
129 lines
3.7 KiB

package edgejobs
import (
httperror "github.com/portainer/libhttp/error"
type edgeJobUpdatePayload struct {
Name *string
CronExpression *string
Recurring *bool
Endpoints []portainer.EndpointID
FileContent *string
func (payload *edgeJobUpdatePayload) Validate(r *http.Request) error {
if payload.Name != nil && !govalidator.Matches(*payload.Name, `^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$`) {
return errors.New("Invalid Edge job name format. Allowed characters are: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]")
return nil
func (handler *Handler) edgeJobUpdate(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
settings, err := handler.DataStore.Settings().Settings()
if err != nil {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusServiceUnavailable, "Unable to retrieve settings", err}
if !settings.EnableEdgeComputeFeatures {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusServiceUnavailable, "Edge compute features are disabled", portainer.ErrHostManagementFeaturesDisabled}
edgeJobID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id")
if err != nil {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid Edge job identifier route variable", err}
var payload edgeJobUpdatePayload
err = request.DecodeAndValidateJSONPayload(r, &payload)
if err != nil {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusBadRequest, "Invalid request payload", err}
edgeJob, err := handler.DataStore.EdgeJob().EdgeJob(portainer.EdgeJobID(edgeJobID))
if err == portainer.ErrObjectNotFound {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusNotFound, "Unable to find an Edge job with the specified identifier inside the database", err}
} else if err != nil {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to find an Edge job with the specified identifier inside the database", err}
err = handler.updateEdgeSchedule(edgeJob, &payload)
if err != nil {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to update Edge job", err}
err = handler.DataStore.EdgeJob().UpdateEdgeJob(edgeJob.ID, edgeJob)
if err != nil {
return &httperror.HandlerError{http.StatusInternalServerError, "Unable to persist Edge job changes inside the database", err}
return response.JSON(w, edgeJob)
func (handler *Handler) updateEdgeSchedule(edgeJob *portainer.EdgeJob, payload *edgeJobUpdatePayload) error {
if payload.Name != nil {
edgeJob.Name = *payload.Name
if payload.Endpoints != nil {
endpointsMap := map[portainer.EndpointID]portainer.EdgeJobEndpointMeta{}
for _, endpointID := range payload.Endpoints {
endpoint, err := handler.DataStore.Endpoint().Endpoint(endpointID)
if err != nil {
return err
if endpoint.Type != portainer.EdgeAgentEnvironment {
if meta, ok := edgeJob.Endpoints[endpointID]; ok {
endpointsMap[endpointID] = meta
} else {
endpointsMap[endpointID] = portainer.EdgeJobEndpointMeta{}
edgeJob.Endpoints = endpointsMap
updateVersion := false
if payload.CronExpression != nil {
edgeJob.CronExpression = *payload.CronExpression
updateVersion = true
if payload.FileContent != nil {
_, err := handler.FileService.StoreEdgeJobFileFromBytes(strconv.Itoa(int(edgeJob.ID)), []byte(*payload.FileContent))
if err != nil {
return err
updateVersion = true
if payload.Recurring != nil {
edgeJob.Recurring = *payload.Recurring
updateVersion = true
if updateVersion {
for endpointID := range edgeJob.Endpoints {
handler.ReverseTunnelService.AddEdgeJob(endpointID, edgeJob)
return nil