResponse "Success"
// @failure 400 "Invalid request"
// @failure 403 "Permission denied to access environment(endpoint)"
// @failure 404 "Environment(Endpoint) not found"
// @failure 500 "Server error"
// @router /endpoints/{id}/edge/status [get]
func (handler *Handler) endpointEdgeStatusInspect(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
endpointID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id")
if err != nil {
return httperror.BadRequest("Invalid environment identifier route variable", err)
if cachedResp := handler.respondFromCache(w, r, portainer.EndpointID(endpointID)); cachedResp {
return nil
if _, ok := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Heartbeat(portainer.EndpointID(endpointID)); !ok {
// EE-5190
return httperror.Forbidden("Permission denied to access environment. The device has not been trusted yet", fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve endpoint heartbeat. Environment ID: %d", endpointID))
endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(portainer.EndpointID(endpointID))
if err != nil {
// EE-5190
return httperror.Forbidden("Permission denied to access environment. The device has not been trusted yet", fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve endpoint from database: %w. Environment ID: %d", err, endpointID))
firstConn := endpoint.LastCheckInDate == 0
if err := handler.requestBouncer.AuthorizedEdgeEndpointOperation(r, endpoint); err != nil {
return httperror.Forbidden("Permission denied to access environment. The device has not been trusted yet", fmt.Errorf("unauthorized Edge endpoint operation: %w. Environment name: %s", err, endpoint.Name))
if err := handler.requestBouncer.TrustedEdgeEnvironmentAccess(handler.DataStore, endpoint); err != nil {
return httperror.Forbidden("Permission denied to access environment. The device has not been trusted yet", fmt.Errorf("untrusted Edge environment access: %w. Environment name: %s", err, endpoint.Name))
var statusResponse *endpointEdgeStatusInspectResponse
if err := handler.DataStore.UpdateTx(func(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx) error {
statusResponse, err = handler.inspectStatus(tx, r, portainer.EndpointID(endpointID), firstConn)
return err
}); err != nil {
var httpErr *httperror.HandlerError
if errors.As(err, &httpErr) {
httpErr.Err = fmt.Errorf("edge polling error: %w. Environment name: %s", httpErr.Err, endpoint.Name)
return httpErr
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unexpected error", fmt.Errorf("edge polling error: %w. Environment name: %s", err, endpoint.Name))
return cacheResponse(w, endpoint.ID, *statusResponse)
func (handler *Handler) parseHeaders(r *http.Request, endpoint *portainer.Endpoint) error {
endpoint.EdgeID = cmp.Or(endpoint.EdgeID, r.Header.Get(portainer.PortainerAgentEdgeIDHeader))
agentPlatform, agentPlatformErr := parseAgentPlatform(r)
if agentPlatformErr != nil {
return httperror.BadRequest("agent platform header is not valid", agentPlatformErr)
endpoint.Type = agentPlatform
version := r.Header.Get(portainer.PortainerAgentHeader)
endpoint.Agent.Version = version
return nil
func (handler *Handler) inspectStatus(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx, r *http.Request, endpointID portainer.EndpointID, firstConn bool) (*endpointEdgeStatusInspectResponse, error) {
endpoint, err := tx.Endpoint().Endpoint(endpointID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := handler.parseHeaders(r, endpoint); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Take an initial snapshot
if firstConn {
if err := handler.ReverseTunnelService.Open(endpoint); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("could not open the tunnel")
endpoint.LastCheckInDate = time.Now().Unix()
if err := tx.Endpoint().UpdateEndpoint(endpoint.ID, endpoint); err != nil {
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to persist environment changes inside the database", err)
tunnel := handler.ReverseTunnelService.Config(endpoint.ID)
statusResponse := endpointEdgeStatusInspectResponse{
Status: tunnel.Status,
Port: tunnel.Port,
CheckinInterval: edge.EffectiveCheckinInterval(tx, endpoint),
Credentials: tunnel.Credentials,
