describe('startContainerController', function () { var scope, $location, createController, mockContainer, $httpBackend; beforeEach(angular.mock.module('portainer')); beforeEach(inject(function ($rootScope, $controller, _$location_) { $location = _$location_; scope = $rootScope.$new(); createController = function () { return $controller('StartContainerController', { $scope: scope, }); }; angular.mock.inject(function (_Container_, _$httpBackend_) { mockContainer = _Container_; $httpBackend = _$httpBackend_; }); })); function expectGetContainers() { $httpBackend.expectGET('dockerapi/containers/json?all=1').respond([ { Command: './portainer -e /docker.sock', Created: 1421817232, Id: 'b17882378cee8ec0136f482681b764cca430befd52a9bfd1bde031f49b8bba9f', Image: 'portainer:latest', Names: ['/portainer'], Ports: [ { IP: '', PrivatePort: 9000, PublicPort: 9000, Type: 'tcp', }, ], Status: 'Up 2 minutes', }, ]); } describe('Create and start a container with port bindings', function () { it('should issue a correct create request to the Docker remote API', function () { var controller = createController(); var id = '6abd8bfba81cf8a05a76a4bdefcb36c4b66cd02265f4bfcd0e236468696ebc6c'; var expectedBody = { name: 'container-name', ExposedPorts: { '9000/tcp': {}, }, HostConfig: { PortBindings: { '9000/tcp': [ { HostPort: '9999', HostIp: '', }, ], }, }, }; expectGetContainers(); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/create?name=container-name', expectedBody).respond({ Id: id, Warnings: null, }); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/' + id + '/start').respond({ id: id, Warnings: null, }); = 'container-name'; scope.config.HostConfig.PortBindings = [ { ip: '', extPort: '9999', intPort: '9000', }, ]; scope.create(); $httpBackend.flush(); }); }); describe('Create and start a container with environment variables', function () { it('should issue a correct create request to the Docker remote API', function () { var controller = createController(); var id = '6abd8bfba81cf8a05a76a4bdefcb36c4b66cd02265f4bfcd0e236468696ebc6c'; var expectedBody = { name: 'container-name', Env: ['SHELL=/bin/bash', 'TERM=xterm-256color'], }; expectGetContainers(); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/create?name=container-name', expectedBody).respond({ Id: id, Warnings: null, }); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/' + id + '/start').respond({ id: id, Warnings: null, }); = 'container-name'; scope.config.Env = [ { name: 'SHELL', value: '/bin/bash', }, { name: 'TERM', value: 'xterm-256color', }, ]; scope.create(); $httpBackend.flush(); }); }); describe('Create and start a container with labels', function () { it('should issue a correct create request to the Docker remote API', function () { var controller = createController(); var id = '6abd8bfba81cf8a05a76a4bdefcb36c4b66cd02265f4bfcd0e236468696ebc6c'; var expectedBody = { name: 'container-name', Labels: { '': 'Baz', '': 'Boo', }, }; expectGetContainers(); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/create?name=container-name', expectedBody).respond({ Id: id, Warnings: null, }); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/' + id + '/start').respond({ id: id, Warnings: null, }); = 'container-name'; scope.config.Labels = [ { key: '', value: 'Baz', }, { key: '', value: 'Boo', }, ]; scope.create(); $httpBackend.flush(); }); }); describe('Create and start a container with volumesFrom', function () { it('should issue a correct create request to the Docker remote API', function () { var controller = createController(); var id = '6abd8bfba81cf8a05a76a4bdefcb36c4b66cd02265f4bfcd0e236468696ebc6c'; var expectedBody = { HostConfig: { VolumesFrom: ['parent', 'other:ro'], }, name: 'container-name', }; expectGetContainers(); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/create?name=container-name', expectedBody).respond({ Id: id, Warnings: null, }); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/' + id + '/start').respond({ id: id, Warnings: null, }); = 'container-name'; scope.config.HostConfig.VolumesFrom = [{ name: 'parent' }, { name: 'other:ro' }]; scope.create(); $httpBackend.flush(); }); }); describe('Create and start a container with multiple options', function () { it('should issue a correct create request to the Docker remote API', function () { var controller = createController(); var id = '6abd8bfba81cf8a05a76a4bdefcb36c4b66cd02265f4bfcd0e236468696ebc6c'; var expectedBody = { Volumes: ['/var/www'], SecurityOpts: ['label:type:svirt_apache'], HostConfig: { Binds: ['/app:/app'], Links: ['web:db'], Dns: [''], DnsSearch: [''], CapAdd: ['cap_sys_admin'], CapDrop: ['cap_foo_bar'], Devices: [ { PathOnHost: '/dev/deviceName', PathInContainer: '/dev/deviceName', CgroupPermissions: 'mrw', }, ], Sysctls: { 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6': '0' }, LxcConf: { 'lxc.utsname': 'docker' }, ExtraHosts: ['hostname:'], RestartPolicy: { name: 'always', MaximumRetryCount: 5 }, }, name: 'container-name', }; expectGetContainers(); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/create?name=container-name', expectedBody).respond({ Id: id, Warnings: null, }); $httpBackend.expectPOST('dockerapi/containers/' + id + '/start').respond({ id: id, Warnings: null, }); = 'container-name'; scope.config.Volumes = [{ name: '/var/www' }]; scope.config.SecurityOpts = [{ name: 'label:type:svirt_apache' }]; scope.config.NetworkDisabled = true; scope.config.Tty = true; scope.config.OpenStdin = true; scope.config.StdinOnce = true; scope.config.HostConfig.Binds = [{ name: '/app:/app' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.Links = [{ name: 'web:db' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.Dns = [{ name: '' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.DnsSearch = [{ name: '' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.CapAdd = [{ name: 'cap_sys_admin' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.CapDrop = [{ name: 'cap_foo_bar' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.PublishAllPorts = true; scope.config.HostConfig.Privileged = true; scope.config.HostConfig.RestartPolicy = { name: 'always', MaximumRetryCount: 5 }; scope.config.HostConfig.Devices = [ { PathOnHost: '/dev/deviceName', PathInContainer: '/dev/deviceName', CgroupPermissions: 'mrw', }, ]; scope.config.HostConfig.Sysctls = [{ name: 'net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6', value: '0' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.LxcConf = [{ name: 'lxc.utsname', value: 'docker' }]; scope.config.HostConfig.ExtraHosts = [{ host: 'hostname', ip: '' }]; scope.create(); $httpBackend.flush(); }); }); });