
231 lines
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package endpointrelation
import (
portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"
type ServiceTx struct {
service *Service
tx portainer.Transaction
var _ dataservices.EndpointRelationService = &ServiceTx{}
func (service ServiceTx) BucketName() string {
return BucketName
// EndpointRelations returns an array of all EndpointRelations
func (service ServiceTx) EndpointRelations() ([]portainer.EndpointRelation, error) {
var all = make([]portainer.EndpointRelation, 0)
return all, service.tx.GetAll(
// EndpointRelation returns an Environment(Endpoint) relation object by EndpointID
func (service ServiceTx) EndpointRelation(endpointID portainer.EndpointID) (*portainer.EndpointRelation, error) {
var endpointRelation portainer.EndpointRelation
identifier := service.service.connection.ConvertToKey(int(endpointID))
if err := service.tx.GetObject(BucketName, identifier, &endpointRelation); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &endpointRelation, nil
// CreateEndpointRelation saves endpointRelation
func (service ServiceTx) Create(endpointRelation *portainer.EndpointRelation) error {
err := service.tx.CreateObjectWithId(BucketName, int(endpointRelation.EndpointID), endpointRelation)
service.service.endpointRelationsCache = nil
return err
// UpdateEndpointRelation updates an Environment(Endpoint) relation object
func (service ServiceTx) UpdateEndpointRelation(endpointID portainer.EndpointID, endpointRelation *portainer.EndpointRelation) error {
previousRelationState, _ := service.EndpointRelation(endpointID)
identifier := service.service.connection.ConvertToKey(int(endpointID))
err := service.tx.UpdateObject(BucketName, identifier, endpointRelation)
if err != nil {
return err
updatedRelationState, _ := service.EndpointRelation(endpointID)
service.service.endpointRelationsCache = nil
service.updateEdgeStacksAfterRelationChange(previousRelationState, updatedRelationState)
return nil
func (service ServiceTx) AddEndpointRelationsForEdgeStack(endpointIDs []portainer.EndpointID, edgeStackID portainer.EdgeStackID) error {
for _, endpointID := range endpointIDs {
rel, err := service.EndpointRelation(endpointID)
if err != nil {
return err
rel.EdgeStacks[edgeStackID] = true
identifier := service.service.connection.ConvertToKey(int(endpointID))
err = service.tx.UpdateObject(BucketName, identifier, rel)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := service.service.updateStackFnTx(service.tx, edgeStackID, func(edgeStack *portainer.EdgeStack) {
edgeStack.NumDeployments += len(endpointIDs)
}); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("could not update the number of deployments")
return nil
func (service ServiceTx) RemoveEndpointRelationsForEdgeStack(endpointIDs []portainer.EndpointID, edgeStackID portainer.EdgeStackID) error {
for _, endpointID := range endpointIDs {
rel, err := service.EndpointRelation(endpointID)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(rel.EdgeStacks, edgeStackID)
identifier := service.service.connection.ConvertToKey(int(endpointID))
err = service.tx.UpdateObject(BucketName, identifier, rel)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := service.service.updateStackFnTx(service.tx, edgeStackID, func(edgeStack *portainer.EdgeStack) {
edgeStack.NumDeployments -= len(endpointIDs)
}); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("could not update the number of deployments")
return nil
// DeleteEndpointRelation deletes an Environment(Endpoint) relation object
func (service ServiceTx) DeleteEndpointRelation(endpointID portainer.EndpointID) error {
deletedRelation, _ := service.EndpointRelation(endpointID)
identifier := service.service.connection.ConvertToKey(int(endpointID))
err := service.tx.DeleteObject(BucketName, identifier)
if err != nil {
return err
service.service.endpointRelationsCache = nil
service.updateEdgeStacksAfterRelationChange(deletedRelation, nil)
return nil
func (service ServiceTx) InvalidateEdgeCacheForEdgeStack(edgeStackID portainer.EdgeStackID) {
rels, err := service.cachedEndpointRelations()
if err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("cannot retrieve endpoint relations")
for _, rel := range rels {
if _, ok := rel.EdgeStacks[edgeStackID]; ok {
func (service ServiceTx) cachedEndpointRelations() ([]portainer.EndpointRelation, error) {
defer service.service.mu.Unlock()
if service.service.endpointRelationsCache == nil {
var err error
service.service.endpointRelationsCache, err = service.EndpointRelations()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return service.service.endpointRelationsCache, nil
func (service ServiceTx) updateEdgeStacksAfterRelationChange(previousRelationState *portainer.EndpointRelation, updatedRelationState *portainer.EndpointRelation) {
relations, _ := service.EndpointRelations()
stacksToUpdate := map[portainer.EdgeStackID]bool{}
if previousRelationState != nil {
for stackId, enabled := range previousRelationState.EdgeStacks {
// flag stack for update if stack is not in the updated relation state
// = stack has been removed for this relation
// or this relation has been deleted
if enabled && (updatedRelationState == nil || !updatedRelationState.EdgeStacks[stackId]) {
stacksToUpdate[stackId] = true
if updatedRelationState != nil {
for stackId, enabled := range updatedRelationState.EdgeStacks {
// flag stack for update if stack is not in the previous relation state
// = stack has been added for this relation
if enabled && (previousRelationState == nil || !previousRelationState.EdgeStacks[stackId]) {
stacksToUpdate[stackId] = true
// for each stack referenced by the updated relation
// list how many time this stack is referenced in all relations
// in order to update the stack deployments count
for refStackId, refStackEnabled := range stacksToUpdate {
if !refStackEnabled {
numDeployments := 0
for _, r := range relations {
for sId, enabled := range r.EdgeStacks {
if enabled && sId == refStackId {
numDeployments += 1
if err := service.service.updateStackFnTx(service.tx, refStackId, func(edgeStack *portainer.EdgeStack) {
edgeStack.NumDeployments = numDeployments
}); err != nil {
log.Error().Err(err).Msg("could not update the number of deployments")