import { Pod } from 'kubernetes-types/core/v1'; import { RotateCcw } from 'lucide-react'; import { useRouter } from '@uirouter/react'; import { Authorized } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import { notifySuccess, notifyError } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { Button } from '@@/buttons'; import { Icon } from '@@/Icon'; import { confirm } from '@@/modals/confirm'; import { ModalType } from '@@/modals'; import { buildConfirmButton } from '@@/modals/utils'; import { TooltipWithChildren } from '@@/Tip/TooltipWithChildren'; import { useApplicationRevisionList, usePatchApplicationMutation, } from '../../application.queries'; import { applicationIsKind, getRollbackPatchPayload, matchLabelsToLabelSelectorValue, } from '../../utils'; import { Application } from '../../types'; import { appDeployMethodLabel } from '../../constants'; type Props = { environmentId: EnvironmentId; namespace: string; appName: string; app?: Application; }; export function RollbackApplicationButton({ environmentId, namespace, appName, app, }: Props) { const router = useRouter(); const labelSelector = applicationIsKind('Pod', app) ? '' : matchLabelsToLabelSelectorValue(app?.spec?.selector?.matchLabels); const appRevisionListQuery = useApplicationRevisionList( environmentId, namespace, appName, app?.metadata?.uid, labelSelector, app?.kind ); const appRevisionList =; const appRevisions = appRevisionList?.items; const appDeployMethod = app?.metadata?.labels?.[appDeployMethodLabel] || 'application form'; const patchAppMutation = usePatchApplicationMutation( environmentId, namespace, appName ); const isRollbackNotAvailable = !app || !appRevisions || appRevisions?.length < 2 || appDeployMethod !== 'application form' || patchAppMutation.isLoading; const rollbackButton = ( ); return ( {isRollbackNotAvailable ? ( {rollbackButton} ) : ( rollbackButton )} ); async function rollbackApplication() { // exit early if the application is a pod or there are no revisions if ( !app?.kind || applicationIsKind('Pod', app) || !appRevisionList?.items?.length ) { return; } // confirm the action const confirmed = await confirm({ title: 'Are you sure?', modalType: ModalType.Warn, confirmButton: buildConfirmButton('Rollback'), message: 'Rolling back the application to a previous configuration may cause service interruption. Do you wish to continue?', }); if (!confirmed) { return; } try { const patch = getRollbackPatchPayload(app, appRevisionList); patchAppMutation.mutateAsync( { appKind: app.kind, patch, contentType: app.kind === 'Deployment' ? 'application/json-patch+json' : 'application/strategic-merge-patch+json', }, { onSuccess: () => { notifySuccess('Success', 'Application successfully rolled back'); router.stateService.reload(); }, onError: (error) => notifyError( 'Failure', error as Error, 'Unable to rollback the application' ), } ); } catch (error) { notifyError('Failure', error as Error); } } }