import { Terminal } from 'xterm'; angular.module('portainer.docker') .controller('ContainerConsoleController', ['$scope', '$transition$', 'ContainerService', 'ImageService', 'EndpointProvider', 'Notifications', 'ContainerHelper', 'ExecService', 'HttpRequestHelper', 'LocalStorage', 'CONSOLE_COMMANDS_LABEL_PREFIX', function ($scope, $transition$, ContainerService, ImageService, EndpointProvider, Notifications, ContainerHelper, ExecService, HttpRequestHelper, LocalStorage, CONSOLE_COMMANDS_LABEL_PREFIX) { var socket, term; $scope.state = { loaded: false, connected: false }; $scope.formValues = {}; $scope.containerCommands = []; // Ensure the socket is closed before leaving the view $scope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function () { if (socket && socket !== null) { socket.close(); } }); $scope.connect = function() { var termWidth = Math.floor(($('#terminal-container').width() - 20) / 8.39); var termHeight = 30; var command = $scope.formValues.isCustomCommand ? $scope.formValues.customCommand : $scope.formValues.command; var execConfig = { id: $transition$.params().id, AttachStdin: true, AttachStdout: true, AttachStderr: true, Tty: true, User: $scope.formValues.user, Cmd: ContainerHelper.commandStringToArray(command) }; var execId; ContainerService.createExec(execConfig) .then(function success(data) { execId = data.Id; var jwtToken = LocalStorage.getJWT(); var url = window.location.href.split('#')[0] + 'api/websocket/exec?id=' + execId + '&endpointId=' + EndpointProvider.endpointID() + '&token=' + jwtToken; if ($transition$.params().nodeName) { url += '&nodeName=' + $transition$.params().nodeName; } if (url.indexOf('https') > -1) { url = url.replace('https://', 'wss://'); } else { url = url.replace('http://', 'ws://'); } initTerm(url, termHeight, termWidth); return ExecService.resizeTTY(execId, termHeight, termWidth, 2000); }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to exec into container'); $scope.disconnect(); }); }; $scope.disconnect = function() { $scope.state.connected = false; if (socket !== null) { socket.close(); } if (term !== null) { term.destroy(); } }; function initTerm(url, height, width) { socket = new WebSocket(url); $scope.state.connected = true; socket.onopen = function() { term = new Terminal(); term.on('data', function (data) { socket.send(data); });'terminal-container')); term.focus(); term.resize(width, height); term.setOption('cursorBlink', true);; window.onresize = function() {; }; socket.onmessage = function (e) { term.write(; }; socket.onerror = function () { $scope.state.connected = false; }; socket.onclose = function() { $scope.state.connected = false; }; }; } function initView() { HttpRequestHelper.setPortainerAgentTargetHeader($transition$.params().nodeName); ContainerService.container($transition$.params().id) .then(function success(data) { var container = data; $scope.container = container; return ImageService.image(container.Image); }) .then(function success(data) { var image = data; var containerLabels = $scope.container.Config.Labels; $scope.imageOS = image.Os; $scope.formValues.command = image.Os === 'windows' ? 'powershell' : 'bash'; $scope.containerCommands = Object.keys(containerLabels) .filter(function(label) { return label.indexOf(CONSOLE_COMMANDS_LABEL_PREFIX) === 0; }) .map(function(label) { return {title: label.replace(CONSOLE_COMMANDS_LABEL_PREFIX, ''), command: containerLabels[label]}; }); $scope.state.loaded = true; }) .catch(function error(err) { Notifications.error('Error', err, 'Unable to retrieve container details'); }); } initView(); }]);