import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { withGlobalError, withInvalidate } from '@/react-tools/react-query'; import { updateEnvironmentRegistryAccess } from '@/react/portainer/environments/environment.service/registries'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import { notifyError } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { IngressControllerClassMap } from '../../cluster/ingressClass/types'; import { updateIngressControllerClassMap } from '../../cluster/ingressClass/useIngressControllerClassMap'; import { Namespaces, NamespacePayload, UpdateRegistryPayload } from '../types'; import { queryKeys } from './queryKeys'; export function useUpdateNamespaceMutation(environmentId: EnvironmentId) { const queryClient = useQueryClient(); return useMutation( async ({ createNamespacePayload, updateRegistriesPayload, namespaceIngressControllerPayload, }: { createNamespacePayload: NamespacePayload; updateRegistriesPayload: UpdateRegistryPayload[]; namespaceIngressControllerPayload: IngressControllerClassMap[]; }) => { const { Name: namespaceName } = createNamespacePayload; const updatedNamespace = await updateNamespace( environmentId, namespaceName, createNamespacePayload ); // collect promises const updateRegistriesPromises = ({ Id, Namespaces }) => updateEnvironmentRegistryAccess(environmentId, Id, { Namespaces, }) ); const updateIngressControllerPromise = updateIngressControllerClassMap( environmentId, namespaceIngressControllerPayload, createNamespacePayload.Name ); const results = await Promise.allSettled([ updateIngressControllerPromise, ...updateRegistriesPromises, ]); // Check for any failures in the additional updates const failures = results.filter((result) => result.status === 'rejected'); failures.forEach((failure) => { notifyError( 'Unable to update namespace', undefined, failure.reason as string ); }); return updatedNamespace; }, { ...withGlobalError('Unable to update namespace'), ...withInvalidate(queryClient, [queryKeys.list(environmentId)]), } ); } // updateNamespace is used to update a namespace using the Portainer backend async function updateNamespace( environmentId: EnvironmentId, namespace: string, payload: NamespacePayload ) { try { const { data: ns } = await axios.put( `kubernetes/${environmentId}/namespaces/${namespace}`, payload ); return ns; } catch (e) { throw parseAxiosError(e as Error, 'Unable to create namespace'); } }