package portainer

// General errors.
const (
	ErrUnauthorized           = Error("Unauthorized")
	ErrResourceAccessDenied   = Error("Access denied to resource")
	ErrObjectNotFound         = Error("Object not found inside the database")
	ErrMissingSecurityContext = Error("Unable to find security details in request context")

// User errors.
const (
	ErrUserAlreadyExists       = Error("User already exists")
	ErrInvalidUsername         = Error("Invalid username. White spaces are not allowed")
	ErrAdminAlreadyInitialized = Error("An administrator user already exists")
	ErrAdminCannotRemoveSelf   = Error("Cannot remove your own user account. Contact another administrator")

// Team errors.
const (
	ErrTeamAlreadyExists = Error("Team already exists")

// TeamMembership errors.
const (
	ErrTeamMembershipAlreadyExists = Error("Team membership already exists for this user and team")

// ResourceControl errors.
const (
	ErrResourceControlAlreadyExists = Error("A resource control is already applied on this resource")
	ErrInvalidResourceControlType   = Error("Unsupported resource control type")

// Endpoint errors.
const (
	ErrEndpointAccessDenied = Error("Access denied to endpoint")

// Azure environment errors
const (
	ErrAzureInvalidCredentials = Error("Invalid Azure credentials")

// Endpoint group errors.
const (
	ErrCannotRemoveDefaultGroup = Error("Cannot remove the default endpoint group")

// Registry errors.
const (
	ErrRegistryAlreadyExists = Error("A registry is already defined for this URL")

// Stack errors
const (
	ErrStackAlreadyExists              = Error("A stack already exists with this name")
	ErrComposeFileNotFoundInRepository = Error("Unable to find a Compose file in the repository")
	ErrStackNotExternal                = Error("Not an external stack")

// Tag errors
const (
	ErrTagAlreadyExists = Error("A tag already exists with this name")

// Endpoint extensions error
const (
	ErrEndpointExtensionNotSupported      = Error("This extension is not supported")
	ErrEndpointExtensionAlreadyAssociated = Error("This extension is already associated to the endpoint")

// Crypto errors.
const (
	ErrCryptoHashFailure = Error("Unable to hash data")

// JWT errors.
const (
	ErrSecretGeneration   = Error("Unable to generate secret key")
	ErrInvalidJWTToken    = Error("Invalid JWT token")
	ErrMissingContextData = Error("Unable to find JWT data in request context")

// File errors.
const (
	ErrUndefinedTLSFileType = Error("Undefined TLS file type")

// Error represents an application error.
type Error string

// Error returns the error message.
func (e Error) Error() string { return string(e) }