import KubernetesNamespaceHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/namespaceHelper'; export default class HelmTemplatesController { /* @ngInject */ constructor($analytics, $async, $state, $window, $anchorScroll, Authentication, HelmService, KubernetesResourcePoolService, Notifications, ModalService) { this.$analytics = $analytics; this.$async = $async; this.$window = $window; this.$state = $state; this.$anchorScroll = $anchorScroll; this.Authentication = Authentication; this.HelmService = HelmService; this.KubernetesResourcePoolService = KubernetesResourcePoolService; this.Notifications = Notifications; this.ModalService = ModalService; this.editorUpdate = this.editorUpdate.bind(this); this.uiCanExit = this.uiCanExit.bind(this); this.installHelmchart = this.installHelmchart.bind(this); this.getHelmValues = this.getHelmValues.bind(this); this.selectHelmChart = this.selectHelmChart.bind(this); this.getHelmRepoURLs = this.getHelmRepoURLs.bind(this); this.getLatestCharts = this.getLatestCharts.bind(this); this.getResourcePools = this.getResourcePools.bind(this); $window.onbeforeunload = () => { if (this.state.isEditorDirty) { return ''; } }; } editorUpdate(content) { const contentvalues = content.getValue(); if (this.state.originalvalues === contentvalues) { this.state.isEditorDirty = false; } else { this.state.values = contentvalues; this.state.isEditorDirty = true; } } async uiCanExit() { if (this.state.isEditorDirty) { return this.ModalService.confirmWebEditorDiscard(); } } async installHelmchart() { this.state.actionInProgress = true; try { const payload = { Name: this.state.appName, Repo: this.state.chart.repo, Chart:, Values: this.state.values, Namespace: this.state.resourcePool.Namespace.Name, }; await this.HelmService.install(this.endpoint.Id, payload); this.Notifications.success('Helm Chart successfully installed'); this.$analytics.eventTrack('kubernetes-helm-install', { category: 'kubernetes', metadata: { 'chart-name': } }); this.state.isEditorDirty = false; this.$state.go('kubernetes.applications'); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Installation error', err); } finally { this.state.actionInProgress = false; } } async getHelmValues() { this.state.loadingValues = true; try { const { values } = await this.HelmService.values(this.state.chart.repo,; this.state.values = values; this.state.originalvalues = values; } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve helm chart values.'); } finally { this.state.loadingValues = false; } } async selectHelmChart(chart) { this.$anchorScroll('view-top'); this.state.showCustomValues = false; this.state.chart = chart; await this.getHelmValues(); } /** * @description This function is used to get the helm repo urls for the endpoint and user * @returns {Promise} list of helm repo urls */ async getHelmRepoURLs() { this.state.reposLoading = true; try { // fetch globally set helm repo and user helm repos (parallel) const { GlobalRepository, UserRepositories } = await this.HelmService.getHelmRepositories(this.endpoint.Id); const userHelmReposUrls = => repo.URL); const uniqueHelmRepos = [ Set([GlobalRepository, ...userHelmReposUrls])].map((url) => url.toLowerCase()); // remove duplicates, to lowercase this.state.repos = uniqueHelmRepos; return uniqueHelmRepos; } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve helm repo urls.'); } finally { this.state.reposLoading = false; } } /** * @description This function is used to fetch the respective index.yaml files for the provided helm repo urls * @param {string[]} helmRepos list of helm repositories * @param {bool} append append charts returned from repo to existing list of helm charts */ async getLatestCharts(helmRepos) { this.state.chartsLoading = true; try { const promiseList = =>; // fetch helm charts from all the provided helm repositories (parallel) // Promise.allSettled is used to account for promise failure(s) - in cases the user has provided invalid helm repo const chartPromises = await Promise.allSettled(promiseList); const latestCharts = chartPromises .filter((tp) => tp.status === 'fulfilled') // remove failed promises .map((tp) => ({ entries: tp.value.entries, repo: helmRepos[chartPromises.indexOf(tp)] })) // extract chart entries with respective repo data .flatMap( ({ entries, repo }) => Object.values(entries).map((charts) => ({ ...charts[0], repo })) // flatten chart entries to single array with respective repo ); this.state.charts = latestCharts; } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve helm repo charts.'); } finally { this.state.chartsLoading = false; } } async getResourcePools() { this.state.resourcePoolsLoading = true; try { const resourcePools = await this.KubernetesResourcePoolService.get(); const nonSystemNamespaces = resourcePools.filter((resourcePool) => !KubernetesNamespaceHelper.isSystemNamespace(resourcePool.Namespace.Name)); this.state.resourcePools = nonSystemNamespaces; this.state.resourcePool = nonSystemNamespaces[0]; } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve initial helm data.'); } finally { this.state.resourcePoolsLoading = false; } } $onInit() { return this.$async(async () => { this.state = { appName: '', chart: null, showCustomValues: false, actionInProgress: false, resourcePools: [], resourcePool: '', values: null, originalvalues: null, repos: [], charts: [], loadingValues: false, isEditorDirty: false, chartsLoading: false, resourcePoolsLoading: false, viewReady: false, }; const helmRepos = await this.getHelmRepoURLs(); await Promise.all([this.getLatestCharts(helmRepos), this.getResourcePools()]); this.state.viewReady = true; }); } $onDestroy() { this.state.isEditorDirty = false; } }