import clsx from 'clsx'; import { StorageClass } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { ItemError } from '@@/form-components/InputList/InputList'; import { Option } from '@@/form-components/PortainerSelect'; import { InputGroup } from '@@/form-components/InputGroup'; import { Select } from '@@/form-components/ReactSelect'; import { Input } from '@@/form-components/Input'; import { isErrorType } from '@@/form-components/formikUtils'; import { FormError } from '@@/form-components/FormError'; import { ButtonSelector } from '@@/form-components/ButtonSelector/ButtonSelector'; import { ApplicationFormValues } from '../../types'; import { ExistingVolume, PersistedFolderFormValue } from './types'; type Props = { initialValues?: PersistedFolderFormValue[]; item: PersistedFolderFormValue; onChange: (value: PersistedFolderFormValue) => void; error: ItemError; storageClasses: StorageClass[]; index: number; PVCOptions: Option[]; availableVolumes: ExistingVolume[]; isEdit: boolean; applicationValues: ApplicationFormValues; }; export function PersistedFolderItem({ initialValues, item, onChange, error, storageClasses, index, PVCOptions, availableVolumes, isEdit, applicationValues, }: Props) { // rule out the error being of type string const formikError = isErrorType(error) ? error : undefined; return (
Path in container 1 } value={item.containerPath} onChange={(e) => onChange({ ...item, containerPath:, }) } data-cy={`k8sAppCreate-containerPathInput_${index}`} /> {formikError?.containerPath && ( {formikError?.containerPath} )}
{isToggleVolumeTypeVisible() && ( onChange={(isNewVolume) => onChange({ ...item, useNewVolume: isNewVolume, size: isNewVolume ? item.size : '', existingVolume: isNewVolume ? undefined : availableVolumes[0], }) } value={item.useNewVolume} options={[ { value: true, label: 'New volume' }, { value: false, label: 'Existing volume', disabled: PVCOptions.length === 0, }, ]} /> )} {item.useNewVolume && ( <>
Requested size 1 } value={item.size} onChange={(e) => onChange({ ...item, size:, }) } data-cy={`k8sAppCreate-persistentFolderSizeInput_${index}`} /> > size="sm" className="min-w-fit" options={[ { label: 'MB', value: 'MB' }, { label: 'GB', value: 'GB' }, { label: 'TB', value: 'TB' }, ]} value={{ label: item.sizeUnit ?? '', value: item.sizeUnit ?? '', }} onChange={(option) => onChange({ ...item, sizeUnit: option?.value ?? 'GB' }) } isDisabled={ (isEdit && isExistingPersistedFolder()) || applicationValues.Containers.length > 1 } data-cy={`k8sAppCreate-persistentFolderSizeUnitSelect_${index}`} /> {formikError?.size && {formikError?.size}}
Storage > className="w-40" size="sm" options={ => ({ label: sc.Name, value: sc.Name, }))} value={getStorageClassValue(storageClasses, item)} onChange={(option) => onChange({ ...item, storageClass: storageClasses.find((sc) => sc.Name === option?.value) ?? storageClasses[0], }) } isDisabled={ (isEdit && isExistingPersistedFolder()) || applicationValues.Containers.length > 1 || storageClasses.length <= 1 } data-cy={`k8sAppCreate-storageSelect_${index}`} /> )} {!item.useNewVolume && ( Volume > className="w-[440px]" size="sm" options={PVCOptions} value={PVCOptions.find( (pvc) => pvc.value === item.persistentVolumeClaimName )} onChange={(option) => onChange({ ...item, persistentVolumeClaimName: option?.value, existingVolume: availableVolumes.find( (pvc) => pvc.PersistentVolumeClaim.Name === option?.value ), }) } isDisabled={ (isEdit && isExistingPersistedFolder()) || applicationValues.Containers.length > 1 || availableVolumes.length < 1 } data-cy={`k8sAppCreate-pvcSelect_${index}`} /> )}
); function isExistingPersistedFolder() { return !!initialValues?.[index]?.persistentVolumeClaimName; } function isToggleVolumeTypeVisible() { return ( !(isEdit && isExistingPersistedFolder()) && // if it's not an edit of an existing persisted folder applicationValues.Containers.length <= 1 // and if there is only one container); ); } } function getStorageClassValue( storageClasses: StorageClass[], persistedFolder: PersistedFolderFormValue ) { const matchingClass = storageClasses.find( (sc) => sc.Name === persistedFolder.storageClass?.Name ) ?? storageClasses[0]; return { label: matchingClass?.Name, value: matchingClass?.Name }; }