package edgestacks import ( "net/http" httperror "" "" "" portainer "" "" ) // @id EdgeStackStatusDelete // @summary Delete an EdgeStack status // @description Authorized only if the request is done by an Edge Environment(Endpoint) // @tags edge_stacks // @produce json // @param id path int true "EdgeStack Id" // @success 200 {object} portainer.EdgeStack // @failure 500 // @failure 400 // @failure 404 // @failure 403 // @router /edge_stacks/{id}/status/{endpoint_id} [delete] func (handler *Handler) edgeStackStatusDelete(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError { stackID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id") if err != nil { return httperror.BadRequest("Invalid stack identifier route variable", err) } endpoint, err := middlewares.FetchEndpoint(r) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve a valid endpoint from the handler context", err) } err = handler.requestBouncer.AuthorizedEdgeEndpointOperation(r, endpoint) if err != nil { return httperror.Forbidden("Permission denied to access environment", err) } stack, err := handler.DataStore.EdgeStack().EdgeStack(portainer.EdgeStackID(stackID)) if err != nil { return handler.handlerDBErr(err, "Unable to find a stack with the specified identifier inside the database") } delete(stack.Status, endpoint.ID) err = handler.DataStore.EdgeStack().UpdateEdgeStack(stack.ID, stack) if err != nil { return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to persist the stack changes inside the database", err) } return response.JSON(w, stack) }