angular.module('images', []) .controller('ImagesController', ['$scope', '$state', 'ImageService', 'Notifications', 'ModalService', function ($scope, $state, ImageService, Notifications, ModalService) { $scope.state = { actionInProgress: false }; $scope.formValues = { Image: '', Registry: '' }; $scope.pullImage = function() { var image = $scope.formValues.Image; var registry = $scope.formValues.Registry; $scope.state.actionInProgress = true; ImageService.pullImage(image, registry, false) .then(function success(data) { Notifications.success('Image successfully pulled', image); $state.reload(); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to pull image'); }) .finally(function final() { $scope.state.actionInProgress = false; }); }; $scope.confirmRemovalAction = function (selectedItems, force) { ModalService.confirmImageForceRemoval(function (confirmed) { if(!confirmed) { return; } $scope.removeAction(selectedItems, force); }); }; $scope.removeAction = function (selectedItems, force) { var actionCount = selectedItems.length; angular.forEach(selectedItems, function (image) { ImageService.deleteImage(image.Id, force) .then(function success() { Notifications.success('Image successfully removed', image.Id); var index = $scope.images.indexOf(image); $scope.images.splice(index, 1); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to remove image'); }) .finally(function final() { --actionCount; if (actionCount === 0) { $state.reload(); } }); }); }; function initView() { var endpointProvider = $scope.applicationState.endpoint.mode.provider; var apiVersion = $scope.applicationState.endpoint.apiVersion; ImageService.images(true) .then(function success(data) { $scope.images = data; }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve images'); $scope.images = []; }); } initView(); }]);