import jwtDecode from 'jwt-decode'; import { useCurrentStateAndParams } from '@uirouter/react'; import { createContext, ReactNode, useContext, useEffect, useState, useMemo, PropsWithChildren, } from 'react'; import { isAdmin } from '@/portainer/users/user.helpers'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { getUser } from '@/portainer/users/user.service'; import { User, UserId } from '@/portainer/users/types'; import { useLocalStorage } from './useLocalStorage'; interface State { user?: User; } export const UserContext = createContext(null); UserContext.displayName = 'UserContext'; export function useUser() { const context = useContext(UserContext); if (context === null) { throw new Error('should be nested under UserProvider'); } const { user } = context; if (typeof user === 'undefined') { throw new Error('should be authenticated'); } return useMemo( () => ({ user, isAdmin: isAdmin(user), }), [user] ); } export function useAuthorizations( authorizations: string | string[], forceEnvironmentId?: EnvironmentId, adminOnlyCE = false ) { const { user } = useUser(); const { params: { endpointId }, } = useCurrentStateAndParams(); if (!user) { return false; } return hasAuthorizations( user, authorizations, forceEnvironmentId || endpointId, adminOnlyCE ); } export function isEnvironmentAdmin( user: User, environmentId: EnvironmentId, adminOnlyCE = true ) { return hasAuthorizations( user, ['EndpointResourcesAccess'], environmentId, adminOnlyCE ); } export function hasAuthorizations( user: User, authorizations: string | string[], environmentId?: EnvironmentId, adminOnlyCE = false ) { const authorizationsArray = typeof authorizations === 'string' ? [authorizations] : authorizations; if (authorizationsArray.length === 0) { return true; } if (process.env.PORTAINER_EDITION === 'CE') { return !adminOnlyCE || isAdmin(user); } if (!environmentId) { return false; } if (isAdmin(user)) { return true; } if ( !user.EndpointAuthorizations || !user.EndpointAuthorizations[environmentId] ) { return false; } const userEndpointAuthorizations = user.EndpointAuthorizations[environmentId]; return authorizationsArray.some( (authorization) => userEndpointAuthorizations[authorization] ); } interface AuthorizedProps { authorizations: string | string[]; environmentId?: EnvironmentId; adminOnlyCE?: boolean; childrenUnauthorized?: ReactNode; } export function Authorized({ authorizations, environmentId, adminOnlyCE = false, children, childrenUnauthorized = null, }: PropsWithChildren) { const isAllowed = useAuthorizations( authorizations, environmentId, adminOnlyCE ); return isAllowed ? <>{children} : <>{childrenUnauthorized}; } interface UserProviderProps { children: ReactNode; } export function UserProvider({ children }: UserProviderProps) { const [jwt] = useLocalStorage('JWT', ''); const [user, setUser] = useState(); useEffect(() => { if (jwt !== '') { const tokenPayload = jwtDecode(jwt) as { id: number }; loadUser(; } }, [jwt]); const providerState = useMemo(() => ({ user }), [user]); if (jwt === '') { return null; } if (!providerState.user) { return null; } return ( {children} ); async function loadUser(id: UserId) { const user = await getUser(id); setUser(user); } }