import _ from 'lodash-es'; import * as JsonPatch from 'fast-json-patch'; import KubernetesCommonHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/commonHelper'; import { KubernetesResourcePoolIngressClassAnnotationFormValue, KubernetesResourcePoolIngressClassFormValue, KubernetesResourcePoolIngressClassHostFormValue, } from 'Kubernetes/models/resource-pool/formValues'; import { KubernetesApplicationPublishingTypes } from '../models/application/models'; import { KubernetesIngress, KubernetesIngressRule } from './models'; import { KubernetesIngressCreatePayload, KubernetesIngressRuleCreatePayload, KubernetesIngressRulePathCreatePayload } from './payloads'; import { KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation, KubernetesIngressClassRewriteTargetAnnotations } from './constants'; export class KubernetesIngressConverter { static apiToModel(data) { const paths = _.flatMap(data.spec.rules, (rule) => { return !rule.http ? [] :, (path) => { const ingRule = new KubernetesIngressRule(); ingRule.IngressName =; ingRule.ServiceName =; ingRule.Host = || ''; ingRule.IP = data.status.loadBalancer.ingress ? data.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip : undefined; ingRule.Port = path.backend.service.port.number; ingRule.Path = path.path; return ingRule; }); }); const res = new KubernetesIngress(); res.Name =; res.Namespace = data.metadata.namespace; res.Annotations = data.metadata.annotations || {}; res.IngressClassName = data.metadata.annotations && data.metadata.annotations[KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation] ? data.metadata.annotations[KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation] : data.spec.ingressClassName; res.Paths = paths; res.Hosts = _.uniq(, 'host')); const idx = _.findIndex(res.Hosts, (h) => h === undefined); if (idx >= 0) { res.Hosts.splice(idx, 1, ''); } return res; } /** * Converts Application Form Value (from Create Application View) to Ingresses * @param {KubernetesApplicationFormValues} formValues * @param {string} serviceName * @returns {KubernetesIngressRule[]} */ static applicationFormValuesToIngresses(formValues, serviceName) { const isPublishingToIngress = formValues.PublishingType === KubernetesApplicationPublishingTypes.INGRESS; const ingresses = angular.copy(formValues.OriginalIngresses); _.forEach(formValues.PublishedPorts, (p) => { const ingress = _.find(ingresses, { Name: p.IngressName }); if (ingress) { if (p.NeedsDeletion) { _.remove(ingress.Paths, (path) => path.Port === p.ContainerPort && path.ServiceName === serviceName && path.Path === p.IngressRoute); } else if (isPublishingToIngress && p.IsNew) { const rule = new KubernetesIngressRule(); rule.IngressName = ingress.Name; rule.ServiceName = serviceName; rule.Port = p.ContainerPort; if (p.IngressRoute) { rule.Path = _.startsWith(p.IngressRoute, '/') ? p.IngressRoute : '/' + p.IngressRoute; } rule.Host = p.IngressHost; ingress.Paths.push(rule); } } }); return ingresses; } static applicationFormValuesToDeleteIngresses(formValues, application) { const ingresses = angular.copy(formValues.OriginalIngresses); application.Services.forEach((service) => { ingresses.forEach((ingress) => { const path = _.find(ingress.Paths, { ServiceName: }); if (path) { _.remove(ingress.Paths, path); } }); }); return ingresses; } static removeIngressesPaths(ingresses, services) { const originalIngress = angular.copy(ingresses); originalIngress.forEach((ingress) => { services.forEach((service) => { _.remove(ingress.Paths, { ServiceName: service.Name }); }); }); return originalIngress; } static generateNewIngresses(ingresses, services) { const originalIngresses = angular.copy(ingresses); services .filter((s) => s.Ingress) .forEach((service) => { if (service.Ports.length !