import angular from 'angular'; import _ from 'lodash-es'; import KubernetesResourceReservationHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/resourceReservationHelper'; import { KubernetesResourceReservation } from 'Kubernetes/models/resource-reservation/models'; import KubernetesEventHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/eventHelper'; import KubernetesNodeConverter from 'Kubernetes/node/converter'; import { KubernetesNodeLabelFormValues, KubernetesNodeTaintFormValues } from 'Kubernetes/node/formValues'; import { KubernetesNodeTaintEffects, KubernetesNodeAvailabilities } from 'Kubernetes/node/models'; import KubernetesFormValidationHelper from 'Kubernetes/helpers/formValidationHelper'; import { KubernetesNodeHelper } from 'Kubernetes/node/helper'; class KubernetesNodeController { /* @ngInject */ constructor( $async, $state, Notifications, LocalStorage, ModalService, KubernetesNodeService, KubernetesEventService, KubernetesPodService, KubernetesApplicationService, KubernetesEndpointService ) { this.$async = $async; this.$state = $state; this.Notifications = Notifications; this.LocalStorage = LocalStorage; this.ModalService = ModalService; this.KubernetesNodeService = KubernetesNodeService; this.KubernetesEventService = KubernetesEventService; this.KubernetesPodService = KubernetesPodService; this.KubernetesApplicationService = KubernetesApplicationService; this.KubernetesEndpointService = KubernetesEndpointService; this.onInit = this.onInit.bind(this); this.getNodesAsync = this.getNodesAsync.bind(this); this.getEvents = this.getEvents.bind(this); this.getEventsAsync = this.getEventsAsync.bind(this); this.getApplicationsAsync = this.getApplicationsAsync.bind(this); this.getEndpointsAsync = this.getEndpointsAsync.bind(this); this.updateNodeAsync = this.updateNodeAsync.bind(this); this.drainNodeAsync = this.drainNodeAsync.bind(this); } selectTab(index) { this.LocalStorage.storeActiveTab('node', index); } /* #region taint */ onChangeTaintKey(index) { this.state.duplicateTaintKeys = KubernetesFormValidationHelper.getDuplicates(, (taint) => { if (taint.NeedsDeletion) { return undefined; } return taint.Key; }) ); this.state.hasDuplicateTaintKeys = Object.keys(this.state.duplicateTaintKeys).length > 0; this.onChangeTaint(index); } onChangeTaint(index) { if (this.formValues.Taints[index]) { this.formValues.Taints[index].IsChanged = true; } } addTaint() { const taint = new KubernetesNodeTaintFormValues(); taint.IsNew = true; taint.Effect = KubernetesNodeTaintEffects.NOSCHEDULE; this.formValues.Taints.push(taint); } removeTaint(index) { const taint = this.formValues.Taints[index]; if (taint.IsNew) { this.formValues.Taints.splice(index, 1); } else { taint.NeedsDeletion = true; } this.onChangeTaintKey(); } restoreTaint(index) { this.formValues.Taints[index].NeedsDeletion = false; this.onChangeTaintKey(); } computeTaintsWarning() { return _.filter(this.formValues.Taints, (taint) => { return taint.Effect === KubernetesNodeTaintEffects.NOEXECUTE && (taint.IsNew || taint.IsChanged); }).length; } /* #endregion */ /* #region label */ onChangeLabelKey(index) { this.state.duplicateLabelKeys = KubernetesFormValidationHelper.getDuplicates(, (label) => { if (label.NeedsDeletion) { return undefined; } return label.Key; }) ); this.state.hasDuplicateLabelKeys = Object.keys(this.state.duplicateLabelKeys).length > 0; this.onChangeLabel(index); } onChangeLabel(index) { if (this.formValues.Labels[index]) { this.formValues.Labels[index].IsChanged = true; } } addLabel() { const label = new KubernetesNodeLabelFormValues(); label.IsNew = true; this.formValues.Labels.push(label); } removeLabel(index) { const label = this.formValues.Labels[index]; if (label.IsNew) { this.formValues.Labels.splice(index, 1); } else { label.NeedsDeletion = true; } this.onChangeLabelKey(); } restoreLabel(index) { this.formValues.Labels[index].NeedsDeletion = false; this.onChangeLabelKey(); } isSystemLabel(index) { return KubernetesNodeHelper.isSystemLabel(this.formValues.Labels[index]); } computeLabelsWarning() { return _.filter(this.formValues.Labels, (label) => { return label.IsUsed && (label.NeedsDeletion || label.IsChanged); }).length; } /* #endregion */ /* #region cordon */ computeCordonWarning() { return this.formValues.Availability === this.availabilities.PAUSE; } /* #endregion */ /* #region drain */ computeDrainWarning() { return this.formValues.Availability === this.availabilities.DRAIN; } async drainNodeAsync() { const pods = _.flatten(, (app) => app.Pods)); let actionCount = pods.length; for (const pod of pods) { try { await this.KubernetesPodService.eviction(pod); this.Notifications.success('Pod successfully evicted', pod.Name); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to evict pod'); this.formValues.Availability = this.availabilities.PAUSE; await this.KubernetesNodeService.patch(this.node, this.formValues); } finally { --actionCount; if (actionCount === 0) { this.formValues.Availability = this.availabilities.PAUSE; await this.KubernetesNodeService.patch(this.node, this.formValues); } } } } drainNode() { return this.$async(this.drainNodeAsync); } /* #endregion */ /* #region actions */ isNoChangesMade() { const newNode = KubernetesNodeConverter.formValuesToNode(this.node, this.formValues); const payload = KubernetesNodeConverter.patchPayload(this.node, newNode); return !payload.length; } isDrainError() { return (this.state.isDrainOperation || this.state.isContainPortainer) && this.formValues.Availability === this.availabilities.DRAIN; } isFormValid() { return !this.state.hasDuplicateTaintKeys && !this.state.hasDuplicateLabelKeys && !this.isNoChangesMade() && !this.isDrainError(); } resetFormValues() { this.formValues = KubernetesNodeConverter.nodeToFormValues(this.node); } /* #endregion */ async getEndpointsAsync() { try { const endpoints = await this.KubernetesEndpointService.get(); this.endpoint = _.find(endpoints, { Name: 'kubernetes' }); if (this.endpoint && this.endpoint.Subsets) { _.forEach(this.endpoint.Subsets, (subset) => { return _.forEach(subset.Ips, (ip) => { if (ip === this.node.IPAddress) { this.node.Api = true; this.node.Port = subset.Port; return false; } }); }); } } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve endpoints'); } } getEndpoints() { return this.$async(this.getEndpointsAsync); } async updateNodeAsync() { try { this.node = await this.KubernetesNodeService.patch(this.node, this.formValues); if (this.formValues.Availability === 'Drain') { await this.drainNode(); } this.Notifications.success('Node updated successfully'); this.$state.reload(); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to update node'); } } updateNode() { const taintsWarning = this.computeTaintsWarning(); const labelsWarning = this.computeLabelsWarning(); const cordonWarning = this.computeCordonWarning(); const drainWarning = this.computeDrainWarning(); if (taintsWarning && !labelsWarning) { this.ModalService.confirmUpdate( 'Changes to taints will immediately deschedule applications running on this node without the corresponding tolerations. Do you wish to continue?', (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { return this.$async(this.updateNodeAsync); } } ); } else if (!taintsWarning && labelsWarning) { this.ModalService.confirmUpdate( 'Removing or changing a label that is used might prevent applications from being scheduled on this node in the future. Do you wish to continue?', (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { return this.$async(this.updateNodeAsync); } } ); } else if (taintsWarning && labelsWarning) { this.ModalService.confirmUpdate( 'Changes to taints will immediately deschedule applications running on this node without the corresponding tolerations.

