mirror of https://github.com/portainer/portainer
114 lines
4.7 KiB
114 lines
4.7 KiB
import * as _ from 'lodash-es';
import * as JsonPatch from 'fast-json-patch';
import KubernetesCommonHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/commonHelper';
import { KubernetesIngressRule, KubernetesIngress } from './models';
import { KubernetesIngressCreatePayload, KubernetesIngressRuleCreatePayload, KubernetesIngressRulePathCreatePayload } from './payloads';
import { KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation, KubernetesIngressClassMandatoryAnnotations } from './constants';
export class KubernetesIngressConverter {
// TODO: refactor @LP
// currently only allows the first non-empty host to be used as the "configured" host.
// As we currently only allow a single host to be used for a Portianer-managed ingress
// it's working as the only non-empty host will be the one defined by the admin
// but it will take a random existing host for non Portainer ingresses (CLI deployed)
// Also won't support multiple hosts if we make it available in the future
static apiToModel(data) {
let host = undefined;
const paths = _.flatMap(data.spec.rules, (rule) => {
host = host || rule.host; // TODO: refactor @LP - read above
return !rule.http
? []
: _.map(rule.http.paths, (path) => {
const ingRule = new KubernetesIngressRule();
ingRule.IngressName = data.metadata.name;
ingRule.ServiceName = path.backend.serviceName;
ingRule.Host = rule.host || '';
ingRule.IP = data.status.loadBalancer.ingress ? data.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip : undefined;
ingRule.Port = path.backend.servicePort;
ingRule.Path = path.path;
return ingRule;
const res = new KubernetesIngress();
res.Name = data.metadata.name;
res.Namespace = data.metadata.namespace;
res.Annotations = data.metadata.annotations || {};
res.IngressClassName =
data.metadata.annotations && data.metadata.annotations[KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation]
? data.metadata.annotations[KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation]
: data.spec.ingressClassName;
res.Paths = paths;
res.Host = host;
return res;
static applicationFormValuesToIngresses(formValues, serviceName) {
const ingresses = angular.copy(formValues.OriginalIngresses);
_.forEach(formValues.PublishedPorts, (p) => {
const ingress = _.find(ingresses, { Name: p.IngressName });
if (ingress && p.NeedsDeletion) {
const path = _.find(ingress.Paths, { Port: p.ContainerPort, ServiceName: serviceName, Path: p.IngressRoute });
_.remove(ingress.Paths, path);
} else if (ingress && p.IsNew) {
const rule = new KubernetesIngressRule();
rule.IngressName = ingress.Name;
rule.ServiceName = serviceName;
rule.Port = p.ContainerPort;
rule.Path = _.startsWith(p.IngressRoute, '/') ? p.IngressRoute : '/' + p.IngressRoute;
rule.Host = p.IngressHost;
return ingresses;
static createPayload(data) {
const res = new KubernetesIngressCreatePayload();
res.metadata.name = data.Name;
res.metadata.namespace = data.Namespace;
res.metadata.annotations = data.Annotations || {};
res.metadata.annotations[KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation] = data.IngressClassName;
const annotations = KubernetesIngressClassMandatoryAnnotations[data.Name];
if (annotations) {
_.extend(res.metadata.annotations, annotations);
if (data.Paths && data.Paths.length) {
const groups = _.groupBy(data.Paths, 'Host');
const rules = _.map(groups, (paths, host) => {
const rule = new KubernetesIngressRuleCreatePayload();
if (host === 'undefined' || _.isEmpty(host)) {
host = data.Host;
if (host === data.PreviousHost && host !== data.Host) {
host = data.Host;
KubernetesCommonHelper.assignOrDeleteIfEmpty(rule, 'host', host);
rule.http.paths = _.map(paths, (p) => {
const path = new KubernetesIngressRulePathCreatePayload();
path.path = p.Path;
path.backend.serviceName = p.ServiceName;
path.backend.servicePort = p.Port;
return path;
return rule;
KubernetesCommonHelper.assignOrDeleteIfEmpty(res, 'spec.rules', rules);
} else if (data.Host) {
res.spec.rules = [{ host: data.Host }];
} else {
delete res.spec.rules;
return res;
static patchPayload(oldData, newData) {
const oldPayload = KubernetesIngressConverter.createPayload(oldData);
const newPayload = KubernetesIngressConverter.createPayload(newData);
const payload = JsonPatch.compare(oldPayload, newPayload);
return payload;