import { useRouter } from '@uirouter/react'; import { Formik, Form } from 'formik'; import { notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { CreateStackPayload, useCreateStack, } from '@/react/common/stacks/queries/useCreateStack/useCreateStack'; import { useEnvironmentId } from '@/react/hooks/useEnvironmentId'; import { useCurrentUser, useIsEdgeAdmin } from '@/react/hooks/useUser'; import { AccessControlForm } from '@/react/portainer/access-control'; import { parseAccessControlFormData } from '@/react/portainer/access-control/utils'; import { NameField } from '@/react/common/stacks/CreateView/NameField'; import { CustomTemplate } from '@/react/portainer/templates/custom-templates/types'; import { isTemplateVariablesEnabled, renderTemplate, } from '@/react/portainer/custom-templates/components/utils'; import { CustomTemplatesVariablesField, getVariablesFieldDefaultValues, } from '@/react/portainer/custom-templates/components/CustomTemplatesVariablesField'; import { StackType } from '@/react/common/stacks/types'; import { toGitFormModel } from '@/react/portainer/gitops/types'; import { AdvancedSettings } from '@/react/portainer/templates/app-templates/DeployFormWidget/AdvancedSettings'; import { Button } from '@@/buttons'; import { FormActions } from '@@/form-components/FormActions'; import { FormSection } from '@@/form-components/FormSection'; import { WebEditorForm } from '@@/WebEditorForm'; import { useSwarmId } from '../../proxy/queries/useSwarm'; import { FormValues } from './types'; import { useValidation } from './useValidation'; export function DeployForm({ template, unselect, templateFile, isDeployable, }: { template: CustomTemplate; templateFile: string; unselect: () => void; isDeployable: boolean; }) { const router = useRouter(); const { user } = useCurrentUser(); const isEdgeAdminQuery = useIsEdgeAdmin(); const environmentId = useEnvironmentId(); const swarmIdQuery = useSwarmId(environmentId); const mutation = useCreateStack(); const validation = useValidation({ isDeployable, variableDefs: template.Variables, isAdmin: isEdgeAdminQuery.isAdmin, environmentId, }); if (isEdgeAdminQuery.isLoading) { return null; } const isGit = !!template.GitConfig; const initialValues: FormValues = { name: template.Title || '', variables: getVariablesFieldDefaultValues(template.Variables), accessControl: parseAccessControlFormData( isEdgeAdminQuery.isAdmin, user.Id ), fileContent: templateFile, }; return ( {({ values, errors, setFieldValue, isValid }) => (
setFieldValue('name', v)} errors={} /> {isTemplateVariablesEnabled && ( { setFieldValue('variables', v); const newFile = renderTemplate( templateFile, v, template.Variables ); setFieldValue('fileContent', newFile); }} value={values.variables} errors={errors.variables} /> )} advancedSettingsLabel(isOpen, isGit)} > { if (isGit) { return; } setFieldValue('fileContent', value); }} yaml error={errors.fileContent} placeholder="Define or paste the content of your docker compose file here" readonly={isGit} data-cy="custom-template-creation-editor" >

You can get more information about Compose file format in the{' '} official documentation .

setFieldValue('accessControl', values)} values={values.accessControl} errors={errors.accessControl} environmentId={environmentId} /> )}
); function handleSubmit(values: FormValues) { const payload = getPayload(values); return mutation.mutate(payload, { onSuccess() { notifySuccess('Success', 'Stack created'); router.stateService.go('docker.stacks'); }, }); } function getPayload(values: FormValues): CreateStackPayload { const type = template.Type === StackType.DockerCompose ? 'standalone' : 'swarm'; const isGit = !!template.GitConfig; if (isGit) { return type === 'standalone' ? { type, method: 'git', payload: { name:, environmentId, git: toGitFormModel(template.GitConfig), accessControl: values.accessControl, }, } : { type, method: 'git', payload: { name:, environmentId, swarmId: || '', git: toGitFormModel(template.GitConfig), accessControl: values.accessControl, }, }; } return type === 'standalone' ? { type, method: 'string', payload: { name:, environmentId, fileContent: values.fileContent, accessControl: values.accessControl, }, } : { type, method: 'string', payload: { name:, environmentId, swarmId: || '', fileContent: values.fileContent, accessControl: values.accessControl, }, }; } } function advancedSettingsLabel(isOpen: boolean, isGit: boolean) { if (isGit) { return isOpen ? 'Hide stack' : 'View stack'; } return isOpen ? 'Hide custom stack' : 'Customize stack'; }