angular.module('') .factory('EndpointService', ['$q', 'Endpoints', 'FileUploadService', function EndpointServiceFactory($q, Endpoints, FileUploadService) { 'use strict'; return { getActive: function() { return Endpoints.getActiveEndpoint().$promise; }, setActive: function(endpointID) { return Endpoints.setActiveEndpoint({id: endpointID}).$promise; }, endpoint: function(endpointID) { return Endpoints.get({id: endpointID}).$promise; }, endpoints: function() { return Endpoints.query({}).$promise; }, updateEndpoint: function(ID, name, URL, TLS, TLSCAFile, TLSCertFile, TLSKeyFile, type) { var endpoint = { id: ID, Name: name, URL: type === 'local' ? ("unix://" + URL) : ("tcp://" + URL), TLS: TLS }; var deferred = $q.defer(); Endpoints.update({}, endpoint, function success(data) { FileUploadService.uploadTLSFilesForEndpoint(ID, TLSCAFile, TLSCertFile, TLSKeyFile).then(function success(data) { deferred.notify({upload: false}); deferred.resolve(data); }, function error(err) { deferred.notify({upload: false}); deferred.reject({msg: 'Unable to upload TLS certs', err: err}); }); }, function error(err) { deferred.reject({msg: 'Unable to update endpoint', err: err}); }); return deferred.promise; }, deleteEndpoint: function(endpointID) { return Endpoints.remove({id: endpointID}).$promise; }, createLocalEndpoint: function(name, URL, TLS, active) { var endpoint = { Name: "local", URL: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock", TLS: false }; return Endpoints.create({active: active}, endpoint).$promise; }, createRemoteEndpoint: function(name, URL, TLS, TLSCAFile, TLSCertFile, TLSKeyFile, active) { var endpoint = { Name: name, URL: 'tcp://' + URL, TLS: TLS }; var deferred = $q.defer(); Endpoints.create({active: active}, endpoint, function success(data) { var endpointID = data.Id; if (TLS) { deferred.notify({upload: true}); FileUploadService.uploadTLSFilesForEndpoint(endpointID, TLSCAFile, TLSCertFile, TLSKeyFile).then(function success(data) { deferred.notify({upload: false}); if (active) { Endpoints.setActiveEndpoint({}, {id: endpointID}, function success(data) { deferred.resolve(data); }, function error(err) { deferred.reject({msg: 'Unable to create endpoint', err: err}); }); } else { deferred.resolve(data); } }, function error(err) { deferred.notify({upload: false}); deferred.reject({msg: 'Unable to upload TLS certs', err: err}); }); } else { deferred.resolve(data); } }, function error(err) { deferred.reject({msg: 'Unable to create endpoint', err: err}); }); return deferred.promise; } }; }]);