import { useMutation, useQueryClient } from '@tanstack/react-query'; import { HorizontalPodAutoscaler } from 'kubernetes-types/autoscaling/v2'; import { EnvironmentId } from '@/react/portainer/environments/types'; import axios, { parseAxiosError } from '@/portainer/services/axios'; import { getAllSettledItems } from '@/portainer/helpers/promise-utils'; import { withGlobalError } from '@/react-tools/react-query'; import { notifyError, notifySuccess } from '@/portainer/services/notifications'; import { pluralize } from '@/portainer/helpers/strings'; import { parseKubernetesAxiosError } from '../../axiosError'; import { ApplicationRowData } from '../ListView/ApplicationsDatatable/types'; import { Stack } from '../ListView/ApplicationsStacksDatatable/types'; import { deleteServices } from '../../services/service'; import { updateIngress } from '../../ingresses/service'; import { Ingress } from '../../ingresses/types'; import { queryKeys } from './query-keys'; export function useDeleteApplicationsMutation({ environmentId, stacks, ingresses, reportStacks, }: { environmentId: EnvironmentId; stacks: Stack[]; ingresses: Ingress[]; reportStacks?: boolean; }) { const queryClient = useQueryClient(); return useMutation({ mutationFn: (applications: ApplicationRowData[]) => deleteApplications(applications, stacks, ingresses, environmentId), // apps and stacks deletions results (success and error) are handled here onSuccess: ({ settledAppDeletions, settledStackDeletions, settledIngressUpdates, settledHpaDeletions, }) => { // one error notification per rejected item settledAppDeletions.rejectedItems.forEach(({ item, reason }) => { notifyError( `Failed to remove application '${item.Name}'`, new Error(reason) ); }); settledStackDeletions.rejectedItems.forEach(({ item, reason }) => { notifyError(`Failed to remove stack '${item.Name}'`, new Error(reason)); }); settledIngressUpdates.rejectedItems.forEach(({ item, reason }) => { notifyError( `Failed to update ingress paths for '${item.Name}'`, new Error(reason) ); }); settledHpaDeletions.rejectedItems.forEach(({ item, reason }) => { notifyError( `Failed to remove horizontal pod autoscaler for '${item.metadata?.name}'`, new Error(reason) ); }); // one success notification for all fulfilled items if (settledAppDeletions.fulfilledItems.length && !reportStacks) { notifySuccess( `${pluralize( settledAppDeletions.fulfilledItems.length, 'Application' )} successfully removed`, => item.Name).join(', ') ); } if (settledStackDeletions.fulfilledItems.length && reportStacks) { notifySuccess( `${pluralize( settledStackDeletions.fulfilledItems.length, 'Stack' )} successfully removed`, settledStackDeletions.fulfilledItems .map((item) => item.Name) .join(', ') ); } // dont notify successful ingress updates to avoid notification spam queryClient.invalidateQueries(queryKeys.applications(environmentId)); }, // failed service deletions are handled here onError: (error: unknown) => { notifyError('Unable to remove applications', error as Error); }, ...withGlobalError('Unable to remove applications'), }); } async function deleteApplications( applications: ApplicationRowData[], stacks: Stack[], ingresses: Ingress[], environmentId: EnvironmentId ) { const settledAppDeletions = await getAllSettledItems( applications, (application) => deleteApplication(application, stacks, environmentId) ); // Delete stacks that have no applications left (stacks object has been mutated by deleteApplication) const stacksToDelete = stacks.filter( (stack) => stack.Applications.length === 0 ); const settledStackDeletions = await getAllSettledItems( stacksToDelete, (stack) => deleteStack(stack, environmentId) ); // update associated k8s ressources const servicesToDelete = getServicesFromApplications(applications); // axios error handling is done inside deleteServices already await deleteServices({ environmentId, data: servicesToDelete, }); const hpasToDelete = applications .map((app) => app.HorizontalPodAutoscaler) .filter((hpa) => !!hpa); const settledHpaDeletions = await getAllSettledItems(hpasToDelete, (hpa) => deleteHorizontalPodAutoscaler(hpa, environmentId) ); const updatedIngresses = getUpdatedIngressesWithRemovedPaths( ingresses, servicesToDelete ); const settledIngressUpdates = await getAllSettledItems( updatedIngresses, (ingress) => updateIngress(environmentId, ingress) ); return { settledAppDeletions, settledStackDeletions, settledIngressUpdates, settledHpaDeletions, }; } function getServicesFromApplications( applications: ApplicationRowData[] ): Record { return applications.reduce>( (namespaceServicesMap, application) => { const serviceNames = application.Services?.map((service) => service.metadata?.name).filter( (name) => name !