Endpoints > {{ ctrl.endpoint.Name }} > Kubernetes configuration
Enabling the load balancer feature will allow users to expose application they deploy over an external IP address assigned by cloud provider.

Ensure that your cloud provider allows you to create load balancers if you want to use this feature. Might incur costs.

Adding ingress controllers will allow users to expose application they deploy over a HTTP route.

Ingress classes must be manually specified for each controller you want to use in the cluster. Make sure that each controller is running inside your cluster.

add ingress controller
Ingress class

Ingress class name is required.

This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-name', or 'abc-123').

This ingress class is already defined.

Ingress class type is required.

Traefik support is experimental.

Enabling this feature will allow users to use specific features that leverage the metrics server component.

Ensure that metrics server is running inside your cluster.

Available storage options
Unable to detect any storage class available to persist data. Users won't be able to persist application data inside this cluster.

Select which storage options will be available for use when deploying applications. Have a look at your storage driver documentation to figure out which access policy to configure and if the volume expansion capability is supported.

You can find more information about access modes in the official Kubernetes documentation.

Storage Shared access policy Volume expansion
{{ class.Name }}
Shared access policy configuration required