Removing or changing a label that is used might prevent applications from scheduling on this node in the future.\n\nDo you wish to continue?', (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { return this.$async(this.updateNodeAsync); } } ); } else if (cordonWarning) { this.ModalService.confirmUpdate( 'Marking this node as unschedulable will effectively cordon the node and prevent any new workload from being scheduled on that node. Are you sure?', (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { return this.$async(this.updateNodeAsync); } } ); } else if (drainWarning) { this.ModalService.confirmUpdate( 'Draining this node will cause all workloads to be evicted from that node. This might lead to some service interruption. Are you sure?', (confirmed) => { if (confirmed) { return this.$async(this.updateNodeAsync); } } ); } else { return this.$async(this.updateNodeAsync); } } async getNodesAsync() { try { this.state.dataLoading = true; const nodeName = this.$transition$.params().name; this.nodes = await this.KubernetesNodeService.get(); this.node = _.find(this.nodes, { Name: nodeName }); this.state.isDrainOperation = _.find(this.nodes, { Availability: this.availabilities.DRAIN }); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve node'); } finally { this.state.dataLoading = false; } } getNodes() { return this.$async(this.getNodesAsync); } hasEventWarnings() { return this.state.eventWarningCount; } async getEventsAsync() { try { this.state.eventsLoading = true; const events = await this.KubernetesEventService.get(); = events.filter((item) => item.Involved.kind === 'Node'); this.state.eventWarningCount = KubernetesEventHelper.warningCount(; } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve node events'); } finally { this.state.eventsLoading = false; } } getEvents() { return this.$async(this.getEventsAsync); } showEditor() { this.state.showEditorTab = true; this.selectTab(2); } async getApplicationsAsync() { try { this.state.applicationsLoading = true; this.applications = await this.KubernetesApplicationService.get(); this.resourceReservation = new KubernetesResourceReservation(); this.applications =, (app) => { app.Pods = _.filter(app.Pods, (pod) => pod.Node === this.node.Name); return app; }); this.applications = _.filter(this.applications, (app) => app.Pods.length !== 0); this.applications =, (app) => { const resourceReservation = KubernetesResourceReservationHelper.computeResourceReservation(app.Pods); app.CPU = resourceReservation.CPU; app.Memory = resourceReservation.Memory; this.resourceReservation.CPU += resourceReservation.CPU; this.resourceReservation.Memory += resourceReservation.Memory; return app; }); this.resourceReservation.Memory = KubernetesResourceReservationHelper.megaBytesValue(this.resourceReservation.Memory); this.memoryLimit = KubernetesResourceReservationHelper.megaBytesValue(this.node.Memory); this.state.isContainPortainer = _.find(this.applications, { ApplicationName: 'portainer' }); } catch (err) { this.Notifications.error('Failure', err, 'Unable to retrieve applications'); } finally { this.state.applicationsLoading = false; } } getApplications() { return this.$async(this.getApplicationsAsync); } async onInit() { this.state = { activeTab: 0, currentName: this.$state.$, dataLoading: true, eventsLoading: true, applicationsLoading: true, showEditorTab: false, viewReady: false, eventWarningCount: 0, duplicateTaintKeys: [], hasDuplicateTaintKeys: false, duplicateLabelKeys: [], hasDuplicateLabelKeys: false, isDrainOperation: false, isContainPortainer: false, }; this.availabilities = KubernetesNodeAvailabilities; this.state.activeTab = this.LocalStorage.getActiveTab('node'); await this.getNodes(); await this.getEvents(); await this.getApplications(); await this.getEndpoints(); this.availableEffects = _.values(KubernetesNodeTaintEffects); this.formValues = KubernetesNodeConverter.nodeToFormValues(this.node); this.formValues.Labels = KubernetesNodeHelper.computeUsedLabels(this.applications, this.formValues.Labels); this.formValues.Labels = KubernetesNodeHelper.reorderLabels(this.formValues.Labels); this.state.viewReady = true; } $onInit() { return this.$async(this.onInit); } $onDestroy() { if (this.state.currentName !== this.$state.$ { this.LocalStorage.storeActiveTab('node', 0); } } } export default KubernetesNodeController; angular.module('portainer.kubernetes').controller('KubernetesNodeController', KubernetesNodeController);