import { useRouter } from '@uirouter/react'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId'; import { useAuthorizations, Authorized } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import Route from '@/assets/ico/route.svg?c'; import { useIsDeploymentOptionHidden } from '@/react/hooks/useIsDeploymentOptionHidden'; import { DefaultDatatableSettings } from '@/react/kubernetes/datatables/DefaultDatatableSettings'; import { createStore } from '@/react/kubernetes/datatables/default-kube-datatable-store'; import { SystemResourceDescription } from '@/react/kubernetes/datatables/SystemResourceDescription'; import { Datatable, TableSettingsMenu } from '@@/datatables'; import { AddButton } from '@@/buttons'; import { useTableState } from '@@/datatables/useTableState'; import { DeleteButton } from '@@/buttons/DeleteButton'; import { DeleteIngressesRequest, Ingress } from '../types'; import { useDeleteIngresses, useIngresses } from '../queries'; import { useNamespacesQuery } from '../../namespaces/queries/useNamespacesQuery'; import { Namespaces, PortainerNamespace } from '../../namespaces/types'; import { CreateFromManifestButton } from '../../components/CreateFromManifestButton'; import { columns } from './columns'; import '../style.css'; interface SelectedIngress { Namespace: string; Name: string; } const storageKey = 'ingressClassesNameSpace'; const settingsStore = createStore(storageKey, 'name'); export function IngressDatatable() { const tableState = useTableState(settingsStore, storageKey); const environmentId = useEnvironmentId(); const { authorized: canAccessSystemResources } = useAuthorizations( 'K8sAccessSystemNamespaces' ); const namespacesQuery = useNamespacesQuery(environmentId); const { data: ingresses, ...ingressesQuery } = useIngresses(environmentId, { autoRefreshRate: tableState.autoRefreshRate * 1000, withServices: true, }); const namespacesMap = useMemo(() => { const namespacesMap =< Record >((acc, namespace) => { acc[namespace.Name] = namespace; return acc; }, {}); return namespacesMap ?? {}; }, []); const filteredIngresses = useMemo( () => ingresses?.filter( (ingress) => (canAccessSystemResources && tableState.showSystemResources) || !namespacesMap?.[ingress.Namespace].IsSystem ) || [], [ingresses, tableState, canAccessSystemResources, namespacesMap] ); const ingressesWithIsSystem = useIngressesRowData( filteredIngresses || [], namespacesMap ); const isAddIngressHidden = useIsDeploymentOptionHidden('form'); const deleteIngressesMutation = useDeleteIngresses(); const router = useRouter(); return ( row.Name + row.Type + row.Namespace} isRowSelectable={(row) => !namespacesMap?.[row.original.Namespace].IsSystem } renderTableActions={tableActions} renderTableSettings={() => ( )} description={ } disableSelect={useCheckboxes()} data-cy="k8s-ingresses-datatable" /> ); // useIngressesRowData appends the `isSyetem` property to the service data function useIngressesRowData( ingresses: Ingress[], namespaces?: Namespaces ): Ingress[] { return useMemo( () => => ({ ...r, IsSystem: namespaces ? namespaces?.[r.Namespace].IsSystem : false, })), [ingresses, namespaces] ); } function tableActions(selectedFlatRows: Ingress[]) { return ( handleRemoveClick(selectedFlatRows)} confirmMessage="Are you sure you want to delete the selected ingresses?" data-cy="remove-ingresses-button" /> {!isAddIngressHidden && ( Add with form )} ); } function useCheckboxes() { const { authorized } = useAuthorizations(['K8sIngressesW']); return !authorized; } async function handleRemoveClick(ingresses: SelectedIngress[]) { const payload: DeleteIngressesRequest = {} as DeleteIngressesRequest; ingresses.forEach((ingress) => { payload[ingress.Namespace] = payload[ingress.Namespace] || []; payload[ingress.Namespace].push(ingress.Name); }); deleteIngressesMutation.mutate( { environmentId, data: payload }, { onSuccess: () => { router.stateService.reload(); }, } ); } }