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import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
import { UserContext } from '@/portainer/hooks/useUser';
import { UserViewModel } from '@/portainer/models/user';
import { renderWithQueryClient } from '@/react-tools/test-utils';
import { CreateContainerInstanceForm } from './CreateContainerInstanceForm';
jest.mock('@uirouter/react', () => ({
useCurrentStateAndParams: jest.fn(() => ({
params: { endpointId: 5 },
test('submit button should be disabled when name or image is missing', async () => {
const user = new UserViewModel({ Username: 'user' });
const { findByText, getByText, getByLabelText } = renderWithQueryClient(
<UserContext.Provider value={{ user }}>
<CreateContainerInstanceForm />
await expect(findByText(/Azure settings/)).resolves.toBeVisible();
const button = getByText(/Deploy the container/);
const nameInput = getByLabelText(/name/i);
userEvent.type(nameInput, 'name');
const imageInput = getByLabelText(/image/i);
userEvent.type(imageInput, 'image');
await expect(findByText(/Deploy the container/)).resolves.toBeEnabled();
await expect(findByText(/Deploy the container/)).resolves.toBeDisabled();