angular.module('containersNetwork', ['ngVis']) .controller('ContainersNetworkController', ['$scope', '$location', 'Container', 'Messages', 'VisDataSet', function($scope, $location, Container, Messages, VisDataSet) { function ContainerNode(data) { this.Id = data.Id; // names have the following format: /Name this.Name = data.Name.substring(1); this.Image = data.Config.Image; var dataLinks = data.HostConfig.Links; if (dataLinks != null) { this.Links = {}; for (var i = 0; i < dataLinks.length; i++) { // links have the following format: /TargetContainerName:/SourceContainerName/LinkAlias var link = dataLinks[i].split(":"); var target = link[0].substring(1); var alias = link[1].substring(link[1].lastIndexOf("/") + 1); // only keep shortest alias if (this.Links[target] == null || alias.length < this.Links[target].length) { this.Links[target] = alias; } } } var dataVolumes = data.HostConfig.VolumesFrom; //converting array into properties for simpler and faster access if (dataVolumes != null) { this.VolumesFrom = {}; for (var j = 0; j < dataVolumes.length; j++) { this.VolumesFrom[dataVolumes[j]] = true; } } } function ContainersNetworkData() { this.nodes = new VisDataSet(); this.edges = new VisDataSet(); this.addContainerNode = function(container) { this.nodes.add({ id: container.Id, label: container.Name, title: ""}); }; this.addLinkEdgeIfExists = function(from, to) { if (from.Links != null && from.Links[to.Name] != null) { this.edges.add({ from: from.Id, to: to.Id, label: from.Links[to.Name] }); } }; this.addVolumeEdgeIfExists = function(from, to) { if (from.VolumesFrom != null && from.VolumesFrom[to.Id] != null) { this.edges.add({ from: from.Id, to: to.Id, color: { color: '#A0A0A0', highlight: '#A0A0A0', hover: '#848484'}}); } }; this.removeContainersNodes = function(containersIds) { this.nodes.remove(containersIds); }; } function ContainersNetwork() { = new ContainersNetworkData(); this.containers = {}; this.selectedContainersIds = []; this.shownContainersIds = []; = { select : function(event) { $ = event.nodes; $scope.$apply( function() { $scope.query = ''; }); }, doubleClick : function(event) { $scope.$apply( function() { $location.path('/containers/' + event.nodes[0]); }); } }; this.options = { navigation: true, keyboard: true, height: '500px', width: '700px', nodes: { shape: 'box' }, edges: { style: 'arrow' }, physics: { barnesHut : { springLength: 200 } } }; this.addContainer = function(data) { var container = new ContainerNode(data); this.containers[container.Id] = container; this.shownContainersIds.push(container.Id);; for (var otherContainerId in this.containers) { var otherContainer = this.containers[otherContainerId];, otherContainer);, container);, otherContainer);, container); } }; this.selectContainers = function(query) { if (this.component != null) { this.selectedContainersIds = this.searchContainers(query); this.component.selectNodes(this.selectedContainersIds); } }; this.searchContainers = function(query) { if (query.trim() === "") { return []; } var selectedContainersIds = []; for (var i=0; i < this.shownContainersIds.length; i++) { var container = this.containers[this.shownContainersIds[i]]; if (container.Name.indexOf(query) > -1 || container.Image.indexOf(query) > -1 || container.Id.indexOf(query) > -1) { selectedContainersIds.push(container.Id); } } return selectedContainersIds; }; this.hideSelected = function() { var i=0; while ( i < this.shownContainersIds.length ) { if (this.selectedContainersIds.indexOf(this.shownContainersIds[i]) > -1) { this.shownContainersIds.splice(i, 1); } else { i++; } }; $scope.query = ''; this.selectedContainersIds = []; }; this.searchDownstream = function(containerId, downstreamContainersIds) { if (downstreamContainersIds.indexOf(containerId) > -1) { return; } downstreamContainersIds.push(containerId); var container = this.containers[containerId]; if (container.Links == null && container.VolumesFrom == null) { return; } for (var otherContainerId in this.containers) { var otherContainer = this.containers[otherContainerId]; if (container.Links != null && container.Links[otherContainer.Name] != null) { this.searchDownstream(otherContainer.Id, downstreamContainersIds); } else if (container.VolumesFrom != null && container.VolumesFrom[otherContainer.Id] != null) { this.searchDownstream(otherContainer.Id, downstreamContainersIds); } } }; this.updateShownContainers = function(newShownContainersIds) { for (var containerId in this.containers) { if (newShownContainersIds.indexOf(containerId) > -1 && this.shownContainersIds.indexOf(containerId) === -1) {[containerId]); } else if (newShownContainersIds.indexOf(containerId) === -1 && this.shownContainersIds.indexOf(containerId) > -1) {; } } this.shownContainersIds = newShownContainersIds; }; this.showSelectedDownstream = function() { var downstreamContainersIds = []; for (var i=0; i < this.selectedContainersIds.length; i++) { this.searchDownstream(this.selectedContainersIds[i], downstreamContainersIds); } this.updateShownContainers(downstreamContainersIds); }; this.searchUpstream = function(containerId, upstreamContainersIds) { if (upstreamContainersIds.indexOf(containerId) > -1) { return; } upstreamContainersIds.push(containerId); var container = this.containers[containerId]; for (var otherContainerId in this.containers) { var otherContainer = this.containers[otherContainerId]; if (otherContainer.Links != null && otherContainer.Links[container.Name] != null) { this.searchUpstream(otherContainer.Id, upstreamContainersIds); } else if (otherContainer.VolumesFrom != null && otherContainer.VolumesFrom[container.Id] != null) { this.searchUpstream(otherContainer.Id, upstreamContainersIds); } } }; this.showSelectedUpstream = function() { var upstreamContainersIds = []; for (var i=0; i < this.selectedContainersIds.length; i++) { this.searchUpstream(this.selectedContainersIds[i], upstreamContainersIds); } this.updateShownContainers(upstreamContainersIds); }; this.showAll = function() { for (var containerId in this.containers) { if (this.shownContainersIds.indexOf(containerId) === -1) {[containerId]); this.shownContainersIds.push(containerId); } } }; } $ = new ContainersNetwork(); var showFailure = function (event) { Messages.error('Failure',; }; var addContainer = function (container) { $; }; Container.query({all: 0}, function(d) { for (var i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { Container.get({id: d[i].Id}, addContainer, showFailure); } }); }]);