== 0) { const matchedIngress = _.find(originalIngresses, { Name: service.Ports[0].ingress.IngressName }); if (matchedIngress) { const rule = new KubernetesIngressRule(); rule.ServiceName = service.Name; rule.IngressName = service.Ports[0].ingress.IngressName; rule.Host = service.Ports[0].ingress.Host; rule.Path = _.startsWith(service.Ports[0].ingress.Path, '/') ? service.Ports[0].ingress.Path : '/' + service.Ports[0].ingress.Path; rule.Port = service.Ports[0].port; matchedIngress.Paths.push(rule); } } }); return originalIngresses; } // need this function for [ resource summary ] controller static newApplicationFormValuesToIngresses(formValues, serviceName, servicePorts) { const ingresses = angular.copy(formValues.OriginalIngresses); servicePorts.forEach((port) => { const ingress = _.find(ingresses, { Name: port.ingress.IngressName }); if (ingress) { const rule = new KubernetesIngressRule(); rule.ServiceName = serviceName; rule.IngressName = port.ingress.IngressName; rule.Host = port.ingress.Host; rule.Path = _.startsWith(port.ingress.Path, '/') ? port.ingress.Path : '/' + port.ingress.Path; rule.Port = port.port; ingress.Paths.push(rule); } }); return ingresses; } /** * * @param {KubernetesResourcePoolIngressClassFormValue[]} formValues * @returns {KubernetesIngress} Ingress */ static resourcePoolIngressClassFormValueToIngress(formValues) { const res = new KubernetesIngress(); res.Name = formValues.IngressClass.Name; res.Namespace = formValues.Namespace; const pairs =, (a) => [a.Key, a.Value]); res.Annotations = _.fromPairs(pairs); if (formValues.RewriteTarget) { _.extend(res.Annotations, KubernetesIngressClassRewriteTargetAnnotations[formValues.IngressClass.Type]); } res.Annotations[KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation] = formValues.IngressClass.Name; res.IngressClassName = formValues.IngressClass.Name; res.Hosts = formValues.Hosts; res.Paths = formValues.Paths; return res; } /** * * @param {KubernetesIngressClass} ics Ingress classes (saved in Portainer DB) * @param {KubernetesIngress[]} ingresses Existing Kubernetes ingresses. Must be empty for RP CREATE VIEW and filled for RP EDIT VIEW */ static ingressClassesToFormValues(ics, ingresses) { const res =, (ic) => { const fv = new KubernetesResourcePoolIngressClassFormValue(ic); const ingress = _.find(ingresses, { Name: ic.Name }); if (ingress) { fv.Selected = true; fv.WasSelected = true; fv.Hosts =, (host) => { const hfv = new KubernetesResourcePoolIngressClassHostFormValue(); hfv.Host = host; hfv.PreviousHost = host; hfv.IsNew = false; return hfv; }); const [[rewriteKey]] = _.toPairs(KubernetesIngressClassRewriteTargetAnnotations[ic.Type]); const annotations =, ([key, value]) => { if (key === rewriteKey) { fv.RewriteTarget = true; } else if (key !== KubernetesIngressClassAnnotation) { const annotation = new KubernetesResourcePoolIngressClassAnnotationFormValue(); annotation.Key = key; annotation.Value = value; return annotation; } }); fv.Annotations = _.without(annotations, undefined); fv.AdvancedConfig = fv.Annotations.length > 0; fv.Paths = ingress.Paths; } return fv; }); return res; } static createPayload(data) { const res = new KubernetesIngressCreatePayload(); = data.Name; res.metadata.namespace = data.Namespace; res.spec.ingressClassName = data.IngressClassName; if (data.Paths && data.Paths.length) { _.forEach(data.Paths, (p) => { if (p.Host === 'undefined' || p.Host === undefined) { p.Host = ''; } }); const hostsWithRules = []; const groups = _.groupBy(data.Paths, 'Host'); let rules =, (paths, host) => { const updatedHost = _.find(data.Hosts, (h) => { return h === host || h.PreviousHost === host; }); host = updatedHost.Host || updatedHost; if (updatedHost.NeedsDeletion) { return; } const rule = new KubernetesIngressRuleCreatePayload(); KubernetesCommonHelper.assignOrDeleteIfEmpty(rule, 'host', host); rule.http.paths =, (p) => { const path = new KubernetesIngressRulePathCreatePayload(); path.path = p.Path; = p.ServiceName; path.backend.service.port.number = p.Port; return path; }); hostsWithRules.push(host); return rule; }); rules = _.without(rules, undefined); const keptHosts = _.without(, (h) => (h.NeedsDeletion ? undefined : h.Host || h)), undefined ); const hostsWithoutRules = _.without(keptHosts, ...hostsWithRules); const emptyRules =, (host) => { return { host: host }; }); rules = _.concat(rules, emptyRules); KubernetesCommonHelper.assignOrDeleteIfEmpty(res, 'spec.rules', rules); } else if (data.Hosts) { res.spec.rules = []; _.forEach(data.Hosts, (host) => { if (!host.NeedsDeletion) { res.spec.rules.push({ host: host.Host || host }); } }); } else { delete res.spec.rules; } return res; } static patchPayload(oldData, newData) { const oldPayload = KubernetesIngressConverter.createPayload(oldData); const newPayload = KubernetesIngressConverter.createPayload(newData); const payload =, newPayload); return payload; } }