import { SchemaOf, array, boolean, lazy, mixed, number, object, string, } from 'yup'; import { useMemo } from 'react'; import Lazy from 'yup/lib/Lazy'; import { buildGitValidationSchema } from '@/react/portainer/gitops/GitForm'; import { useGitCredentials } from '@/react/portainer/account/git-credentials/git-credentials.service'; import { useCurrentUser } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import { relativePathValidation } from '@/react/portainer/gitops/RelativePathFieldset/validation'; import { CustomTemplate } from '@/react/portainer/templates/custom-templates/types'; import { TemplateViewModel } from '@/react/portainer/templates/app-templates/view-model'; import { DeployMethod, GitFormModel, RelativePathModel, } from '@/react/portainer/gitops/types'; import { EnvironmentType } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { envVarValidation } from '@@/form-components/EnvironmentVariablesFieldset'; import { file } from '@@/form-components/yup-file-validation'; import { DeploymentType } from '../types'; import { staggerConfigValidation } from '../components/StaggerFieldset'; import { createHasEnvironmentTypeFunction } from '../ItemView/EditEdgeStackForm/useEdgeGroupHasType'; import { useEdgeGroups } from '../../edge-groups/queries/useEdgeGroups'; import { FormValues, Method } from './types'; import { templateFieldsetValidation } from './TemplateFieldset/validation'; import { useNameValidation } from './NameField'; export function useValidation({ appTemplate, customTemplate, }: { appTemplate: TemplateViewModel | undefined; customTemplate: CustomTemplate | undefined; }): Lazy> { const { user } = useCurrentUser(); const gitCredentialsQuery = useGitCredentials(user.Id); const nameValidation = useNameValidation(); const edgeGroupsQuery = useEdgeGroups(); const edgeGroups =; return useMemo( () => lazy((values: FormValues) => object({ method: mixed() .oneOf(['editor', 'upload', 'repository', 'template']) .required(), name: nameValidation(values.groupIds), groupIds: array(number().required()) .required() .min(1, 'At least one Edge group is required'), deploymentType: mixed() .oneOf([DeploymentType.Compose, DeploymentType.Kubernetes]) .required() .test( 'kubernetes-deployment-type-validation', 'Kubernetes deployment type is not compatible with the selected edge group(s), which contain Docker environments', (value) => { if (value !== DeploymentType.Kubernetes) { return true; } const hasType = createHasEnvironmentTypeFunction( values.groupIds, edgeGroups ); const hasDockerEndpoint = hasType( EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnDocker ); return !hasDockerEndpoint; } ) .test( 'compose-deployment-type-validation', 'Compose deployment type is not compatible with the selected edge group(s), which contain Kubernetes environments', (value) => { if (value !== DeploymentType.Compose) { return true; } const hasType = createHasEnvironmentTypeFunction( values.groupIds, edgeGroups ); const hasKubeEndpoint = hasType( EnvironmentType.EdgeAgentOnKubernetes ); return !hasKubeEndpoint; } ), envVars: envVarValidation(), privateRegistryId: number().default(0), prePullImage: boolean().default(false), retryDeploy: boolean().default(false), enableWebhook: boolean().default(false), staggerConfig: staggerConfigValidation(), fileContent: string() .default('') .when('method', { is: 'editor', then: (schema) => schema.required('Config file is required'), }), file: file().when('method', { is: 'upload', then: (schema) => schema.required(), }), templateValues: templateFieldsetValidation({ customVariablesDefinitions: customTemplate?.Variables || [], appTemplateVariablesDefinitions: appTemplate?.Env || [], }), git: mixed().when('method', { is: 'repository', then: () => { const deploymentMethod: DeployMethod = values.deploymentType === DeploymentType.Compose ? 'compose' : 'manifest'; return buildGitValidationSchema( || [], !!customTemplate, deploymentMethod ); }, }) as SchemaOf, relativePath: mixed().when('method', { is: 'repository', then: () => relativePathValidation(), }) as SchemaOf, useManifestNamespaces: boolean().default(false), }) ), [ appTemplate?.Env, customTemplate, edgeGroups,, nameValidation, ] ); }