import angular from 'angular'; import { logsHandler } from './response/handlers'; angular.module('portainer.docker') .factory('Service', ['$resource', 'API_ENDPOINT_ENDPOINTS', 'EndpointProvider', 'HttpRequestHelper', function ServiceFactory($resource, API_ENDPOINT_ENDPOINTS, EndpointProvider, HttpRequestHelper) { 'use strict'; return $resource(API_ENDPOINT_ENDPOINTS + '/:endpointId/docker/services/:id/:action', { endpointId: EndpointProvider.endpointID }, { get: { method: 'GET', params: {id: '@id'} }, query: { method: 'GET', isArray: true, params: {filters: '@filters'} }, create: { method: 'POST', params: {action: 'create'}, headers: { 'X-Registry-Auth': HttpRequestHelper.registryAuthenticationHeader, // TODO: This is a temporary work-around that allows us to leverage digest pinning on // the Docker daemon side. It has been moved client-side since Docker API version > 1.29. // We should introduce digest pinning in Portainer as well. 'version': '1.29' }, ignoreLoadingBar: true }, update: { method: 'POST', params: { id: '@id', action: 'update', version: '@version' }, headers: { // TODO: This is a temporary work-around that allows us to leverage digest pinning on // the Docker daemon side. It has been moved client-side since Docker API version > 1.29. // We should introduce digest pinning in Portainer as well. 'version': '1.29' } }, remove: { method: 'DELETE', params: {id: '@id'} }, logs: { method: 'GET', params: { id: '@id', action: 'logs' }, timeout: 4500, ignoreLoadingBar: true, transformResponse: logsHandler } }); }]);