import { confirmWebEditorDiscard } from '@@/modals/confirm'; import { EnvironmentType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { createWebhookId } from '@/portainer/helpers/webhookHelper'; export class EditEdgeStackViewController { /* @ngInject */ constructor($async, $state, $window, EdgeGroupService, EdgeStackService, Notifications) { this.$async = $async; this.$state = $state; this.$window = $window; this.EdgeGroupService = EdgeGroupService; this.EdgeStackService = EdgeStackService; this.Notifications = Notifications; this.stack = null; this.edgeGroups = null; this.state = { actionInProgress: false, activeTab: 0, isStackDeployed: false, }; this.formValues = { content: null, }; this.deployStack = this.deployStack.bind(this); this.deployStackAsync = this.deployStackAsync.bind(this); this.onEditorChange = this.onEditorChange.bind(this); this.isEditorDirty = this.isEditorDirty.bind(this); } async $onInit() { return this.$async(async () => { const { stackId, tab } = this.$state.params; this.state.activeTab = tab ? parseInt(tab, 10) : 0; try { const [edgeGroups, model, file] = await Promise.all([ this.EdgeGroupService.groups(), this.EdgeStackService.stack(stackId), this.EdgeStackService.stackFile(stackId).catch(() => ''), ]); this.edgeGroups = edgeGroups; this.stack = model; this.originalFileContent = file; this.formValues = { content: file, }; const stackEdgeGroups = => this.edgeGroups.find((e) => e.Id === id)); const endpointTypes = stackEdgeGroups.flatMap((group) => group.EndpointTypes); const initiallyContainsKubeEnv = endpointTypes.includes(EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnKubernetes); const isComposeStack = this.stack.DeploymentType === 0; this.allowKubeToSelectCompose = initiallyContainsKubeEnv && isComposeStack; } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve stack data'); } this.oldFileContent = this.formValues.StackFileContent; this.$window.onbeforeunload = () => { if (this.isEditorDirty()) { return ''; } }; }); } $onDestroy() { this.$window.onbeforeunload = undefined; } async uiCanExit() { if (this.isEditorDirty()) { return confirmWebEditorDiscard(); } } onEditorChange(content) { this.formValues.content = content; } isEditorDirty() { return !this.state.isStackDeployed && this.formValues.content.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '') !== this.originalFileContent.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, ''); } deployStack(values) { return this.deployStackAsync(values); } async deployStackAsync(values) { this.state.actionInProgress = true; try { const updateVersion = !!(this.originalFileContent != values.content || values.useManifestNamespaces !== this.stack.UseManifestNamespaces); await this.EdgeStackService.updateStack(this.stack.Id, { stackFileContent: values.content, edgeGroups: values.edgeGroups, deploymentType: values.deploymentType, updateVersion, retryDeploy: values.retryDeploy, webhook: values.webhookEnabled ? this.stack.Webhook || createWebhookId() : '', envVars: values.envVars, }); this.Notifications.success('Success', 'Stack successfully deployed'); this.state.isStackDeployed = true; this.$state.go('edge.stacks'); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Deployment error', err, 'Unable to deploy stack'); } finally { this.state.actionInProgress = false; } } }