== undefined ) || []; const existingServices = namespaceServicesMap[application.ResourcePool] || []; const uniqueServicesForNamespace = Array.from( new Set([...existingServices, ...serviceNames]) ); return { ...namespaceServicesMap, [application.ResourcePool]: uniqueServicesForNamespace, }; }, {} ); } // return a list of ingresses, which need updated because their paths should be removed for deleted services. function getUpdatedIngressesWithRemovedPaths( ingresses: Ingress[], servicesToDelete: Record ) { return ingresses.reduce((updatedIngresses, ingress) => { if (!ingress.Paths) { return updatedIngresses; } const servicesInNamespace = servicesToDelete[ingress.Namespace] || []; // filter out the paths for services that are in the list of services to delete const updatedIngressPaths = ingress.Paths.filter( (path) => !servicesInNamespace.includes(path.ServiceName) ) ?? []; if (updatedIngressPaths.length !== ingress.Paths?.length) { return [...updatedIngresses, { ...ingress, Paths: updatedIngressPaths }]; } return updatedIngresses; }, []); } async function deleteStack(stack: Stack, environmentId: EnvironmentId) { try { await axios.delete(`/stacks/name/${stack.Name}`, { params: { external: false, name: stack.Name, endpointId: environmentId, namespace: stack.ResourcePool, }, }); } catch (error) { throw parseAxiosError(error, 'Unable to remove stack'); } } async function deleteApplication( application: ApplicationRowData, stacks: Stack[], environmentId: EnvironmentId ) { switch (application.ApplicationType) { case 'Deployment': case 'DaemonSet': case 'StatefulSet': await deleteKubernetesApplication(application, stacks, environmentId); break; case 'Pod': await deletePodApplication(application, stacks, environmentId); break; case 'Helm': await uninstallHelmApplication(application, environmentId); break; default: throw new Error( `Unknown application type: ${application.ApplicationType}` ); } } async function deleteKubernetesApplication( application: ApplicationRowData, stacks: Stack[], environmentId: EnvironmentId ) { try { await axios.delete( `/endpoints/${environmentId}/kubernetes/apis/apps/v1/namespaces/${ application.ResourcePool }/${application.ApplicationType.toLowerCase()}s/${application.Name}` ); removeApplicationFromStack(application, stacks); } catch (error) { throw parseKubernetesAxiosError(error, 'Unable to remove application'); } } async function deletePodApplication( application: ApplicationRowData, stacks: Stack[], environmentId: EnvironmentId ) { try { await axios.delete( `/endpoints/${environmentId}/kubernetes/api/v1/namespaces/${application.ResourcePool}/pods/${application.Name}` ); removeApplicationFromStack(application, stacks); } catch (error) { throw parseKubernetesAxiosError(error, 'Unable to remove application'); } } async function uninstallHelmApplication( application: ApplicationRowData, environmentId: EnvironmentId ) { try { await axios.delete( `/endpoints/${environmentId}/kubernetes/helm/${application.Name}`, { params: { namespace: application.ResourcePool } } ); } catch (error) { // parseAxiosError, because it's a regular portainer api error throw parseAxiosError(error, 'Unable to remove application'); } } async function deleteHorizontalPodAutoscaler( hpa: HorizontalPodAutoscaler, environmentId: EnvironmentId ) { try { await axios.delete( `/endpoints/${environmentId}/kubernetes/apis/autoscaling/v2/namespaces/${hpa.metadata?.namespace}/horizontalpodautoscalers/${hpa.metadata?.name}` ); } catch (error) { throw parseKubernetesAxiosError( error, 'Unable to remove horizontal pod autoscaler' ); } } // mutate the stacks array to remove the application function removeApplicationFromStack( application: ApplicationRowData, stacks: Stack[] ) { const stack = stacks.find( (stack) => stack.Name === application.StackName && stack.ResourcePool === application.ResourcePool ); if (stack) { stack.Applications = stack.Applications.filter( (app) => app.Name !== application.Name ); } }