schedules, handlerErr := handler.buildSchedules(tx, endpoint.ID)
if handlerErr != nil {
return nil, handlerErr
statusResponse.Schedules = schedules
edgeStacksStatus, handlerErr := handler.buildEdgeStacks(tx, endpoint.ID)
if handlerErr != nil {
return nil, handlerErr
statusResponse.Stacks = edgeStacksStatus
return &statusResponse, nil
func parseAgentPlatform(r *http.Request) (portainer.EndpointType, error) {
agentPlatformHeader := r.Header.Get(portainer.HTTPResponseAgentPlatform)
if agentPlatformHeader == "" {
return 0, errors.New("agent platform header is missing")
agentPlatformNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(agentPlatformHeader)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
agentPlatform := portainer.AgentPlatform(agentPlatformNumber)
switch agentPlatform {
case portainer.AgentPlatformDocker:
return portainer.EdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment, nil
case portainer.AgentPlatformKubernetes:
return portainer.EdgeAgentOnKubernetesEnvironment, nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("agent platform %v is not valid", agentPlatform)
func (handler *Handler) buildSchedules(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx, endpointID portainer.EndpointID) ([]edgeJobResponse, *httperror.HandlerError) {
schedules := []edgeJobResponse{}
edgeJobs, err := tx.EdgeJob().ReadAll()
if err != nil {
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve Edge Jobs", err)
for _, job := range edgeJobs {
_, endpointHasJob := job.Endpoints[endpointID]
if !endpointHasJob {
for _, edgeGroupID := range job.EdgeGroups {
member, _, err := edge.EndpointInEdgeGroup(tx, endpointID, edgeGroupID)
if err != nil {
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve relations", err)
} else if member {
endpointHasJob = true
if !endpointHasJob {
var collectLogs bool
if _, ok := job.GroupLogsCollection[endpointID]; ok {
collectLogs = job.GroupLogsCollection[endpointID].CollectLogs
} else {
collectLogs = job.Endpoints[endpointID].CollectLogs
schedule := edgeJobResponse{
ID: job.ID,
CronExpression: job.CronExpression,
CollectLogs: collectLogs,
Version: job.Version,
file, err := handler.FileService.GetFileContent(job.ScriptPath, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve Edge job script file", err)
schedule.Script = base64.RawStdEncoding.EncodeToString(file)
schedules = append(schedules, schedule)
return schedules, nil
func (handler *Handler) buildEdgeStacks(tx dataservices.DataStoreTx, endpointID portainer.EndpointID) ([]stackStatusResponse, *httperror.HandlerError) {
relation, err := tx.EndpointRelation().EndpointRelation(endpointID)
if err != nil {
if tx.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) {
return nil, nil
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve relation object from the database", err)
edgeStacksStatus := []stackStatusResponse{}
for stackID := range relation.EdgeStacks {
version, ok := tx.EdgeStack().EdgeStackVersion(stackID)
if !ok {
return nil, httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve edge stack from the database", err)
stackStatus := stackStatusResponse{
ID: stackID,
Version: version,
edgeStacksStatus = append(edgeStacksStatus, stackStatus)
return edgeStacksStatus, nil
func cacheResponse(w http.ResponseWriter, endpointID portainer.EndpointID, statusResponse endpointEdgeStatusInspectResponse) *httperror.HandlerError {
rr := httptest.NewRecorder()
if err := response.JSON(rr, statusResponse); err != nil {
return err
h := fnv.New32a()
etag := strconv.FormatUint(uint64(h.Sum32()), 16)
cache.Set(endpointID, []byte(etag))
resp := rr.Result()
for k, vs := range resp.Header {
for _, v := range vs {
w.Header().Add(k, v)
w.Header().Set("ETag", etag)
io.Copy(w, resp.Body)
return nil
func (handler *Handler) respondFromCache(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, endpointID portainer.EndpointID) bool {
inmHeader := r.Header.Get("If-None-Match")
etags := strings.Split(inmHeader, ",")
if len(inmHeader) == 0 || etags[0] == "" {
return false
cachedETag, ok := cache.Get(endpointID)
if !ok {
return false
for _, etag := range etags {
if !bytes.Equal([]byte(etag), cachedETag) {
w.Header().Set("ETag", etag)
return true
return false