export const KubernetesApplicationDeploymentTypes = Object.freeze({ REPLICATED: 1, GLOBAL: 2, }); export const KubernetesApplicationDataAccessPolicies = Object.freeze({ SHARED: 1, ISOLATED: 2, }); export const KubernetesApplicationTypes = Object.freeze({ DEPLOYMENT: 1, DAEMONSET: 2, STATEFULSET: 3, }); export const KubernetesApplicationTypeStrings = Object.freeze({ DEPLOYMENT: 'Deployment', DAEMONSET: 'DaemonSet', STATEFULSET: 'StatefulSet', }); export const KubernetesApplicationPublishingTypes = Object.freeze({ INTERNAL: 1, CLUSTER: 2, LOAD_BALANCER: 3, }); export const KubernetesApplicationQuotaDefaults = { CpuLimit: 0.1, MemoryLimit: 64, // MB }; export const KubernetesPortainerApplicationStackNameLabel = 'io.portainer.kubernetes.application.stack'; export const KubernetesPortainerApplicationNameLabel = 'io.portainer.kubernetes.application.name'; export const KubernetesPortainerApplicationOwnerLabel = 'io.portainer.kubernetes.application.owner'; export const KubernetesPortainerApplicationNote = 'io.portainer.kubernetes.application.note'; /** * KubernetesApplication Model (Composite) */ const _KubernetesApplication = Object.freeze({ Id: '', Name: '', StackName: '', ApplicationOwner: '', ApplicationName: '', ResourcePool: '', Image: '', CreationDate: 0, Pods: [], Limits: {}, ServiceType: '', ServiceId: '', ServiceName: '', HeadlessServiceName: undefined, // only used for StatefulSet LoadBalancerIPAddress: undefined, // only filled when bound service is LoadBalancer and state is available PublishedPorts: [], Volumes: [], Env: [], PersistedFolders: [], // KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolder list ConfigurationVolumes: [], // KubernetesApplicationConfigurationVolume list DeploymentType: 'Unknown', DataAccessPolicy: 'Unknown', ApplicationType: 'Unknown', RunningPodsCount: 0, TotalPodsCount: 0, Yaml: '', Note: '', Revisions: undefined, CurrentRevision: undefined, Raw: undefined, // only filled when inspecting app details / create / edit view (never filled in multiple-apps views) AutoScaler: undefined, // only filled if the application has an HorizontalPodAutoScaler bound to it }); export class KubernetesApplication { constructor() { Object.assign(this, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_KubernetesApplication))); } } /** * KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolder Model */ const _KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolder = Object.freeze({ MountPath: '', PersistentVolumeClaimName: '', HostPath: '', }); export class KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolder { constructor() { Object.assign(this, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_KubernetesApplicationPersistedFolder))); } } /** * KubernetesApplicationConfigurationVolume Model */ const _KubernetesApplicationConfigurationVolume = Object.freeze({ fileMountPath: '', rootMountPath: '', configurationKey: '', configurationName: '', }); export class KubernetesApplicationConfigurationVolume { constructor() { Object.assign(this, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_KubernetesApplicationConfigurationVolume))); } } /** * KubernetesApplicationPort Model */ const _KubernetesApplicationPort = Object.freeze({ IngressRules: [], // KubernetesIngressRule[] NodePort: 0, TargetPort: 0, Port: 0, Protocol: '', }); export class KubernetesApplicationPort { constructor() { Object.assign(this, JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_KubernetesApplicationPort))); } }