package client

import (

	portainer ""


var errUnsupportedEnvironmentType = errors.New("environment not supported")

const (
	defaultDockerRequestTimeout = 60 * time.Second
	dockerClientVersion         = "1.37"

// ClientFactory is used to create Docker clients
type ClientFactory struct {
	signatureService     portainer.DigitalSignatureService
	reverseTunnelService portainer.ReverseTunnelService

// NewClientFactory returns a new instance of a ClientFactory
func NewClientFactory(signatureService portainer.DigitalSignatureService, reverseTunnelService portainer.ReverseTunnelService) *ClientFactory {
	return &ClientFactory{
		signatureService:     signatureService,
		reverseTunnelService: reverseTunnelService,

// CreateClient is a generic function to create a Docker client based on
// a specific environment(endpoint) configuration. The nodeName parameter can be used
// with an agent enabled environment(endpoint) to target a specific node in an agent cluster.
// The underlying http client timeout may be specified, a default value is used otherwise.
func (factory *ClientFactory) CreateClient(endpoint *portainer.Endpoint, nodeName string, timeout *time.Duration) (*client.Client, error) {
	switch endpoint.Type {
	case portainer.AzureEnvironment:
		return nil, errUnsupportedEnvironmentType
	case portainer.AgentOnDockerEnvironment:
		return createAgentClient(endpoint, endpoint.URL, factory.signatureService, nodeName, timeout)
	case portainer.EdgeAgentOnDockerEnvironment:
		tunnelAddr, err := factory.reverseTunnelService.TunnelAddr(endpoint)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err

		endpointURL := "http://" + tunnelAddr

		return createAgentClient(endpoint, endpointURL, factory.signatureService, nodeName, timeout)

	if strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "unix://") || strings.HasPrefix(endpoint.URL, "npipe://") {
		return createLocalClient(endpoint)

	return createTCPClient(endpoint, timeout)

func createLocalClient(endpoint *portainer.Endpoint) (*client.Client, error) {
	return client.NewClientWithOpts(

func CreateClientFromEnv() (*client.Client, error) {
	return client.NewClientWithOpts(

func CreateSimpleClient() (*client.Client, error) {
	return client.NewClientWithOpts(

func createTCPClient(endpoint *portainer.Endpoint, timeout *time.Duration) (*client.Client, error) {
	httpCli, err := httpClient(endpoint, timeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	opts := []client.Opt{

	if nnTransport, ok := httpCli.Transport.(*NodeNameTransport); ok && nnTransport.TLSClientConfig != nil {
		opts = append(opts, client.WithScheme("https"))

	return client.NewClientWithOpts(opts...)

func createAgentClient(endpoint *portainer.Endpoint, endpointURL string, signatureService portainer.DigitalSignatureService, nodeName string, timeout *time.Duration) (*client.Client, error) {
	httpCli, err := httpClient(endpoint, timeout)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	signature, err := signatureService.CreateSignature(portainer.PortainerAgentSignatureMessage)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	headers := map[string]string{
		portainer.PortainerAgentPublicKeyHeader: signatureService.EncodedPublicKey(),
		portainer.PortainerAgentSignatureHeader: signature,

	if nodeName != "" {
		headers[portainer.PortainerAgentTargetHeader] = nodeName

	opts := []client.Opt{

	if nnTransport, ok := httpCli.Transport.(*NodeNameTransport); ok && nnTransport.TLSClientConfig != nil {
		opts = append(opts, client.WithScheme("https"))

	return client.NewClientWithOpts(opts...)

type NodeNameTransport struct {
	nodeNames map[string]string

func (t *NodeNameTransport) RoundTrip(req *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
	resp, err := t.Transport.RoundTrip(req)
	if err != nil ||
		resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK ||
		resp.ContentLength == 0 ||
		!strings.HasSuffix(req.URL.Path, "/images/json") {
		return resp, err

	body, err := io.ReadAll(resp.Body)
	if err != nil {
		return resp, err


	resp.Body = io.NopCloser(bytes.NewReader(body))

	var rs []struct {
		Portainer struct {
			Agent struct {
				NodeName string

	if err = json.Unmarshal(body, &rs); err != nil {
		return resp, nil

	t.nodeNames = make(map[string]string)
	for _, r := range rs {
		t.nodeNames[r.ID] = r.Portainer.Agent.NodeName

	return resp, err

func (t *NodeNameTransport) NodeNames() map[string]string {
	return maps.Clone(t.nodeNames)

func httpClient(endpoint *portainer.Endpoint, timeout *time.Duration) (*http.Client, error) {
	transport := &NodeNameTransport{
		Transport: &http.Transport{},

	if endpoint.TLSConfig.TLS {
		tlsConfig, err := crypto.CreateTLSConfigurationFromDisk(endpoint.TLSConfig.TLSCACertPath, endpoint.TLSConfig.TLSCertPath, endpoint.TLSConfig.TLSKeyPath, endpoint.TLSConfig.TLSSkipVerify)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		transport.TLSClientConfig = tlsConfig

	clientTimeout := defaultDockerRequestTimeout
	if timeout != nil {
		clientTimeout = *timeout

	return &http.Client{
		Transport: transport,
		Timeout:   clientTimeout,
	}, nil