import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { Environment, EnvironmentId, EnvironmentType, } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { Registry, RegistryId, } from '@/react/portainer/registries/types/registry'; import { createWebhook } from '@/react/portainer/webhooks/createWebhook'; import { WebhookType } from '@/react/portainer/webhooks/types'; import { AccessControlFormData, ResourceControlResponse, } from '@/react/portainer/access-control/types'; import { applyResourceControl } from '@/react/portainer/access-control/access-control.service'; import PortainerError from '@/portainer/error'; import { mutationOptions, withError, withInvalidate, } from '@/react-tools/react-query'; import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId'; import { pullImage } from '../../images/queries/usePullImageMutation'; import { removeContainer, renameContainer, startContainer, stopContainer, urlBuilder, } from '../containers.service'; import { PortainerResponse } from '../../types'; import { connectContainer } from '../../networks/queries/useConnectContainer'; import { DockerContainer } from '../types'; import { queryKeys } from '../queries/query-keys'; import { addNodeHeader } from '../../proxy/addNodeHeader'; import { CreateContainerRequest } from './types'; import { Values } from './useInitialValues'; interface ExtraNetwork { networkName: string; aliases: string[]; } export function useCreateOrReplaceMutation() { const environmentId = useEnvironmentId(); const queryClient = useQueryClient(); return useMutation( createOrReplace, mutationOptions( withError('Failed to create container'), withInvalidate(queryClient, [queryKeys.list(environmentId)]) ) ); } interface CreateOptions { config: CreateContainerRequest; values: { name: Values['name']; imageName: string; accessControl: Values['accessControl']; nodeName?: Values['nodeName']; alwaysPull?: Values['alwaysPull']; enableWebhook?: Values['enableWebhook']; }; registry?: Registry; environment: Environment; } interface ReplaceOptions extends CreateOptions { oldContainer: DockerContainer; extraNetworks: Array; } function isReplace( options: ReplaceOptions | CreateOptions ): options is ReplaceOptions { return 'oldContainer' in options && !!options.oldContainer; } export function createOrReplace(options: ReplaceOptions | CreateOptions) { return isReplace(options) ? replace(options) : create(options); } async function create({ config, values, registry, environment, }: CreateOptions) { await pullImageIfNeeded( environment.Id, values.alwaysPull || false, values.imageName, values.nodeName, registry ); const containerResponse = await createAndStart( environment.Id, config,, values.nodeName ); await applyContainerSettings( containerResponse.Id, environment, values.accessControl, values.enableWebhook, containerResponse.Portainer?.ResourceControl, registry ); } async function replace({ oldContainer, config, values, registry, environment, extraNetworks, }: ReplaceOptions) { await pullImageIfNeeded( environment.Id, values.alwaysPull || false, values.imageName, values.nodeName, registry ); const containerResponse = await renameAndCreate( environment.Id,, oldContainer, config, values.nodeName ); await applyContainerSettings( containerResponse.Id, environment, values.accessControl, values.enableWebhook, containerResponse.Portainer?.ResourceControl, registry ); await connectToExtraNetworks( environment.Id, containerResponse.Id, extraNetworks, values.nodeName ); await removeContainer(environment.Id, oldContainer.Id, { nodeName: oldContainer.NodeName, }); } /** * stop and renames the old container, and creates and stops the new container. * on any failure, it will rename the old container to its original name */ async function renameAndCreate( environmentId: EnvironmentId, name: string, oldContainer: DockerContainer, config: CreateContainerRequest, nodeName?: string ) { let renamed = false; try { await stopContainerIfNeeded( environmentId, oldContainer, oldContainer.NodeName ); await renameContainer( environmentId, oldContainer.Id, `${oldContainer.Names[0]}-old`, { nodeName: oldContainer.NodeName } ); renamed = true; return await createAndStart(environmentId, config, name, nodeName); } catch (e) { if (renamed) { await renameContainer(environmentId, oldContainer.Id, name, { nodeName: oldContainer.NodeName, }); } throw e; } } /** * creates a webhook if necessary and applies resource control */ async function applyContainerSettings( containerId: string, environment: Environment, accessControl: AccessControlFormData, enableWebhook?: boolean, resourceControl?: ResourceControlResponse, registry?: Registry ) { if (enableWebhook) { await createContainerWebhook(containerId, environment, registry?.Id); } // Portainer will always return a resource control, but since types mark it as optional, we need to check it. // Ignoring the missing value will result with bugs, hence it's better to throw an error if (!resourceControl) { throw new PortainerError('resource control expected after creation'); } await applyResourceControl(accessControl, resourceControl.Id); } /** * creates a new container and starts it. * on failure, it will remove the new container */ async function createAndStart( environmentId: EnvironmentId, config: CreateContainerRequest, name: string, nodeName?: string ) { let containerId = ''; try { const containerResponse = await createContainer( environmentId, config, name, { nodeName, } ); containerId = containerResponse.Id; await startContainer(environmentId, containerResponse.Id, { nodeName }); return containerResponse; } catch (e) { if (containerId) { await removeContainer(environmentId, containerId, { nodeName, }); } throw e; } } async function pullImageIfNeeded( environmentId: EnvironmentId, pull: boolean, image: string, nodeName?: string, registry?: Registry ) { if (!pull) { return null; } return pullImage({ environmentId, nodeName, image, registry, ignoreErrors: true, }); } async function createContainer( environmentId: EnvironmentId, config: CreateContainerRequest, name?: string, { nodeName }: { nodeName?: string } = {} ) { try { const headers = addNodeHeader(nodeName); const { data } = await< PortainerResponse<{ Id: string; Warnings: Array }> >(urlBuilder(environmentId, undefined, 'create'), config, { headers, params: { name }, }); return data; } catch (err) { throw parseAxiosError(err, 'Unable to create container'); } } async function createContainerWebhook( containerId: string, environment: Environment, registryId?: RegistryId ) { const isNotEdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment = environment.Type !== EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnDocker; if (!isNotEdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment) { return; } await createWebhook({ ResourceId: containerId, EndpointID: environment.Id, RegistryId: registryId, WebhookType: WebhookType.DockerContainer, }); } function connectToExtraNetworks( environmentId: EnvironmentId, containerId: string, extraNetworks: Array, nodeName?: string ) { if (!extraNetworks) { return null; } return Promise.all({ networkName, aliases }) => connectContainer({ networkId: networkName, nodeName, containerId, environmentId, aliases, }) ) ); } function stopContainerIfNeeded( environmentId: EnvironmentId, container: DockerContainer, nodeName?: string ) { if (container.State !== 'running' || !container.Id) { return null; } return stopContainer(environmentId, container.Id, { nodeName }); }