import { SetStateAction, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { renderTemplate } from '@/react/portainer/custom-templates/components/utils'; import { useAppTemplate } from '@/react/portainer/templates/app-templates/queries/useAppTemplates'; import { useAppTemplateFile } from '@/react/portainer/templates/app-templates/queries/useAppTemplateFile'; import { TemplateViewModel } from '@/react/portainer/templates/app-templates/view-model'; import { DeploymentType } from '../types'; import { getDefaultStaggerConfig } from '../components/StaggerFieldset.types'; import { DockerFormValues, FormValues } from './types'; /** * useRenderAppTemplate fetches the app template (file and data) and returns it * as a TemplateViewModel. * * It also renders the template file and updates the form values. */ export function useRenderAppTemplate( templateValues: DockerFormValues['templateValues'], setValues: (values: SetStateAction) => void ) { const templateQuery = useAppTemplate(templateValues.templateId, { enabled: templateValues.type === 'app', }); const template =; const templateFileQuery = useAppTemplateFile(templateValues.templateId, { enabled: templateValues.type === 'app', }); const [currentTemplateId, setCurrentTemplateId] = useState< number | undefined >(templateValues.templateId); useEffect(() => { if (templateValues.type === 'app' && { const newTemplateValues = getValuesFromAppTemplate(template); const newFile = renderTemplate(, templateValues.variables, [] ); setCurrentTemplateId(template?.Id); setValues((values) => ({ ...values, ...newTemplateValues, fileContent: newFile, })); } }, [ currentTemplateId, setValues, template,, templateFileQuery.isInitialLoading, templateValues.type, templateValues.variables, ]); return { appTemplate: template, isInitialLoading: templateQuery.isInitialLoading || templateFileQuery.isInitialLoading, }; } function getValuesFromAppTemplate( template: TemplateViewModel | undefined ): Partial { if (!template) { return {}; } return { deploymentType: DeploymentType.Compose, ...(template ? { prePullImage: false, retryDeploy: false, staggerConfig: getDefaultStaggerConfig(), } : {}), }; }