import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import { Pod, Taint, Node } from 'kubernetes-types/core/v1'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { useNodesQuery } from '@/react/kubernetes/cluster/HomeView/nodes.service'; import { KubernetesPodNodeAffinityNodeSelectorRequirementOperators } from '@/kubernetes/pod/models'; import { BasicTableSettings, RefreshableTableSettings, createPersistedStore, refreshableSettings, } from '@@/datatables/types'; import { useTableState } from '@@/datatables/useTableState'; import { useApplication, useApplicationPods } from '../../application.queries'; import { Affinity, Label, NodePlacementRowData } from '../types'; interface TableSettings extends BasicTableSettings, RefreshableTableSettings {} function createStore(storageKey: string) { return createPersistedStore(storageKey, 'node', (set) => ({ ...refreshableSettings(set), })); } const storageKey = 'kubernetes.application.placements'; const placementsSettingsStore = createStore(storageKey); export function usePlacementTableState() { return useTableState(placementsSettingsStore, storageKey); } export function usePlacementTableData() { const placementsTableState = usePlacementTableState(); const autoRefreshRate = placementsTableState.autoRefreshRate * 1000; // ms to seconds const stateAndParams = useCurrentStateAndParams(); const { params: { namespace, name, 'resource-type': resourceType, endpointId: environmentId, }, } = stateAndParams; const { data: application, ...applicationQuery } = useApplication( environmentId, namespace, name, resourceType, { autoRefreshRate } ); const { data: pods, ...podsQuery } = useApplicationPods( environmentId, namespace, name, application, { autoRefreshRate } ); const { data: nodes, ...nodesQuery } = useNodesQuery(environmentId, { autoRefreshRate, }); const placementsData = useMemo( () => (nodes && pods ? computePlacements(nodes, pods) : []), [nodes, pods] ); const isPlacementsTableLoading = applicationQuery.isLoading || nodesQuery.isLoading || podsQuery.isLoading; const hasPlacementWarning = useMemo(() => { const notAllowedOnEveryNode = placementsData.every( (nodePlacement) => !nodePlacement.acceptsApplication ); return !isPlacementsTableLoading && notAllowedOnEveryNode; }, [isPlacementsTableLoading, placementsData]); return { placementsData, isPlacementsTableLoading, hasPlacementWarning, }; } export function computePlacements( nodes: Node[], pods: Pod[] ): NodePlacementRowData[] { const pod = pods?.[0]; if (!pod) { return []; } const placementDataFromTolerations: NodePlacementRowData[] = computeTolerations(nodes, pod); const placementDataFromAffinities: NodePlacementRowData[] = computeAffinities( nodes, placementDataFromTolerations, pod ); return placementDataFromAffinities; } function computeTolerations(nodes: Node[], pod: Pod): NodePlacementRowData[] { const tolerations = pod.spec?.tolerations || []; const nodePlacements: NodePlacementRowData[] = => { let acceptsApplication = true; const unmetTaints: Taint[] = []; const taints = node.spec?.taints || []; taints.forEach((taint) => { const matchKeyMatchValueMatchEffect = _.find(tolerations, { key: taint.key, operator: 'Equal', value: taint.value, effect: taint.effect, }); const matchKeyAnyValueMatchEffect = _.find(tolerations, { key: taint.key, operator: 'Exists', effect: taint.effect, }); const matchKeyMatchValueAnyEffect = _.find(tolerations, { key: taint.key, operator: 'Equal', value: taint.value, effect: '', }); const matchKeyAnyValueAnyEffect = _.find(tolerations, { key: taint.key, operator: 'Exists', effect: '', }); const anyKeyAnyValueAnyEffect = _.find(tolerations, { key: '', operator: 'Exists', effect: '', }); if ( !matchKeyMatchValueMatchEffect && !matchKeyAnyValueMatchEffect && !matchKeyMatchValueAnyEffect && !matchKeyAnyValueAnyEffect && !anyKeyAnyValueAnyEffect ) { acceptsApplication = false; unmetTaints?.push(taint); } else { acceptsApplication = true; } }); return { name: node.metadata?.name || '', acceptsApplication, unmetTaints, highlighted: false, }; }); return nodePlacements; } function getUnmatchedNodeSelectorLabels(node: Node, pod: Pod): Label[] { const nodeLabels = node.metadata?.labels || {}; const podNodeSelectorLabels = pod.spec?.nodeSelector || {}; return Object.entries(podNodeSelectorLabels) .filter(([key, value]) => nodeLabels[key] !== value) .map(([key, value]) => ({ key, value, })); } // Function to get unmatched required node affinities function getUnmatchedRequiredNodeAffinities(node: Node, pod: Pod): Affinity[] { const basicNodeAffinity = pod.spec?.affinity?.nodeAffinity ?.requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution; const unmatchedRequiredNodeAffinities: Affinity[] = basicNodeAffinity? (selectorTerm) => selectorTerm.matchExpressions?.flatMap((matchExpression) => { const exists = !!node.metadata?.labels?.[matchExpression.key]; const isIn = exists && _.includes( matchExpression.values, node.metadata?.labels?.[matchExpression.key] ); // Check if the match expression is satisfied if ( (matchExpression.operator === 'Exists' && exists) || (matchExpression.operator === 'DoesNotExist' && !exists) || (matchExpression.operator === 'In' && isIn) || (matchExpression.operator === 'NotIn' && !isIn) || (matchExpression.operator === 'Gt' && exists && parseInt(node.metadata?.labels?.[matchExpression.key] || '', 10) > parseInt(matchExpression.values?.[0] || '', 10)) || (matchExpression.operator === 'Lt' && exists && parseInt(node.metadata?.labels?.[matchExpression.key] || '', 10) < parseInt(matchExpression.values?.[0] || '', 10)) ) { return []; } // Return the unmatched affinity return [ { key: matchExpression.key, operator: matchExpression.operator as KubernetesPodNodeAffinityNodeSelectorRequirementOperators, values: matchExpression.values?.join(', ') || '', }, ]; }) || [] ) || []; return unmatchedRequiredNodeAffinities; } // Node requirement depending on the operator value // function computeAffinities( nodes: Node[], nodePlacements: NodePlacementRowData[], pod: Pod ): NodePlacementRowData[] { const nodePlacementsFromAffinities: NodePlacementRowData[] = (node, nodeIndex) => { let { acceptsApplication } = nodePlacements[nodeIndex]; // check node selectors for unmatched labels const unmatchedNodeSelectorLabels = getUnmatchedNodeSelectorLabels( node, pod ); // check node affinities that are required during scheduling const unmatchedRequiredNodeAffinities = getUnmatchedRequiredNodeAffinities(node, pod); // If there are any unmatched affinities or node labels, the node does not accept the application if ( unmatchedRequiredNodeAffinities.length || unmatchedNodeSelectorLabels.length ) { acceptsApplication = false; } const nodePlacementRowData: NodePlacementRowData = { ...nodePlacements[nodeIndex], acceptsApplication, unmatchedNodeSelectorLabels, unmatchedNodeAffinities: unmatchedRequiredNodeAffinities, }; return nodePlacementRowData; } ); return nodePlacementsFromAffinities; }