Portainer uses Kompose to convert your Compose manifest to a Kubernetes compliant manifest. Be wary that not all the Compose format options are supported by Kompose at the moment.
You can get more information about Compose file format in the official documentation.
This feature allows you to deploy any kind of Kubernetes resource in this environment (Deployment, Secret, ConfigMap...).
You can get more information about Kubernetes file format in the official documentation.
This field is required.
This field must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', and contain at most 63 characters, and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'my-name', or 'abc-123').
An application with the same name already exists inside the selected namespace.
Environment variable name is required.
This field must consist of alphabetic characters, digits, '_', '-', or '.', and must not start with a digit (e.g. 'my.env-name', or 'MY_ENV.NAME', or 'MyEnvName1'.
This environment variable is already defined.
{{ config.SelectedConfiguration.Name }}
{{ key }}
Path is required.
This path is already used.
This path is already defined.
Size is required.
This value must be greater than zero.
Volume is required.
This volume is already used.
Application will be deployed as a StatefulSet with each instantiating their own data
Application will be deployed as a Deployment with a shared storage access
Maximum memory usage (MB)
Value must be between {{ ctrl.state.sliders.memory.min }} and {{ ctrl.state.sliders.memory.max }}
Maximum CPU usage
Run one or multiple instances of this container
Application will be deployed as a DaemonSet with an instance on each node of the cluster
Instance count is required.
Instance count must be greater than 0.
{{ ctrl.getNonScalableStorage() }}
This feature is currently disabled and must be enabled by an administrator user.
Server metrics features must be enabled in the environment configuration view.
Minimum instances is required.
Minimum instances must be greater than 0.
Minimum instances must be smaller than maximum instances.
Maximum instances is required.
Maximum instances must be greater than minimum instances.
Target CPU usage is required.
Target CPU usage must be greater than 0.
Target CPU usage must be smaller than 100.
This label is already defined.
Schedule this application ONLY on nodes that match ALL Rules
Schedule this application on nodes that match the rules if possible