import tokenize from '@nxmix/tokenize-ansi'; import { FontWeight } from 'xterm'; import { colors, BACKGROUND_COLORS_BY_ANSI, FOREGROUND_COLORS_BY_ANSI, RGBColor, } from './colors'; import { formatJSONLine } from './formatJSONLogs'; import { formatZerologLogs, ZerologRegex } from './formatZerologLogs'; import { Token, Span, TIMESTAMP_LENGTH, FormattedLine } from './types'; type FormatOptions = { stripHeaders?: boolean; withTimestamps?: boolean; splitter?: string; }; const defaultOptions: FormatOptions = { splitter: '\n', }; export function formatLogs( rawLogs: string, { stripHeaders, withTimestamps, splitter = '\n', }: FormatOptions = defaultOptions ) { let logs = rawLogs; if (stripHeaders) { logs = stripHeadersFunc(logs); } // if JSON logs come serialized 2 times, parse them once to unwrap them if (logs.startsWith('"')) { try { logs = JSON.parse(logs); } catch (error) { // noop, throw error away if logs cannot be parsed } } const tokens: Token[][] = tokenize(logs); const formattedLogs: FormattedLine[] = []; let fgColor: string | undefined; let bgColor: string | undefined; let fontWeight: FontWeight | undefined; let line = ''; let spans: Span[] = []; tokens.forEach((token) => { const [type] = token; const fgAnsi = FOREGROUND_COLORS_BY_ANSI[type]; const bgAnsi = BACKGROUND_COLORS_BY_ANSI[type]; if (fgAnsi) { fgColor = cssColorFromRgb(fgAnsi); } else if (type === 'moreColor') { fgColor = extendedColorForToken(token); } else if (type === 'fgDefault') { fgColor = undefined; } else if (bgAnsi) { bgColor = cssColorFromRgb(bgAnsi); } else if (type === 'bgMoreColor') { bgColor = extendedColorForToken(token); } else if (type === 'bgDefault') { bgColor = undefined; } else if (type === 'reset') { fgColor = undefined; bgColor = undefined; fontWeight = undefined; } else if (type === 'bold') { fontWeight = 'bold'; } else if (type === 'normal') { fontWeight = 'normal'; } else if (type === 'text') { const tokenLines = (token[1] as string).split(splitter); tokenLines.forEach((tokenLine, idx) => { if (idx && line) { formattedLogs.push({ line, spans }); line = ''; spans = []; } const text = stripEscapeCodes(tokenLine); try { if ( (!withTimestamps && text.startsWith('{')) || (withTimestamps && text.substring(TIMESTAMP_LENGTH).startsWith('{')) ) { const lines = formatJSONLine(text, withTimestamps); formattedLogs.push(...lines); } else if ( (!withTimestamps && ZerologRegex.test(text)) || (withTimestamps && ZerologRegex.test(text.substring(TIMESTAMP_LENGTH))) ) { const lines = formatZerologLogs(text, withTimestamps); formattedLogs.push(...lines); } else { spans.push({ fgColor, bgColor, text, fontWeight }); line += text; } } catch (error) { // in case parsing fails for whatever reason, push the raw logs and continue spans.push({ fgColor, bgColor, text, fontWeight }); line += text; } }); } }); if (line) { formattedLogs.push({ line, spans }); } return formattedLogs; } function stripHeadersFunc(logs: string) { return logs.substring(8).replace(/\r?\n(.{8})/g, '\n'); } function stripEscapeCodes(logs: string) { return logs.replace( // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex /[\u001b\u009b][[()#;?]*(?:[0-9]{1,4}(?:;[0-9]{0,4})*)?[0-9A-ORZcf-nqry=><]/g, '' ); } function cssColorFromRgb(rgb: RGBColor) { const [r, g, b] = rgb; return `rgb(${r}, ${g}, ${b})`; } // assuming types based on original JS implementation // there is not much type definitions for the tokenize library function extendedColorForToken(token: Token[]) { const [, colorMode, colorRef] = token as [undefined, number, number]; if (colorMode === 2) { return cssColorFromRgb(token.slice(2) as RGBColor); } if (colorMode === 5 && colors[colorRef]) { return cssColorFromRgb(colors[colorRef]); } return ''; }