import _ from 'lodash'; import { trimSHA } from '@/docker/filters/utils'; import { Registry, RegistryTypes, } from '@/react/portainer/registries/types/registry'; import { DockerImage } from './types'; import { DockerImageResponse } from './types/response'; type ImageModel = { UseRegistry: boolean; Registry?: Registry; Image: string; }; export function parseViewModel(response: DockerImageResponse): DockerImage { return { ...response, Used: false, RepoTags: response.RepoTags ?? => `${trimSHA(digest)}:`), }; } export function getUniqueTagListFromImages( images: Array<{ RepoTags?: string[] }> ) { return _.uniq( images.flatMap((image) => image.RepoTags ? image.RepoTags.filter((item) => !item.includes('')) : [] ) ); } export function imageContainsURL(image: string) { const split = image.split('/'); const url = split[0]; if (split.length > 1) { return url.includes('.') || url.includes(':'); } return false; } export function buildImageFullURIFromModel(imageModel: ImageModel) { const registry = imageModel.UseRegistry ? imageModel.Registry : undefined; return buildImageFullURI(imageModel.Image, registry); } /** * builds the complete uri for an image based on its registry */ export function buildImageFullURI(image: string, registry?: Registry) { if (!registry) { return ensureTag(image); } const imageName = buildImageFullURIWithRegistry(image, registry); return ensureTag(imageName); function ensureTag(image: string, defaultTag = 'latest') { return image.includes(':') ? image : `${image}:${defaultTag}`; } } function buildImageFullURIWithRegistry(image: string, registry: Registry) { switch (registry.Type) { case RegistryTypes.GITHUB: return buildImageURIForGithub(image, registry); case RegistryTypes.GITLAB: return buildImageURIForGitLab(image, registry); case RegistryTypes.QUAY: return buildImageURIForQuay(image, registry); case RegistryTypes.ANONYMOUS: return image; default: return buildImageURIForOtherRegistry(image, registry); } function buildImageURIForGithub(image: string, registry: Registry) { const imageName = image.startsWith('/') ? image.slice(1) : image; const namespace = registry.Github.UseOrganisation ? registry.Github.OrganisationName : registry.Username; return `${registry.URL}/${namespace}/${imageName}`; } function buildImageURIForGitLab(image: string, registry: Registry) { const slash = image.startsWith(':') ? '' : '/'; return `${registry.URL}/${registry.Gitlab.ProjectPath}${slash}${image}`; } function buildImageURIForQuay(image: string, registry: Registry) { const name = registry.Quay.UseOrganisation ? registry.Quay.OrganisationName : registry.Username; const url = registry.URL ? `${registry.URL}/` : ''; return `${url}${name}/${image}`; } function buildImageURIForOtherRegistry(image: string, registry: Registry) { const url = registry.URL ? `${registry.URL}/` : ''; return url + image; } } /** * Splits a full URI into repository and tag. * * @param fullURI - The full URI to be split. * @returns An object containing the repository and tag. */ export function fullURIIntoRepoAndTag(fullURI: string) { // possible fullURI values (all should contain a tag): // - registry/image-repo:tag // - image-repo:tag // - registry:port/image-repo:tag // - localhost:5000/nginx // buildImageFullURIFromModel always gives a tag (defaulting to 'latest'), so the tag is always present after the last ':' const parts = fullURI.split(':'); const tag = parts.pop() || 'latest'; // handle the case of a repo with a non standard port if (tag.includes('/')) { return { repo: fullURI, tag: 'latest', }; } const repo = parts.join(':'); return { repo, tag, }; }